Summer has arrived, it's hot, you want something to drink, but you don't intend to settle for the most classic lemonade. Read the recipe and learn how to prepare it in a refreshing and tasty frozen version.
Ice cubes (about 2 cups)
Powder mix for 500 ml of Lemonade
500 ml of water
Make Frozen Lemonade Step 1
Step 1. Pour the ice cubes into the blender
Make Frozen Lemonade Step 2
Step 2. After partially crushing the ice, make the lemonade by mixing the water and powdered mix
Make Frozen Lemonade Step 3
Step 3. Pour the lemonade into the blender and blend until the ingredients are evenly blended
Make Frozen Lemonade Step 4
Step 4. Taste the lemonade and correct it by adding an extra amount of powder if needed
On hot summer days, a glass of iced lemonade is always welcome. This drink is not only delicious, it is also easy to make. Being that simple, you can make a little tweak and get a carbonated variant. Just add one step to the process. Lemonade can be made in several ways, even using the blender!
The frozen custard is basically a type of ice cream rather rich in fat that can be made with an ice cream maker. Unfortunately, making it by hand is very tiring, as you have to transform the smooth and creamy consistency of the custard into a soft and light mixture.
One of the most traditional activities for kids who want to earn some money in the summer is to sell lemonade on the street. It's a good idea, even if it's going out of style. By following this guide, you will be able to successfully open and manage a stand to sell lemonade on the street!
Frozen fruit is a delicious alternative to snacks. In fact, it can be used to prepare easy and surprisingly tasty snacks, appetizing for both adults and children. In addition to being low in calories, fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and is also great for a refreshing snack in the summer.
The following tips are about how to sell lemonade, a "chore" that many guys do to supplement during the summer. Steps Step 1. Make sure your lemonade is fresh and tastes good Enhance your presentation with wedges in the carafe.