It often happens that among friends we can fall in love. To make things more complicated, some studies have found that men feel attracted to friends they previously felt platonic about more often than women. It's wonderful when a relationship is born from a friendship, but it can be difficult to manage that time frame, often embarrassing, from falling in love to the moment you have to realize if the other party reciprocates your feeling.
Method 1 of 2: Observe Inaudible Signals

Step 1. Pay more attention to her body language
She can strongly indicate if she is romantically interested in you. When you go out together in a group, does he position himself more often than before with his body in front of you? Does he prefer to sit next to you? Does he touch you more often than he does with other friends? If the answer to these questions is yes, you are likely to have more than platonic sentiment. Among other examples of how body language indicates interest when it speaks to you, consider whether:
- He often touches his hair.
- Smiles more frequently.
- Tinker with items he finds on hand.
- He sits or stands with his shoulders slightly back, emphasizing the neckline.

Step 2. Look for any changes in his attitude towards you
If she feels something about you that goes beyond just friendship, she may feel more uncomfortable when you are together. Conversely, he may even start dating you more often. Perhaps he replies to your messages first or seeks physical contact more often. If you notice that she talks about her family and experiences repeatedly, she's probably pushing you to do the same with her. This could mean he's testing the waters to see if there's a chance of lasting compatibility on which to build a relationship in the future.
It is the easiest sign to misunderstand and can mean many things. If he wants to spend more time with you, don't jump to conclusions! While there is a likelihood that she is interested in you, it is equally plausible that she simply wants to solidify your friendship

Step 3. Pay attention to her looks
If he's reluctant to express how he feels about you, he may start not looking you in the eye. Conversely, you might catch her staring at you. If you notice that her pupils are always dilated when she looks at you, there is a good chance that she is attracted to you.

Step 4. Get specific clues that she might be interested in being in a relationship with you
If she always compliments you or often says that she would like to build a serious relationship with "someone," she may feel what you are feeling and be just as nervous about taking the initiative. If he considers you when there is an important event in his life, and he doesn't behave equally with other friends, it can be a good sign. It could be anything from holidays to a co-worker Christmas party to family celebrations.
Method 2 of 2: Try a More Determined Approach

Step 1. Flirt with her for a while and see how she reacts
If they reciprocate, especially by encouraging your approach, they are likely to have an interest in you. However, try to figure out if it's just one aspect of her personality. Some people love to play and are naturally grumpy. Maybe he reacts this way with anyone! On the other hand, if she doesn't reciprocate your approach, chances are she isn't in love with you, so it's best to let it go.

Step 2. Talk to some mutual friends
While he may be honest with you, make sure he doesn't go around gossiping. Ask if your friend has expressed an interest in you. This move might cost you a good deal of courage, but it's often the best way to find enough information before taking serious action.

Step 3. Ask your questions directly to her
It's the only way to really know what he's feeling. However, if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings, the situation could become awkward for some time. The friendship between you is in danger of seriously ruining, so take this step as soon as possible or if you're pretty sure she's in love with you too. Regardless of everything, it's better to know for sure than to spend years wondering. Here are some approaches you could take.
- Start the conversation by confessing that you need to take a weight off your back. Tell her that you have a stronger feeling towards her than friendship and ask her if it is the same for her. Apologize if the situation is awkward and listen to his response. Here's how you might put it: "I have a thought tormenting me lately. There is no easy way to communicate what I am about to tell you, but I have begun to feel something for you. I'm sorry to get you in trouble, but I need to know if you feel the same ".
- Talk to her in a place where there are other people nearby, but who can't overhear your conversation. She will feel more confident and less forced to give you an answer that may not reflect what she is really feeling. For example, you could go to a park, a pier or a café that is not too crowded.
- Emphasize how much you care about your friendship. If she raises the issue, explain to her that initially yours were feelings of friendship, but then they turned into something deeper. You should reassure her that the platonic aspects of your involvement are sincere and not a tactic to manipulate her.
- While she may be sexually attracted to you and, therefore, you notice some "signs", she may not necessarily have an interest in establishing a romantic relationship.
- It is quite common among guys to mistake a flirtation for what women consider to be friendly. Be careful not to confuse the two!
- Guys are also more likely to overestimate the intensity of their relationships with the opposite sex. Be careful not to see signs that don't exist.
- Use ambiguity to flirt to your advantage. It's the best way to joke about a possible romance without jeopardizing the friendship.
- Respect her as a person and avoid resorting to manipulation tactics: relationships born in this way are often doomed to fail. Furthermore, there is a risk of ruining a friendship.
- Try not to feel too bad if she isn't in love with you. It's a painful and embarrassing experience, but it happens to many people over the course of a lifetime.