Do you want to be considered a hot girl? Do you want to attract the attention of everyone present when you walk through a door? That's how!
Method 1 of 7: Cultivate self-confidence
Step 1. Be confident
Remember, the first rule of convincing others that you are great is to believe in yourself. And the way to do it quickly and efficiently is through body language. Stand straight, with your chin parallel to the floor and your gaze up. Look every person you meet in the eye for a few seconds and don't look away when talking to someone. Don't walk quickly when entering a place - go slow, socialize with people and smile!
- Speak clearly and at a reasonable volume. Whispering or speaking in a very low voice only conveys your insecurity, so make yourself heard!
- If you tend to be shy, pretend you aren't until your attitude really changes. After some time, self-confidence will naturally become part of your personality.
- Ignore the gossip about you and go on your way as if nothing had happened. Avoid unpleasant discussions; in case someone has a problem with you but you haven't done anything, the matter is of no concern to you.
Step 2. The art of subtle seduction
Flirting doesn't mean being cheeky. If you are able to seduce, you can really attract whoever you want to you (and, perhaps, the other person will not even understand why!):
- Make the person you're interested in noticing you're looking at them. For example, if the guy you like is in class, send him short but intense glances (smiling) to get noticed.
- If you are talking to a person, lower the volume of your voice, as if you are telling a secret. Because? If you speak softly, your interlocutor will be forced to approach you.
- Bump into the person you're interested in "accidentally" or rub them lightly with your hand as you pass. Be careful, you don't have to throw yourself on anyone! During your passage, touch the arm of the other or, if an object has fallen near the person in question, when you bend down to pick it up, touch it gently.
- Know when to back off. If you're sending subtle signals but it doesn't feel like they're working, back off. You can always try again at another time.
Step 3. Give a compliment
The most self-confident people are those who know how to make others feel good without feeling any jealousy. If you want to attract a person's attention, give him a genuine compliment. Think of something you know for sure that makes her proud or that other people have never noticed. The appreciation must be accompanied by a smile and pronounced in a lower tone than the one you usually use.
Method 2 of 7: Take care of the look

Step 1. The importance of good hygiene:
Shower every day and exfoliate your skin once a week. If you don't wash your hair every day, put it in a shower cap before washing. After a shower, cleanse and, when necessary, trim your nails and moisturize your skin, paying particular attention to the legs, knees and elbows
Step 2. Put on the deodorant and perfume or scented water
Step 3. Wash your face and moisturize it twice a day
If you suffer from acne, consult a dermatologist.
Step 4. The skin should be soft and smooth
Spread a lotion, cream, or butter on your hands, arms and legs, especially if you plan on wearing an outfit that will highlight them. Apply lip balm to your lips to keep them from chapping.
Step 5. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day
If you want, also use mouthwash and apply whitening strips. Thus, you will have healthy-looking teeth and fresh breath.
Step 6. Always wear clean clothes
You can wear a pair of pants or a skirt two or three times in a row but other items of clothing and underwear need to be changed every day.
Step 7. Hair removal is hygienic and aesthetically pleasing
Remove hair from:
- Legs, especially if you are wearing a skirt or shorts
- Armpits; hair removal in this area will also allow you to prevent bad smells caused by sweat;
- Bikini area; in reality, depilating this area is a personal choice but, if you have to wear a bathing suit, you should do it;
- Eyebrows; you can shave them with tweezers or by waxing, especially to remove the hairs that grow above the nose. You could also create the shape you want by removing the hairs that are below their natural arch;
- "Baffetti"; some girls have light hairs on the upper lip area that are barely noticeable; However, if the hair is dark, you may want to remove it with wax or a depilatory cream.
Method 3 of 7: Hair to stroke
Step 1. Wash them 3-6 times a week
In any case, the frequency of washing depends on your hair type. However, as soon as your hair gets greasy or dirty, shampoo it. Some advice:
- Rinse the shampoo off with warm water or, if you can resist, with cold water (this will give your hair shine). After washing, apply the conditioner only on the tips and never on the roots! Use products that suit your hair.
- Trim them every 2-3 months, especially to get rid of split ends.
- If you have frizzy hair, use a special conditioner and spray on an anti-frizz spray.
- If you can't wait for long hair, try extensions. If you do not trust hairdressers or find the application made in salons too expensive, you will find excellent clip-on extensions on the internet.
- Brush and style your hair but do not exceed with the use of the straightener or curling iron: the heat ruins the hair. If you just can't live without these tools, apply a heat protector.
- For wavy hair, spray a special mousse after washing or use foldable curlers. Try out different types of styling to figure out which one works best for you.
- Apply a mask once every two weeks; put a little more on the tips and leave it to act for a few hours. Wrap your hair in cling film to create a warm microclimate: the product's assets will penetrate better.
Method 4 of 7: Perfect skin
Step 1. Each skin type has its own needs
Do you have oily, dry, normal, sensitive or acne-prone skin? Experiment with various types of products to find the perfect ones for you.
- Dry skin. If the skin tends to flake, exfoliate it. Moisten a sponge and apply a little detergent; wipe it all over your face and rinse. Apply toner and a good moisturizer.
- Oily skin. Your products must be strictly oil-free. Wash your face twice a day and regularly apply a clay mask to control oiliness. Use light creams and avoid touching your face, otherwise you will carry the sebum everywhere and irritate it.
- Acne-prone skin. If you don't want to follow any specific treatments, wash your face with warm water twice a day. Change your pillow case often. Never touch your face and always take off your make-up. Either way, you should consult a dermatologist.
- Normal skin. Wash your face twice a day and apply the moisturizer.
Method 5 of 7: Enhance yourself with makeup
Step 1. The makeup is used to highlight the most beautiful parts of your face and to hide any flaws:
Choose a foundation shade that suits your complexion. Ask for samples at the perfumery and try them in natural light; apply the foundation at the base of the neck: if it blends with your complexion and becomes invisible, then it is perfect; if it creates color breaks, opt for another tone
Step 2. Buy eye shadows that suit your colors and an eyeliner, to be applied to the upper lashline and, for a more dramatic look, also to the lower lashline
Complete the look with mascara.
- Apply a blush that gives a fresh look to the complexion. Do not exceed: the result must be similar to that obtained after a jog in the open air; you don't have to look like Heidi!
- Apply a little bronzer to create a "sun-kissed" look or to contour.
- Apply a lip balm or gloss. If you put on a lipstick, create a glossy final effect by applying a touch of gloss.
- If you don't know how to wear makeup, you could ask for advice from Sephora or in a perfumery. On YouTube, you will find numerous makeup tutorials.
Method 6 of 7: Body care

Step 1. Keep fit
Opt for a workout that allows you to tone your muscles and feel good:
Step 2. Try to have a positive image of your body
Being fit doesn't mean being anorexic, in fact, overly thin girls are less attractive. And remember that celebrity photos are often retouched with Photoshop.
Step 3. Eat healthy
Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet.
Step 4. Train consistently
If you hate the gym, do yoga two or three times a week.
Step 5. Hydrate
Drink at least two liters of water a day to prevent water retention and improve skin condition.
Method 7 of 7: Dress well

Step 1. Buy clothes that fit you perfectly
An outfit should mask the flaws and highlight the strengths:
Step 2. Don't buy clothes that are too tight or too loose
If you think nothing looks good on you, have your clothing altered by a tailor.
Step 3. Use light colors to highlight and dark colors to hide
Do you love your bust but don't like your hips and legs? Wear dark skirts and pants and light shirts (do the opposite if you have the opposite problem).
Step 4. Get rid of broken or too old clothes or wear them to stay indoors
Step 5. Be trendy, but sensibly
Don't buy clothes that don't fit you just because magazines say they're must-haves. Evaluate the trends and choose the one that's right for you.
In case your parents don't want to buy you new clothes, save some money and shop during the sales
Step 6. Buy accessories and use them in rotation
In winter, wear colorful scarves. Buy some hair accessories to get noticed!
- During the day, make up with neutral colors, such as beige or brown; in the evening, on the other hand, dares with the brightest colors or creates a smoky eye make-up.
- Your appearance should be fresh and clean.
- Always keep your complexion in mind when shopping. A color that drives you crazy won't necessarily look good on you.
- Many guys find girls who go overboard with makeup unattractive. Cover imperfections and highlight your strengths, but without excess.
- Be humble but, at the same time, accept compliments. If you keep telling yourself and others that you are ugly when, in fact, you are not, people will think that you are desperate for attention. Furthermore, if every time they give you a compliment you react by saying that your interlocutor is wrong, the other person will get tired of saying nice things to you. In short, be modest but sure of yourself.
- Don't get obsessed with the fixation of wanting to be like someone else.
- Always be subtle when flirting.
- Being hot doesn't just come from the outward appearance. As trivial as it may seem, don't forget that beauty is also internal. She is a beautiful but empty girl in the long run tired.