You will likely feel something inside you telling you that Hollywood is your destination. You let this feeling subside for a while, but it got stronger. But how to make this dream come true? Well, it will come true, even if it can take years. So, are you ready to take flight?
Part 1 of 3: Building Your Career

Step 1. Get rid of current work
If you have an alternative, you will need to take advantage of it instantly. And what will happen to your tedious data entry job? Don't fall in love with it. Don't spend your whole life typing on the computer, spending 60 hours a week entering numbers and running out of energy until you shut down, but stick to what you really want to accomplish. It's your only choice, otherwise you risk going back.
There is a Hollywood-related phrase: "If you can do anything else, do it." Those who have known success in Hollywood cannot see themselves in other contexts. Therefore, it must represent the future for you. No other solution is possible

Step 2. Take a lesson
If you want to act, write, sing, produce films or dance, take a lesson. True talent is important, but you need to perfect your skills. You have to meet people with whom to share the same way of thinking. You have to learn from others and bring challenges with related deadlines. You need to find out if it's something you're actually cut out for and, if anything, take advantage of it.
Take a look at the courses made available by faculties and schools for artistic training. You can also consider taking a course taught at specialized centers or online. If money is an issue, learn on your own

Step 3. Enter on the Internet
Leverage current technology to stand out. Whether it's a film you wrote, directed and shot or a video of your choreography, publish it and show it to the world. You never know: you may be discovered by someone.
Do you need proof that the internet is all you need? Talk to Kate Upton, Justin Bieber, Bo Burnham, Kim Kardashian or Carly Rae Jepsen. They have all been discovered on the Internet, and these are just the names of people who can be counted on to help

Step 4. Try to gain experience
Do you have a friend taking an acting class who needs to produce a video for an audition? Offer to film it. Is there a school in your city that needs a choreographer to put on a musical? Don't hesitate to propose. No matter how unimportant the opportunity seems: if it relates to what you want to do, grab it and don't let it slip away. It is a step in the right direction.
There is only one thing to consider: don't get stuck. There is a subtle difference between making your career elsewhere and taking root. Give yourself a deadline: plan to carry out your collaborations within a year or so and then cut the rope heading West. It is only a stage, not your final destination

Step 5. Stay on the lookout for opportunities
If you wish to get away from your reality, but spend the weekend drinking and in your pajamas, things will most likely go well. Those who are successful are constantly busy and looking for the slightest opportunity to do what they love. Spend your free time checking Wanted ads (for example, on Craigslist), meeting people who may need your services, and getting your name out there. Opportunities will not be long in coming.
Be as dynamic as you can. In theory, it wouldn't hurt to stay active and busy, because you have the opportunity to meet tons of people. Don't underestimate that, if and when they are successful, they could reach out to you and make you millions just by sleeping
Part 2 of 3: Getting started in Hollywood

Step 1. Move to Hollywood
If you want to be successful in this city, then you need to move. Sooner or later you will have to take flight. It's expensive and it's not all as glamorous as it's portrayed, so make sure you go with a healthy dose of realism. However, you have to take this step: what better time than now to grit your teeth? You will also feel that your dream is coming true.
Of course, "Hollywood" doesn't necessarily mean Hollywood. It can be Culver City, Glendale, Los Angeles, Lennox, Inglewood, Hawthorne and other places. California is one of the most expensive places in the world to live, so it will probably be cheaper to live in a smaller neighborhood than in real Hollywood

Step 2. Accept whatever job you can find
If you get the chance to work in the mail service at a talent agency, movie set, or production company, grab it. If you have to practically scrape the bathroom floor, don't hesitate. To begin with, you need a job. In addition, you will get to know people and get an idea of the environment. Everyone starts somewhere, and the bills don't pay themselves.
Harrison Ford was a carpenter on the set of Star Wars when George Lucas noticed him for the role of Han Solo. It probably won't be that simple in your case, but it's a step in the right direction

Step 3. If you are looking to become an actor, get an agent
It's the right choice if you want to be taken seriously and have less responsibility. It will keep you informed of auditions and auditions, circulating your name - you just have to work hard to stand out and impress.
- A good agent is free. Never pay an agent before you get a job - they should just take a percentage of the salaries they get you.
- The path to an agent is something of a chain reaction - he has to notice you first. So, take whatever gig you can get and make a video. You can start creating a demo reel to present to the agents you want. Apart from that, all you can do is rely on word of mouth and network of your contacts.

Step 4. Build and expand your network of contacts
There is a party on Friday night that will presumably move from one place to another (the so-called party-hopping), but you only know a couple of people at most who will be taking part, and have you found all this information via Facebook? Go anyway. There will be drinks and fun, and after a while no one will remember that you are a stranger. You will be able to meet people, listen to their interests and get some phone numbers to call later. The more people you know, the more likely you are to be reported and introduced to others.
If you intend to act, this attitude could also help you get an agent. After a couple of beers, low-cost sitcom star Bobby What's your name will give you his agent's business card, saying he'll give you a tip. Every little aspect has its importance and, if you have to take care of your circle of acquaintances to move forward, do not back down

Step 5. Get used to the waste
You will receive numerous "no". You will practically be swimming in a "sea of waste". Even the most famous of characters are said to have encountered difficulties at some point. To persevere and survive in this competitive world, you need to be tough and believe in yourself. After all, you went out of your way to make it happen, right?
Seldom is the path to a star life as glamorous as we think. It is very likely that you will run out of money, hate the work you do during the day and see only the smallest wins. But it doesn't matter! It's hard work, but you have to believe it will pay off in the end
Part 3 of 3: Becoming a Celebrity

Step 1. Support other people's dreams
How many people can you name who have been successful and achieved it along with their friends? Ben Affleck and Matt Damon? Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau? Often, when they are in trouble, actors, writers, producers join forces together and, without realizing it, lead someone else to fame. You will probably know dozens of people who are in the same boat as you. Instead of hoping they will fail, consider their partnership a gold mine - they could be your winning ticket.
Don't forget who helped you, if and when you hit the mark. Remember that she supported your dreams, so it's up to you to support hers, even if you've already achieved fame and success. Hollywood is a surprisingly close-knit circuit, so it would be wise to aim to enjoy the esteem of those who are part of it

Step 2. Be more than confident
You know the sea of "no" in which you are drowning? You can also act like it isn't there. If you do, you will feel freer, otherwise rationality and a sense of inadequacy will take over, which will lead you to abandon the path in which you have worked so hard. You have to believe that you are a fantastic artist and that no one else has understood it yet. This is all you need to think.
Those who want to be successful in Hollywood might be seen as a bit of a nutshell by those who have never tried. Day after day you will feel like you are living a difficult life, until you begin to realize the results achieved: you have an agent, you audition, you get a small part in an advertisement and all this allows you to move forward. It won't be much, but it's definitely a sign. Let these little things keep you afloat

Step 3. Be patient
"Rome was not built in a day" and neither will your career be. Often, this kind of challenge takes years. Few are the souls that move to Hollywood and immediately reach a sensational success. It's like in any other career: climbing a ladder. If you put all your effort into it, you will be able to climb to the top.
Do not give up. You will have moments when you will think about how good you were in your old accounting job or how easy it would be if you moved house, moving in with your parents. They are just fleeting temptations that will disappear. Be patient and determined, otherwise you will be left wondering "what if …" for the rest of your life

Step 4. Get busy
When you finally start getting your first gigs, work hard. You spend hours perfecting what you write. Drink six cups of coffee if they help you stay awake to get your work done. Stick to your computer as if it were your Siamese twin and never leave it even to eat and sleep. Each gig where you give your all will show you another one around the corner.
True, there will be extraordinary moments when you can walk a "red carpet", but after all, it's also a job - especially when you're just starting out. You have to accept the positives and negatives. By putting in all your efforts, you will more easily realize how much you have earned

Step 5. Don't listen to anyone
You will meet people who will tell you that you are not worth much, even when you are at your peak. You will have to deal with people who will tell you that you have to do it a certain way, that you have to aspire to have a certain style and that you have to pass all the tests that they too have faced. But the truth is, they are all wrong. There is no recipe for success, other than to persevere. Do not listen to anyone, especially those who have a pessimistic attitude towards you. It will only demoralize or exploit you. It doesn't deserve a second of your time.
There will never be a time when everyone will support what you do. We all have different tastes, and that's not a bad thing, because it makes the world varied. Therefore, even when you are at your peak, ignore the people who are rowing against you. In fact, they don't matter at all. You will have your success and your happiness, so don't give a damn
- Hold on to your dreams and don't give up. Things will work out!
- Be sure that you do things for passion and that you really want to pursue this career.