How to Convert to Hinduism: 8 Steps

How to Convert to Hinduism: 8 Steps
How to Convert to Hinduism: 8 Steps

Table of contents:


Have you learned everything about Hinduism and have decided that it is the doctrine you sincerely believe in? The only thing you are missing is to officially convert to the Hindu faith.


Part 1 of 2: What is Hinduism?

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Step 1. You must understand that Hinduism is fundamentally a way of life and a collective belief system based on karma (both collective and individual actions and reactions to the universe)

Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in the Dharma (the belief that we all have duties or roles to follow in this life, for example as parents, siblings, friends, lovers, companions, etc.) and that peace can be achieved by fulfilling these obligations to the best of our ability.

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Step 2. Hindus should understand and respect all divine manifestations that affect our life, starting with the elements and planets, greeting the new day and the sun (Surya Namaskara) and practicing yoga, which helps us heal ourselves and to clear your thoughts

Consequently, there are a large number of representations of divine attributes to choose from, starting with the Hindu trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, representing creation, conservation and transformation).

Part 2 of 2: The Conversion to Hinduism

Convert to Hinduism Step 1
Convert to Hinduism Step 1

Step 1. Find out which sects can accept you

Most Hindus will tell you that you cannot officially convert to Hinduism, because it is something that people are born into, not a doctrine that a stranger can enter. Fear not: there are some Hindu sects that accept Westerners.

  • The most famous sect is the International Society of Krishna Consciousness, also known as Hare Krishna. It is a sect that has been proselytizing in the West since the 1960s. Another very popular sect is that of the Transcendental Meditation movement.

    Convert to Hinduism Step 2
    Convert to Hinduism Step 2
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Step 2. Don't expect a real conversion

Conversion is not a requirement of Hinduism, nor is there any ceremony in which you promise to believe in a particular savior. Embracing Hinduism means letting your actions, thoughts, way of life and philosophy reflect your belief in Hinduism. It consists of natural growth and a constant purpose to love and learn.

Convert to Hinduism Step 3
Convert to Hinduism Step 3

Step 3. Become a disciple of a Hindu spiritual leader

For example, many New Age followers refer to the teachings of Deepak Chopra.

Build a New Social Network As a Young Professional Step 6
Build a New Social Network As a Young Professional Step 6

Step 4. Start practicing yoga

Although it is usually used to keep fit, many people practice it for the spiritual benefits that come with it, closely related to Hinduism. You might then check how devoted the local yoga association is to the spiritual aspect of the practice.

Convert to Hinduism Step 5
Convert to Hinduism Step 5

Step 5. You could consult sites like (in English) or

On these sites you can find more detailed information on how to follow the Hindu practices and way of life.

Convert to Hinduism Step 6
Convert to Hinduism Step 6

Step 6. To find out more, you could visit some centers affiliated with the Italian Hindu Union


  • Anyone with a pure soul and heart can become a Hindu. For guidance, contact a Hindu guru, who will surely be willing to help you.
  • The term "Hindu" was the Persian pronunciation of the Sanskrit "sindhu", or "person who lives beyond the Sindhu River civilization", also known as the "Indus Valley Civilization", between 7000 and 3300 BC. Consequently, through the Persian connections, the peoples of Greece and Mesopotamia called the inhabitants of this land "Hindu" (or "Hindu"): "India" was therefore "the land of the Hindus".
  • 90% of the acts of worship (or "puja") are based on specific cultures and traditions of different regions. So don't worry if you don't understand them immediately - the same happens to most Hindus who come from other regions.
  • Hinduism is a welcoming doctrine. No official procedure is required to access it. Free your mind, believe in the Vedas and in the existence of one God (Para Bhrama), in his eternity and in his various manifestations.
  • Respect your neighbor and be aware that every action generates an equal and opposite reaction (karma). Practice yoga and make non-violence one of your main skills.
