A standard methodology to support low-performing employees is to draw up a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP, acronym for "Performance Improvement Plan"). Having a written record of how the worker is expected to improve their weaknesses will protect both the employee and the employer and avoid misunderstandings about expectations. The purpose of a Performance Improvement Plan is to help the employee face and solve the problems he encounters in his work. Develop a Performance Improvement Plan, before taking other disciplinary measures, in order to make the employee an active part of his improvement process.

Step 1. Define your performance issues
Write down your problems. Specify if the employee has gaps in the area of particular work knowledge, or if he has behavioral problems that need to be addressed. Specifically describe any incident or problem that was caused by a lack of knowledge or a behavioral problem.

Step 2. Set expectations
Define areas of performance or behavior that need to be improved. Make a list of the changes or knowledge required for the employee. Clearly write the expected end result.

Step 3. Establish the time frame
The Performance Improvement Plan must include deadlines and a priority plan. Identify the time period in which actions need to be taken and changes made. Communicate how you intend to enforce these deadlines and the consequences if you fail to achieve your goals within the set time frame.

Step 4. Develop an action plan that includes the objectives
Assign specific tasks to both the supervisor and the employee in order to achieve the improvements defined in expectations. Ask the employee's opinion on the feasibility and correctness of the objectives. Make sure that the employee has the tools necessary to achieve results, including the support of other colleagues and the supervisor.

Step 5. Establish an evaluation method
Include in the plan the methods for evaluating the employee and the frequency of checks. Schedule periodic meetings or conferences to review the achievements and challenging points of the employee's job.

Step 6. Review the Performance Improvement Plan with the employee
Make sure that the employee understands all the elements of the plan, and is prepared to accept the consequences of failing to achieve the objectives. Have both the employee and the supervisor sign the plan for acceptance.
- Remember to involve a labor consultant or human resources expert when taking disciplinary action or corrective action against a worker. Labor protection laws differ from country to country and change frequently.
- Performance deficiencies can often be caused by communication problems rather than knowledge or behavioral problems. Make sure the supervisor and worker meet regularly to establish requirements and deadlines for work activities.