For a profitable fishing trip it is essential to choose the right time. Even if you've found the perfect spot and have all the right equipment, you won't fish if you go there at the wrong times. There are many factors to consider when deciding to brush up on your rod and reel.
Method 1 of 3: Consider the Now

Step 1. Evaluate the time of day
Fish are cold-blooded animals, so their activities are determined by the temperature of the water they live in. They are inactive when it is cold, but when it is very hot they retreat to deeper waters to stay cool. Since these animals eat insects or small fish that feed on insects, they are obviously more active when their prey is. When the air gets warm and filled with mosquitoes, fishing should be guaranteed.

Step 2. Consider the season
Like all animals, fish increase in number at particular times of the year. This obviously varies based on the region you live in and the type of fish you hope to catch, but there are some general guidelines you should remember.
- Spring: Fish bite and spit the bait during this season. You will have better luck in late spring and in the second half of the day when temperatures are higher. Fish don't eat much in spring mornings because there aren't many insects yet; for this reason you will have more chances in the evening hours, during the "dinner" of these animals. Winds push warmer, more food-rich surface waters towards the coast at this time of year, so you should choose this area to throw the hook.
- Summer: This is a great fishing season as long as you avoid the hottest hours of the day. Fish bite the most before sunrise and just after sunset when there is plenty of food. At noon, when the sun is at its zenith, the fish retreat to deeper and colder waters.
- Autumn: This is a season that offers mixed results, but when you manage to fish, the catches are very good indeed. Fish generally do not bite in the morning and early afternoon. Towards the end of the day, however, the water has warmed up thanks to the hours of sunshine and the animals are led to eat with greater frenzy than usual, due to the approaching cold season and the consequent scarcity of insects. Sunset is another good time to fish.
- Winter: For obvious reasons, this is the worst season to fish. Unless you are an ice fishing enthusiast, which is a completely different technique, you should leave your gear at rest during this time.

Step 3. Evaluate the tides
It is best to fish as they go up or down because they cause mass movement of prey and fish living near the coast have the opportunity to eat a lot. When there is high or low tide it is more difficult to fish, because there is less water movement.
- To find the times of high and low tide in your area, just type in Google the words "tide table" followed by the name of your location.
- If you fish at high tide, go to areas with shallow water.
- If you have decided to fish at low tide, look for submerged sandbanks near bog zones (a point of depression in the bottom).
Method 2 of 3: Consider the Weather Conditions

Step 1. Look at the hot and cold fronts
Since fish are cold-blooded living beings, their actions are greatly affected by the temperature of the water. This means that their behavior is quite different before and after the cold and hot fronts.
- Many fish eat more in the hours leading up to a cold front and slow down soon thereafter. For this reason, scheduling a fishing trip after a drop in temperatures is never a good idea.
- The hot air fronts heat the surface of the water increasing the amount of food available to the fish. This behavior is particularly evident in cold climates, when the fish usually do not eat much, while it is less frequent in summer, when temperatures are already high.

Step 2. Observe the course of the winds
These push the surface of the water towards the shore and with it the smaller fish that are prey to the large ones. Consequently, windy days are great for fishing.
- If you are fishing from shore on such a day, cast in the direction of the wind; the bait will move in the same direction as the rest of the prey and you will have a better chance of attracting the big fish.
- If you are fishing from a boat, launch towards the shore respecting the direction of the wind.

Step 3. Check the clouds
Cloudy days make the fish more daring. In fact, animals tend to swim at a greater distance from their burrows when the day is not very bright. All of this works in your favor.

Step 4. Evaluate the rain
This could be an ally or an enemy, depending on the intensity of the rainfall. A light drizzle can help you, especially in the warm months, because it barely moves the surface of the water and the fish cannot see you. In addition, it pushes many insects into the body of water creating the ideal conditions for the animals to feed. The heavy rains instead mix the seabed leaving the water muddy and preventing the fish from hunting, breathing and swimming properly. Fish don't like to come out of their burrow on a rainy day, just like you don't; all in all it is a positive thing, because the adverse weather conditions make fishing even dangerous.
Method 3 of 3: Consider Many Other Factors

Step 1. Watch out for insects
The activity level of fish and their propensity to bite are obviously directly related to those of insects. Small fish eat insects and big fish eat small ones. For this reason, the presence of a cloud of flies or mosquitoes creates excellent fishing conditions; however, remember to wear plenty of repellent.

Step 2. Take advantage of the lunar cycles
The moon controls the tides, which in turn play a vital role in determining optimal fishing conditions. It is quite easy to keep track of tide trends by simple observation, but monitoring the phases of the moon is more effective. When the moon is full and closer to earth, fishing trips are more profitable. There are many sites online that have lunar calendars specifically designed to help you find the best times to fish.

Step 3. Know your prey
Different types of fish prefer different water temperatures, times of the day and foods. If you are looking to catch specific breeds, do some research. If you want to catch some catfish, no matter when you plan your fishing trip, know that you will never catch anything unless you stray out of the shallow water.

Step 4. Go fishing when you have time
It's always a good thing to know the right time to go fishing and catch fish, but the reality is that a lot of people do it when they have the time. You can enjoy a nice afternoon of fishing with a few beers and a friend without catching absolutely anything. For this reason, don't get stuck with constant speculation about the right time, otherwise you will forget to have fun.