How to Make a Friend Happy (with Pictures)

How to Make a Friend Happy (with Pictures)
How to Make a Friend Happy (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


It is not easy to make a friend happy, because it is up to each of us to find our own happiness. However, you can find ways to encourage him to be happier. You can also offer your support if he is going through a moment of depression or sadness.


Part 1 of 3: Encourage Happiness

Make a Friend Happy Step 1
Make a Friend Happy Step 1

Step 1. Be happy

One of the best ways to make your friends happier is to be happier yourself. We humans have a tendency to be happier when we are around people who are, so your mood will affect that of your friends.

Make a Friend Happy Step 2
Make a Friend Happy Step 2

Step 2. Spend more time with your friend

Relationships, in all their forms, are fundamental to happiness. As a result, simply being together will make you both feel happier. Make sure you encourage him and express your gratitude for your relationship to make him even happier.

For example, you can let him know that you appreciate your friendship by regularly saying phrases like "I just want you to know how happy I am to have you in my life," or by sending him a note from time to time

Make a Friend Happy Step 3
Make a Friend Happy Step 3

Step 3. Make him laugh

The saying "Laughter is the best medicine" exists for a good reason. Laughing can make you happier and healthier as a person, so try to make your friends laugh with jokes or a little (light) self-mockery.

Make a Friend Happy Step 4
Make a Friend Happy Step 4

Step 4. Increase his self-esteem

We all need to be told that we are smart, strong and beautiful from time to time. Don't be afraid to compliment a friend and you will be able to improve their confidence and self-esteem. Try to find comments that are unique and specific to the person you are talking to, so that they understand that you really believe what you say.

For example, saying "I really like your willingness to listen to all the people you meet. Show how much you care" is a more specific compliment than "You are good at listening."

Make a Friend Happy Step 5
Make a Friend Happy Step 5

Step 5. Help him see the bright side of things

If your friend is worried about a workplace problem, give him a hand by keeping a positive outlook. This doesn't mean you should belittle his feelings; on the contrary, always listen to what the problem is before reacting. At that point, however, try to help him with questions that deepen the issue, such as "What can you do to improve the situation?" or "Tell me about something at work that went well instead."

Many studies show that people who seek happiness learn to be more optimistic and consequently happier

Make a Friend Happy Step 6
Make a Friend Happy Step 6

Step 6. Try doing new things together

To be truly happy, adventure is important. If necessary, you should step out of your comfort zone and find new passions. If you want your friends to be happy, encourage them to try new activities with you.

For example, try a new restaurant in your city, explore nearby cities or start a new hobby together

Part 2 of 3: Make him smile

Make a Friend Happy Step 7
Make a Friend Happy Step 7

Step 1. Call him

Choose a time when you are not busy. Call him to say hello and ask him how he is. Nothing tells a person that you think about them as much as making a phone call.

Make a Friend Happy Step 8
Make a Friend Happy Step 8

Step 2. Bring him one of his favorite treats

You know what your friend likes. He may not be able to do without afternoon coffee or he may have a soft spot for chocolate cakes. Surprise him by bringing him his favorite food when you know he's having a hard day.

Make a Friend Happy Step 9
Make a Friend Happy Step 9

Step 3. Organize an impromptu dance

Dancing activates the circulation, it's funny and fun. Put on some good music and let loose together.

Make a Friend Happy Step 10
Make a Friend Happy Step 10

Step 4. Send them a card or postcard

Today few people receive handwritten tickets. In fact, it is such a rare occurrence that it will certainly make him smile. Leave him a message in the mailbox. For an even better result, write it on a fun card.

Make a Friend Happy Step 11
Make a Friend Happy Step 11

Step 5. Make an unexpected cute gesture

Show up at her home with her favorite dish. Take care of a task you know she hates doing, like mowing the lawn. Send him a little gift that you know he will appreciate a lot. All concrete gestures will improve his day.

Part 3 of 3: Supporting a Depressed Friend

Make a Friend Happy Step 12
Make a Friend Happy Step 12

Step 1. Let him know that you are by his side

In some cases, simply spending time with a depressed friend can be a great help. If you can't be with him physically, offer him emotional support, letting him know that you are willing to listen to him and help him in all ways.

Make a Friend Happy Step 13
Make a Friend Happy Step 13

Step 2. Offer concrete support

Depression makes even the simplest actions difficult. You can concretely help your friend, for example by accompanying him where he needs to go, cooking for him or making appointments for him. Just make sure you stick to your promises.

Offer your help directly. In some cases, depressed people have great difficulty asking for help

Make a Friend Happy Step 14
Make a Friend Happy Step 14

Step 3. Show him that you care

Even the smallest gestures can be of great importance to someone who is depressed. Bring him a coffee or leave him a message in the mail. Try making him a dish or dessert he likes. Over time, these small gestures will make a difference and show him that you love him and that you think about him.

Make a Friend Happy Step 15
Make a Friend Happy Step 15

Step 4. Encourage him to get help

If they haven't already received a professional's opinion, get them to do so. Ask him if he has talked to a psychiatrist or a psychologist, so that you can try to get out of the state of depression.

  • Since mental illness is stigmatized by society, you can tell him he doesn't have to be ashamed if he needs help. Depression is a disease like many others and it can be treated.
  • If in doubt, tell him that you will accompany him on the visit or that you will help him feel less anxious. You can let him know what he needs to say or ask when he talks to the doctor.
Make a Friend Happy Step 16
Make a Friend Happy Step 16

Step 5. Find help for him

If you're not willing to see a psychologist, look for local support groups for those with depression. You can share that information with him to encourage him to participate, but ultimately the decision will be his. However, you can help him further by offering to accompany him to meetings.

Make a Friend Happy Step 17
Make a Friend Happy Step 17

Step 6. Encourage him to go out with you

In many cases, depressed people isolate themselves. Encourage him to spend more time with you, organizing activities he likes or taking a simple walk. Going out and meeting other people can help him get on the road to recovery.

Of course, you will have to be the one to make yourself more available. If your friend doesn't feel like going out at the moment, ask him if you can visit him or if he wants to come to your house

Make a Friend Happy Step 18
Make a Friend Happy Step 18

Step 7. Avoid clichés and criticisms

You are probably just trying to help by giving your friend advice like "Brace yourself" or "You need to get out of this situation." However, such phrases have a tendency to make the situation worse. Affirmations expressing your support are much better, such as "I know you are having a hard time. I think you are strong enough to get over it, but don't be afraid to ask for help."
