No woman can please all men, no matter how beautiful, smart and funny she may be. However, men tend to have similar needs when it comes to choosing the right woman. Are you going to make everyone you meet lose their minds or are you the one who has lost your mind to a seemingly unattainable man? Whatever your answer, these tips will allow you to get what you want!
Part 1 of 4: Yourself Before Anything Else

Step 1. Before you attract a man, you should develop self-confidence
Insecurity and dissatisfaction can be felt a kilometer away! Men are attracted to women who know how to have fun and not those who are desperate for a person who can fill the void they feel. But how can you become more confident?
- Don't get tired of telling yourself that you are awesome! Never forget your qualities and skills and be proud of those things that make you unique. Get a diary and make a list of your strengths, to realize that you could conquer anyone.
- A cliché but very true sentence: beauty is both internal and external. Before going out, look in the mirror focusing your attention on your physical strengths (irresistible smile, perfect teeth, long legs), but remember to also have interesting topics for conversation.
- Be confident if you are introduced to someone. Interacting with people you don't know can be intimidating, but if you are confident, ready for anything and without prejudice, people will feel attracted to you. A man prefers a woman surrounded by friends rather than a sad-looking woman in a corner. If he sees that you are having fun with other people, your positive energy will infect him.
- Never stop improving yourself. It is one thing to be self-confident, another to be too absorbed in oneself. While on the one hand you should be aware of your qualities, on the other you need to know what needs improvement. Constructive criticism must never be overlooked.

Step 2. Develop your identity and try to understand what you really want
Men feel attracted to women at ease with where they come from, their present and their future goals; they want to be at the side of a person who knows what their desires, limitations and aspirations are.
- Developing your identity before you know someone will prevent you from changing who you are to them.
- Knowing who you are before meeting a man will make you more charming and provide you with more conversation topics. Men want women who know how to feel good even alone, without the need to be defined by another person.
- Equal to whom? Forget the comparisons with the people around you. Don't change your mind just because people you know don't think the same way you do. Don't be swayed by other people's perceptions.

Step 3. Maintain meaningful emotional connections
The key to feeling good in your own skin is to give yourself time and be loved for who you are. Friends, family, and others around you are needed to understand that you are loved and deserve love.
- Make sure your personal connections benefit your emotional state. Toxic relationships, whether past or present, can exert a terrible influence on your self-esteem. Surround yourself with friends who appreciate your positive attributes, offer you helpful advice, and give you honest opinions.
- Try to see your family often: it will always remind you of your roots and will allow you to analyze your growth.
Part 2 of 4: Healing Your Body

Step 1. Nourishing the interior is not enough if you don't take care of your most frivolous appearance
No, we are not saying that you should empty your wallet at the mall, but that you should create your look by choosing the right clothes and makeup.
- Clothing must enhance you. If you have toned arms, wear tops; if you have long legs, put on a miniskirt.
- Dress appropriately for any occasion. If you want to hook a man at a wedding, don't dress like you're going to the club. However, if you go to a club, avoid the suit you wear for the office. However, a man should never think that the body is your best feature: the physique is just one of the many things that make you unique.
- Hair and make-up play a key role, although most men prefer a natural look, so don't go overboard with false lashes and hairspray.

Step 2. Have good personal hygiene
Showing off a new dress and a lot of self-esteem won't help you if you haven't washed for a week.
- Shower once a day - you'll need to smell good.
- Wash your hair at least 3 times a week or as soon as it starts to look greasy.
- Brush your teeth twice a day and bring some mints with you. You can take a breath test by blowing on the palm of your hand. Few things extinguish desire in a man more than bad breath!

Step 3. Exercise
A man falls in love with a woman for who she is, but staying fit will only boost your self-esteem. And you will like your partner even more.
Move at least 3 times a week for more than 30 minutes. A solid training regimen is what it takes to stay healthy. Change your routine to challenge yourself and improve.
- If you don't have time to exercise, at least try to walk, walk up the stairs, and use your car and other means of transport as little as possible.
- If exercising bores you, sign up for a kickboxing or yoga class so you can also make new friends.
Eat well. Moderation is everything in life, therefore, indulge in some whim, but don't overdo it. Obviously, consume fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods. Avoid sugars, fats, and over-processed foods. Your body and skin will thank you.
Part 3 of 4: The Importance of Body Language
Attract Any Man Step 7 Step 1. Make a good impression
Now that you've achieved the physical and mental state you wanted, it's time to impress.
Have a positive attitude before meeting someone
Attract Any Man Step 8 Step 2. Don't lose eye contact, especially with the person you're interested in
- This doesn't mean you have to stare at it for hours! Look him in the eye for a few seconds and then move your gaze.
- Allow man to get close to you but without looking like an easy prey.
- Communicate your thoughts with your eyes. When the man has approached, smile: there is nothing more friendly and attractive.
- Smile frequently spontaneously - don't force yourself to, or your smile will seem anything but sincere. Always look for a reason to smile, so you will get used to it more often.

Step 3. Your body language should always be positive
Communicate to man what you feel using your body.
- Try to have a natural posture, without hunching over, looking down, or standing with your arms folded. Avoid nervously touching your hair or biting your nails. Move spontaneously.
- Show him that you care. If you are in a busy place, get closer to talk. Touch his arm or knee lightly to let him know you like him but without appearing too aggressive.
- Don't lose his attention. Make sure you look him in the eye and avoid looking away too frequently and for too long or, even worse, constantly looking at your cell phone, especially while he is saying something to you. You should make him feel like he is the only person in the world, and nothing discourages a person more than being ignored.
Part 4 of 4: Talk

Step 1. Say yes
No, you don't have to agree with any crazy idea that comes out of the mouth of the man you like, but you should listen to him with interest.
- If you are asked if you've ever been to a particular restaurant, don't cut it short by saying no; keep talking by saying that you have heard great opinions about him and ask him what he thinks. He will probably invite you to dinner!
- If he tries to provoke you, play with him and don't be too serious, or he'll think he can never have fun with you.
- If you do not agree with some of his opinions, do not attack him. If you support different teams or have polar opposite political ideology, don't be quarrelsome, or you will seem too stubborn.

Step 2. Don't be afraid to be funny
Men love women who have a strong sense of humor and who are not ashamed to use it.
- Don't hold back if you feel like making a joke appropriate to the context, but if nothing comes to mind, don't force yourself.
- Be self-deprecating. Nobody wants to surround themselves with people who take themselves too seriously. Showing him that you are able to laugh at your flaws will let him know that you are confident but also aware of your weaknesses. Men do not want a girl who is "too perfect", also because they themselves are not.

Step 3. Don't hide your sharpness and your brain
A man who finds intelligence intimidating is hardly worth dating.
- Show that you are informed about current events and have an interest in culture. If you can speak, you will fascinate him.
- There is a substantial difference between looking smart and flaunting it. For example, avoid rattling off your prestigious course of study.

Step 4. Be proud of your uniqueness
There are tons of self-confident, nice and intelligent women out there. But none are you. Don't be afraid to be yourself and show it.
- If the opportunity arises, tell the man that you like an interesting story about your past that allows him to get to know you better and to know what kind of experiences have shaped your life.
- Don't be afraid to share your interests. If you are learning French, tell them. He will be impressed with your hobbies.
- Share something about your family or friends. Of course, don't invite him to lunch at your parents' house but tell how the people important to you have marked you.

Step 5. If the conversation is going well, make plans to see each other again
Do not reveal everything about yourself and keep it a little on your toes (without pulling it off!).
Let him know that you would like to see him again, but don't be too pushy. Although there are many shy boys, man prefers to be a "hunter". Wait for him to invite you out. There are exceptions, however. If it is clear that he is interested in it but does not take any steps, you take the initiative

Step 6. If things don't go the way you hoped, don't despair
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can't please everyone. But it's full of men out there. And you will soon find someone who will appreciate the way you are.
- There are things you cannot change: the man you are interested in may be in love with another person or, perhaps, has just come out of a painful relationship.
- If they reject you, don't get angry or sad. Go on your way and at some point the right one will pop up.