Do you love the Warrior Cats series? Well, here are some suggestions for finding the right name for a Warrior Cat.

Step 1. Search within the books in the series and find two parts of a warrior name that have not already been used
If you like them you can combine them! Here are some examples:
- Amber Leaf: warrior cat. He is part of the Thunder Clan. It has dappled fur with white legs and amber eyes. She is kind and sweet, she is a good hunter. She wants her own kittens and she loves her boss.
- Blue Fang: warrior cat of the River Clan. It has bluish fur with amber eyes. She is a tough and methodical warrior, it's hard to find kindness in her.
- Poplar Fur: Warrior Cat of the Thunder Clan. He has a gray coat and green eyes and was trained by the Sandstorm. He is a quick and fast fighter, the fastest since Gust of Wind.
- Tail of Shadow: this cat is the deputy of the Wind Clan. It is black with silver spots on the back and tail. He has light green eyes. It was a puppy abused during the Broken Star regime, abandoned to die in the woods during the autumn when no one could keep up with a group of raiders. It was found by the Wind Clan when the Dark Clan was cast out. He never trusted the hostile and cruel River Clan. He is a natural leader but tries his best to appear modest. He is a good friend of Long Tail and Dusty Fur.
- Rosa Fur: Warrior cat of the Thunder Clan. Loyal and proud, she has large yellow eyes and a long, brindle gray coat. He hates all members of the River Clan and considers them cat killers. She was trained by Fern Fur, has a companion and four puppies.
- Running Shadow: male cat of the Wind Clan. He has dark amber eyes, is a silent and deadly warrior, rarely speaks unless necessary. He clearly has no faith in Night Cloud and Breeze and is openly contemptuous of Crow's Feather. He is very sharp and pays attention to even the smallest detail.
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 2 Step 2. Remember that your warrior cat name must contain part of the apprentice name
For example: if the apprentice name is "Swift Paw" then the battle name must contain the word "Swift" and could be "Swift Claw".
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 3 Step 3. Remember that part of the name must refer to something occurring in nature
A color, the name of a tree or flower, an animal, a meteorological phenomenon and so on are all possible sources of inspiration. The name must never contain the words "Star," "Spirit" or "Moon." The Fiore di Luna cat was a mistake made by the author (Erin Hunter) and he admitted it himself. "Star" indicates a boss and it wouldn't be nice if there was a "Star star", right? The word "Moon" cannot be used because it indicates the religion in which most of the cats of the various clans believe. Moonstone, Full Moon and High Moon are some examples. "Spirit" has the same religious foundations and is therefore prohibited. It is also forbidden to use the names of other clans for warriors: Thunder, Wind, Darkness and River. The author has declared them as unique. Here are some examples you can be inspired by: Blue, White, Red, Black, Gray, Lily, Flower, Pine, Oak, Willow, Pink, Flame, Rock, Fox, Mouse, Dove, Hawk, Lark, Green, Jay, Cherry, Daisy, Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Cloud, Sun, Holly, Feather, Smoke, Tangle, Squirrel, Fire, Fawn, Ice, Fern, Thistle, Ash, Briar, Tattered, Burn, Mint, Night, Sky, Wood, Apple, Acorn, Berry, Birch, Brown, Cold, Hazelnut, Cedar, Thrush, Finch, Snow, Spotted, Petal, Robin, Golden, Fast, Dawn, Dusk, Dust, Embers, Adder, Viper, Owl, Yellow, Dark, Poppy, Tall, Coal, Small, Piebald, Speckle, Patch, Ivy, Vine, Donkey, Lightning, Snake, Crow, Silver, Crooked, Ash, Morning, Sparrow, Bright, Thorn, Broken, Dead, Torn, Spider, Mud, Fog, Bark, Small, Big, Stream, Strong, Calm, Moss, Fern, Sorrel, Frost, Meadow, Rust, Broom, Heavy, Light, Shadow, Vole, Breeze, Rain, Trif oil, leaf, sage, wave, amber, honey, storm, sun, alder, grass.
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 4 Step 4. The second part of the name should be a characteristic that describes or is described by the other
For example, if the name is Leopard, you could be called Leopard Fur or Leopard Claw. If part of the name is Hawk, consider a Hawk's Flight or Hawk's Tail (but you might also think of claw, fur, storm, head, tail, paw, ear, flight, wings, song, heart, eye, feather, fang, pond, flame, towards, feather, stream, glimmer, nail, strip, spray, path, flow, mist, flower, thorn, breeze).
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 5 Step 5. Take your cat's physical appearance into consideration when choosing a name
A sweet golden kitten shouldn't be called Black Fur or Dark Paw.
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 6 Step 6. Evaluate the cat's personal details
If it's black or otherwise dark, don't call it Cloud. Storm or Crow's Feather are perhaps more suitable. Give the cat a name that best describes it.
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 7 Step 7. Know that the name doesn't have to be a combination of these words
Does your feline have a particular characteristic? For example, Nose that Cola, in the book, is the Medical Cat of the clan of Darkness and is called 'Cola's Nose' because it always seems to have a cold.
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 8 Step 8. Remember that the name does not have to fully express the character of the cat
You shouldn't name it based on personality, eye color, or fur alone. Most felines don't have such a clear personality right from the start. Often cats also hide the color of their eyes by keeping them half closed and, even when they open them wide, the play of light can change their reflections. Furthermore, many cats, such as brindle cats, do not immediately show their color. Don't call a beautiful golden kitten Sweetie, you can't know how nice she is until you name her. Even the author of the book made this mistake.
Make a Warrior Cat Name Step 9 Step 9. Do not use certain words, such as Dragon, Dragon, Supreme, Power, Vampire or names of Gods / Goddesses
Anything that has to do with the mystical world should have no bearing on the name of the warrior cat, not least because it wouldn't make any sense.
- Evaluate which clan you would like your cat to belong to, how it should be, with what personality and to what rank.
- Get inspiration from nature! Believe it or not, it makes the creative process a lot easier.
- Think about what you would like your cat to be like, his personality, his sex and special characteristics. For example Scourge is a black and evil cat, so a name like Daisy would not be suitable.
- Think back to the names that already exist, such as Cloud's Paw. Now that you think about the clouds, new ideas may arise in your head and understand what you are looking for.
- Look at the feline alliances you find at the beginning of the book to get some ideas.
- Shuffle and combine the warrior names you find in the book if you are really in trouble. For example Black Paw and Hawk Heart could generate Hawk Paw or Black Heart. Black Heart could be an evil cat or just one with the tough temper.
- Reading at least one book in the series is a good thing, at least you will know what kind of names the cats of the various clans have.
- Write the ideas on a piece of paper as they arise in your mind, then change only part of the name until the result satisfies you.
- If there is nothing that inspires you, look at some pictures of nature or just go to the garden! Try to come up with some ideas, after all that's where warrior cats live, isn't it?
- Try not to copy the names of the warriors you find in the books, even if you don't come up with any new ideas
- Do not copy. The others have also studied to create their own name, do the same.
- Attend RPG clubs or visit fan sites for the series to get some ideas, but never copy other people's names!
- Describe your cat well.
- Don't copy from books!
- Always use your imagination!