Have you fallen in love with an already engaged guy? You just can't get him out of your head and you absolutely want to be with him? If you are convinced that you are made for each other, there are several strategies you can use to try to conquer him.
Part 1 of 2: Getting to know him

Step 1. Become her friend
The first thing to do to try to win this guy is to establish contact with him. Ask him to help you with homework or a project, advice on something or a loaner. In short, come up with a valid excuse to establish a first contact. Whatever the reason, approach him and talk to him.
- Use this initial interaction to get to know him better and become friends with him. Do you go to school together? Do you work in the same office? Find an excuse to talk to him, ask him questions and get to know him.
- When you ask him for a favor, make sure he can actually help you out; however, you shouldn't put him in a position to try too hard to do it either. If it were a big inconvenience to him, he might say no.

Step 2. Listen to it
As you get to know him, let him speak. Generally, girls are great at dominating a conversation, so instead of acting like this, allow them to talk about themselves. Show him that you really enjoy listening to him. For now, establish and cultivate the Platonic aspects of the relationship.
- Ask him personal questions. This step serves two purposes: you get to know more about him and, at the same time, focus all attention on him.
- Listening to him carefully, you feed his ego, because in fact you put him at the center of attention. That way, she can start to want to hang out with you.

Step 3. Support him emotionally
If you become good friends, try to be there for him. This means listening to him and being empathetic when he gets a bad grade on a test in class, gets a bad rating at work, or has a bad day. You need to be ready to listen to him and let him talk about his problems, especially the sentimental ones.
Make it clear that you are willing to listen to him whenever he needs it. Show him that you are trustworthy, someone you can rely on

Step 4. Have serious conversations with him
As you nurture your friendship, move from frivolous conversations to more important topics. Show him that you are intelligent when you initiate this conversation. Men are attracted to educated women who have something meaningful to say.
- Try talking about books. It's a good, neutral tactic for deepening conversations. Movies, TV series and music are other great topics to break the ice.
- Talk about current events. Politics and religion can be sensitive topics, but the news and information read online can give you many conversation points that would allow you to show off your intelligence.
- If you are interested in history, strike up a conversation by telling him about a book on the Middle Ages you recently read. If you're into science, tell him about a shark documentary you saw the night before.

Step 5. Send him messages
If it gets to the point of exchanging phone numbers, use texting as a flirting tool. Send funny messages about what's happening to you, complain about homework or work, comment on the last movie you saw. Using text messages to tell him about your funniest life experiences allows him to understand that you are interesting.
This is a good strategy to start gauging the interest he has in you. Do you respond to messages? Does he ignore them? If it does, you may not stand a chance

Step 6. Get to know his friends
One way to get close to the guy you like and start getting his attention is by making friends with his company. Try to make your group like you. Flirt with his friends when you're sure he sees you. You need to make a good impression on his friends, so that they talk positively about you if they mention you or meet you by chance.
- Don't be overly flirtatious with her friends. You certainly don't want to make him think you care. Create a light and fun vibe when you flirt with them.
- Men are naturally competitive, and always aspire to be alpha males. If you are accepted by his company, it will please him, because the liking of his friends is a guarantee. However, you also run the risk of making him jealous, which could lead him to try everything to steal your attention from the group.

Step 7. Arrange an appointment with him
Spend time with her away from work, school, and other people. You might see each other for a game or a movie. Try suggesting that they go for a coffee after school or eat together at lunchtime. You can also propose a study appointment at the library or at home. The important thing is to see you and spend some time alone.

Step 8. Wait and see what happens
If you don't feel like intentionally destroying the relationship between this guy and his girlfriend, then remain his friend. Cultivate the relationship, get to know him and appreciate his company. That way, he'll still consider you nice, so if he ever breaks up with his girlfriend, you'll be in the right position to get him.
- Just remember one thing: if you don't want to go beyond just friendship, you need to actually act accordingly. Don't pretend to be friends with him and then try to get him to leave his girlfriend anyway. Be honest with him.
- If you're going to be just a friend, then don't wait forever. Get to know other people, find other guys you might like, and hang out with them. You certainly don't want to act pathetically waiting for him and sighing for him.
Part 2 of 2: Attract him

Step 1. Dress to impress
When you know you're going to meet him, put on your best outfits. Wear the clothes that most flatter you and make you feel sexy. It will begin to see you in a different light.
Wearing your best clothes doesn't mean putting on skimpy tops and crotch skirts. For example, you could wear a nice pair of skinny jeans, boots, and a t-shirt. Try pairing leggings, an oversized sweater and scarf, or a cute sundress and a pair of sandals. Not only do you have to look great to impress him, you also need to feel perfectly comfortable

Step 2. Enhance your natural beauty, but don't try to overdo it to attract the guy you like
You don't have to wear excessive makeup or dress like you're going to a formal event or nightclub. Use your soap and water beauty to conquer it. A subtle look is more effective than a flashy one.
- Cut your hair or try a new hairstyle. Start wearing makeup. Make a face mask, paint your nails, do a pedicure, or wax your brows.
- She won't realize you've cut your hair or applied a new shade of lip gloss, but she'll notice something different and nice. This will help you get his attention, even if he's not sure what exactly changed.

Step 3. Be confident
This is one of the most important tips for attracting a guy. Sensuality is not necessarily expressed by clothing or beauty. Self-esteem is sexy and attractive. Whenever you are with him, wear clothes that make you feel great, so you will exude confidence. If you believe in yourself, you will look sensual - this feature is more effective than a tight outfit or a perfect hairstyle.
- Believing in yourself when you are with him and his girlfriend is especially important. Don't let their relationship undermine your confidence. Instead, keep your head up and show him what he's missing. If his girlfriend notices you staring at him, it could cause some trouble between them, which will work in your favor.
- Don't be the classic girl who stands still, in an eternal wait full of sighs. You are a wonderful person, with a full life, friends, family, interests and other passions. Being yourself is sexy, and it allows you to strengthen your self-esteem. Also, remembering that both you and your life are great will help you be desirable.

Step 4. Attract her gaze
One of the most useful tactics to let him know that you feel attracted to him is to let him catch you red-handed while you stare. Don't sound intrusive or creepy, be shy. Smile at him shyly, then immediately look away. This allows him to notice you. If you want me to start thinking about you, there is no better way.
- After doing this for a few days, stop. You have to keep playing dodging and unattainable. Let him miss your looks and your smiles.
- Find excuses to approach his desk or desk. Think of a reason to call him. Use these tactics sparingly. You need to stimulate his attention and then pull back. You don't have to be overly available. You have to tease him and then get him to look for you more and more.

Step 5. Become the girl of his dreams
If you are friends, try to find out what you are looking for in a woman. Above all, you need to understand what he hates about the opposite sex, especially his girlfriend. If he said he hates a certain characteristic, do the opposite, whatever it is. You need to be able to attract him by sharing interests and embodying the qualities he wants in a girlfriend.
- Do you think she is obsessed with shopping? Tell him you hate shopping. She doesn't let him quietly watch football matches and he doesn't understand why? Invite him to go to a game together. Do you think she takes herself too seriously? Play childish jokes, but don't overdo it, and get him involved.
- You don't have to change too much, because deep down you should still like him for who you are. If he is going to leave his girlfriend for you, he should do it for a good reason, not because he is attracted to a studied personality.

Step 6. Tap it
Take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves to touch it in a discreet and superficial way. You don't have to be too intrusive, the physical contact should be shy and light. Behave flirtatiously. Your gestures should be simple and not cross any personal boundaries.
- When he makes a joke, gently touch his arm or leg as you laugh. Touch his shoulder or back when you greet him.
- Try to touch him in a way that arouses a certain protective instinct in him. For example, lean against him as you adjust your shoe strap.

Step 7. Find another guy
Don't ignore the other guys as you try to win the man of your dreams. Hanging out with others shows him that you are considered attractive and desirable by guys. Once he starts seeing you in a different light, he'll get jealous.
- Make sure she knows you're dating another guy. Name him when you are with him. Take it with you when you go out in a group, so that it sees you together.
- Don't overdo the displays of affection. Make sure you show your interest in the guy you date, but don't be overly sensual or affectionate. You have to make the guy you want to get jealous, not discourage him or make him run away.
- Dating other guys also gives you the opportunity to meet new people. One of these men might be even better than the guy you're trying to get. And there's more: he's single and he's already interested in you, so you won't have to try too hard.

Step 8. Give him time to break up with his girlfriend
Give them space to understand their feelings, clear their minds, and make important decisions. Leaving his girlfriend would be a huge change for him. Don't force him to rush, don't push him and let everything evolve according to his needs. If he has feelings for you, give him plenty of time to put an end to his relationship. Should you be persistent or clingy, you could sabotage everything and be left with a fistful of flies in your hand.
Don't give in until he's broken up with his girlfriend. If he keeps telling you he's going to do it soon, but then doesn't act on time, he's kidding you
- Make sure this guy isn't using you to make his girlfriend jealous. Maybe he feels that his relationship isn't working out and wants to lift it up by causing jealousy in his girlfriend.
- Never tell the four winds that you like it. This could be quite counterproductive.
- Don't go for it.
- As you try to win him over, try to look for signs to see if he really likes you.
- If you try to get his attention, but he doesn't seem interested, it is possible that he is truly happy with his relationship with his girlfriend. Give up and turn the page.
- If he likes you, your eyes will meet all the time. If he looks at you often, it could be a good indicator of how he feels about you.
- Always remember that he has a girlfriend. So, make sure you don't sabotage her relationship just because you want your own!
- Ask yourself if you feel like breaking up from a happy relationship. Then, think about the other girl: how would you feel if someone tried to steal your boyfriend? If none of these bother you, then proceed - always with caution.
- Even if she manages to get him away from his girlfriend, he may still continue to have feelings for her. Remember, your relationship may be short-lived because she may only be using you to make her jealous.
- Remember one thing: if a guy is willing to leave his girlfriend to be with you, in the future he will absolutely be able to abandon you to choose another girl interested in him. It's not worth being with such a fickle man.
- If you are friends, or even best friends, this could ruin your relationship. Be careful!
- If he loves his girlfriend, these tips won't work. In order for you to build a romantic relationship, there must be a certain attraction between you in the first place.
- Don't think that wearing skimpy clothes and flirting is enough to try to win him over and make him think you are sexy, because otherwise you will have a bad relationship. If you throw yourself at him, he won't respect you.
- Stealing someone else's boyfriend isn't usually the best place to start a relationship.