Hamsters are nice pets but are sometimes mischievous, fearful, boring, etc. This article will tell you how to train them to become the best pet in existence!

Step 1. When you bring your hamster home, leave it alone for 2 to 4 days so it can get used to its new habitat
This will make him realize that you don't want to push him to do something he doesn't want. Also, make sure his food bowl is full when you put him in the cage. Do not leave him in the wheel (if you have one) for too long, otherwise he could do his business there and it would not be pleasant!

Step 2. Get used to the sound of your voice by reading him a book or singing him a song
This will put him at ease and give him confidence whenever he hears your voice.

Step 3. Place a sunflower flower or hamster food on your hand and slowly put it inside the cage
Wait patiently until the hamster climbs onto your hand and grabs the food, and do this for about an hour. Your hamster, however, may bite your finger. When it goes over the hand and takes the food, take it and gently take it out of the cage and stroke it. This will teach him that you love him and that he can trust you. It may be that from this moment, at times, it gets on your hand and waits for you to take it.

Step 4. Teach him some words
This will not only serve to forge the bond between the two of you, it will also make your hamster respond better to you.
It simply starts with "standing". Place some food on top of its head and wait for it to stand up on two legs. Say "stand up" over and over again. It will stand up on two legs and take food. After a while, when you say "stand up", it will stand up. Don't forget to give him a reward

Step 5. You can do the same thing with other words like "paw":
put the food in front of him so that he moves his paw to catch it.

Step 6. To "turn around" or "turn your back", place the food on its back so that it has to turn to get it
Then do the same thing as "standing". Repeat this several times. Don't use foods until the hamster responds to you. You now have a trained hamster.

Step 7. Train him about what he must and must not do
If he chews something he shouldn't chew, tell him firmly "No". When your hamster does what you tell him, give him a reward! But don't give it to them all the time, because too many rewards are bad for you.

Step 8. If you want to be a good host, take a box that is slightly larger than a small piece of paper and fill it with sand
Put something close so that he can get into it. Now your hamster can dig in the sand.

Step 9. Teach him how to jump
Put some food on top of him and raise it when he gets up to get it. Do as before for "stand up", but say "jump" in his place, over and over again.

Step 10. Try giving the hamster a carrot
Most hamsters love carrots. Don't give it too often, just give it once in a while. Your hamster will appreciate it! Hamsters also like Kellogg's, but don't give them the honey ones. Sugar is not good for hamsters.

Step 11. Teach him to climb onto your shoulders
Put it on your shoulder and make him feel comfortable. Do it for a few days. Then put some food under your shirt and hold out your hand. It will climb onto your shoulder looking for food. It may happen that it spontaneously climbs up onto your shoulder from now on even if you don't have any hidden food. * REMEMBER * - don't put the hamster on your back if he doesn't like it!

Step 12. If your hamster is always angry and tries to bite you or doesn't want to cooperate, try using a wheel or something interesting for him
Have him play until he's happy and then pick him up.
Step 13. If you have more than one hamster, separate them as you train one and then see if the second has understood what you taught the first while watching you
- Use your hamster's name when addressing him.
- Spend time with him every day.
- Never put a hamster upside down.
- Take care of your hamster. Give him lots of affection and he will be happy.
- Always give him rewards! Hamsters are happy when you give them sunflower seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables as rewards for being good.
- Love your hamster, don't be afraid of it.
- Vary the food you feed your hamster and the amount - to keep them interested!
- Make sure the cage is at least 900 square centimeters. A smaller cage can cause your hamster to become aggressive and frantically gnaw the cage out of boredom.
- If you have other pets in the house, be careful when the hamster is out of the cage. Many cats have an instinct to kill rodents, and terrier dogs have been bred to hunt rats.
- Give your hamster time to rest after you play together.
- Don't pester your hamster all the time! Hamsters are creatures that stay up a lot at night and will bite you if you want to play with them continuously during the day.
- Maintain the same tone of voice as you train your hamster.
- When you get the hamster, sit on the ground. He may jump and, if you are standing, he may get hurt.
- Let your hamster walk on you and your clothes to get used to your scent.
- Be consistent with your training.
- Change your food and water every day.
- Hamsters base part of their memory and trust on smell; so if you want, you can put a piece of your used dress in the cage so that they get used to yours.
- Do not stroke the hamster or try to catch him when he is eating, when he is bathing, when he is sleeping, etc. because he could get angry and he could bite you.
- Always take care of them when they are small as they are fast and may fall out of your hands.
- Be good and kind to your hamster
- Make sure the hamster has a small house to hide.
- Caress him and stay with him at least once or twice a day for 5 minutes or more so he will get used to you.
- If you don't have a house for the hamster to hide, you can build one out of jenga pieces or something similar that you'll stick together. Your hamster will love it!
- Always use the same commands, so that the hamster can respond better to you.
- Try to use the hamster wheel 3 times a week minimum, but no more than 30 minutes at a time.
- Do not leave anyone else with your hamster while you are training him and he will not have full confidence in you. Don't worry, he'll make a lot of friends later, but for now, don't confuse him! Get him used to you first.
- Watch out for green vegetables - if you give them too many it could cause diarrhea.
- Do not scream, play music too loud or put it near the TV as hamsters are sensitive to loud sounds and may even become deaf.
- Be patient. Hamsters are loving animals and they try to listen to you, but yelling at them won't help - it will only make them more nervous.
- Hamsters are sensitive to strong odors.
- Leave the hamster alone on the first day. It will be difficult for him to get used to the new home and you will not be able to train him.
Hamsters can bite hard.
Get ready, blood may come out of your fingers.
- Don't leave your hamster around the house. He could get lost and chew on cables, wires, books and other objects that could be fatal.
- Do not let inexperienced children play with the hamster as it may harm them.