You are walking in that beautiful old wood with a friend. Suddenly you feel uncomfortable. Run out of the woods, you would like to understand what is happening but by now you have run away. Looks like you've seen a ghost! Or maybe it was just an insect! Maybe it was just rain! At this point you need to know how to go ghost hunting.
Step 1. First, you must have permission to access the property you intend to explore

Step 2. Know what you might be facing
There are usually two types of spirits. The first belongs to a human being and has remained on Earth for some reason. He may not know that he is dead or he is trapped here because he has to finish doing something, through fault or revenge. These ghosts have the appearance of the people they belonged to when alive, they can be good or bad, just like the living, but in general they are not dangerous. This is the kind of spirit you can encounter 95% of the time. You could also witness a residual infestation that repeats events from the past. Just as if you were watching a video from the past that keeps recurring. The other type of ghost was never human and this is not good news. You have to be careful but don't be obsessed with it, the chances of meeting one are very low, compared to those of running into a "normal" ghost. The writer of this article has experienced both encounters and is confident of their existence. So be careful, protect yourself and you won't have any problems. There's no telling how to protect yourself, so good luck!

Step 3. Learn the right terminology
- Ghost Hunt: It means going to a place where there have been no sightings of spirits, to try to capture images with videos or photos, sounds (with a tape recorder) and collect the testimonies of other people. Cemeteries are a good place to start but churches, schools and old buildings are fine too. There are many places to look.
- Investigation: means going to a place where there have been demonstrations to record objective data (videos, photos, sounds, temperature changes), take notes, collect testimonies or other evidence to confirm / refute the presence of ghosts, to help the owners of the place and convince the spirits to leave. You can assist the owner of the haunted site directly or put him in contact with specialized groups / individuals who can resolve the situation. You can even intervene just to inform people, so that they understand what is happening and what options are available.

Step 4. Get the basic tools
- 35mm camera: You don't need anything special, the film must be at least 400 ISO. At 800 ISO it's fine at night, but you have to experiment to understand the strength of the flash to find the right product for your needs. The disposable ones are also 35mm and can give good results. If you are a good photographer you can also try infrared cameras. You get good results with polaroids too but it's best to stick to 35mm so you'll have comparable images. Fuji film is a great choice, as is Kodak, however lesser known brands also offer similar results. To develop them you don't have to go to a photo shop, some supermarkets offer this service with more than acceptable results. Tell the clerk how many photos you want to develop because, at times, they may think they are bad shots that aren't worth printing. "Bad photos" are the ones where your ectoplasm usually looks good.
- Digital Camera: It is a great tool for a ghost hunter. It used to have many limitations and problems but this is no longer the case. Not only does it allow you to see images instantly, but it manages to capture them even in poor infrared lighting conditions.
- Flashlight and spare batteries - a sensible choice. Always remember spare batteries for all your tools. Due to supernatural activity, the batteries discharge very quickly because the ghosts feed on energy. It is advisable to use red lenses to preserve night vision. To learn more, look for more information online on this point.
- First Aid Kit: Just for safety, it's easy to fall and get injured when moving around in the dark.

Step 5.
- Notepad: You have to write down everything that happens. If you don't, you won't have a lot of data to work on. For example, an investigator can detect very high electromagnetic activity in a place and not write about it. Another investigator could take pictures of the same spot but, not knowing about the electromagnetic activity, could end up with anomalous images. Without all the information, photography can be misinterpreted and acquire more or less value than it actually has. Some use a small tape recorder to take notes by voice and it's a great way, just remember to have spare batteries and cassettes.
- Jackets and clothes suitable for the weather: If you are cold, you are not in the best conditions to make observations, in addition to the fact that your level of attention may be affected. This is pure common sense.
- Wrist or pocket watch: so you can take note of the time you record events as well as that of your arrival and departure.

Step 6. Optional and advanced search tools
- Video camera (with optional tripod). The video camera is a fundamental tool in supernatural investigation. Unlike cameras, it allows for continuous video and audio surveillance. This is why it is called "video camera". You should use the ones with infrared functions. Thanks to this tool you can fully document any phenomenon that occurs. It allows you to realize the duration of the phenomenon, what happened, the environmental conditions and, perhaps, also the causes of what happens. You may have seen these footage on the internet, in the cinema or on TV shows. The cameras produced by Sony are equipped with an infrared function that allows you to shoot even in complete darkness and to capture even what the human eye does not see. You can use fixed tripods, or move around with the camera in hand. You should also consider purchasing an infrared light extension cable that allows the camera to "see" even in the darkest places and improves the quality of the video.
- Audio recorder with external microphone and high quality tapes, or digital audio recorders. They are undoubtedly the most important part of a ghost hunter's equipment. Recorders are used for various purposes: for interviews, for noting spontaneous thoughts, for personal notes and for recording electronic voice phenomena (EVP). An external microphone should be used to capture the voice of ghosts (EVP); if you use the internal microphone, you will also record the noises of the instrument's internal mechanisms and your documentation will have less value. Any sound you hear in the recording cannot be used as evidence precisely because of this interference, so use an external microphone, it's not very expensive. The use of polarized or metal tapes is recommended.
- Digital audio recorder. It is a small and easy to carry tool. You can also activate the "voice" function so that there is less material to listen to again. It is especially useful for personal notes. Many of these instruments also record the time when the sounds were captured and this is a useful function. When recording, be sure to name your whereabouts and the investigators present (preferably each say their own, so you can distinguish the voices). The voice activation function should be disabled on tape recorders when capturing electronic voice phenomena, because it tends to cut off the beginning of words or phrases, which does not happen with digital ones.
- Electromagnetic field detector (EMF, from the English electromagnetic field detector). It is a tool of modern investigators and also very important. With this it is possible to locate and track energy sources. The detector perceives fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, even very weak ones that have no visible source. It is a widespread theory that ghosts break the magnetic field to communicate their presence and in this way there are particularly high readings on the EMF. Spirits have a lot of fun playing with electricity and magnetism. Before using an EMF as a tool to search for ectoplasms, be sure to take a reading near light poles or electrical substations to know their emissions, so as not to misunderstand subsequent results. Most EMFs have a manual that describes the main functions and explains how to interpret the magnetic field readings. When using it as a research tool, pay attention to fluctuations between 2, 0 and 7, 0. They are usually indicative of the presence of spirits; higher or lower fluctuations often have a natural explanation.
- Mobile phone. It is advisable to have one in case of an emergency.
- Compass. This is a very useful piece of equipment because it is small and cheap (pebbles are even better). When a spirit appears, the needle cannot accurately indicate a direction and moves / rotates randomly. This is the same principle on which the EMF is based, except that the compass does not detect electric fields but only magnetic ones.
- Matches and candle. Often the batteries run out and you need a light source. A camping oil lantern is also a good solution. Be careful to use candles near your motion detectors as you may blow them out. Also try not to burn yourself or one of your companions.
- Motion detectors. They are used to detect the movement of invisible forces or spirits. You can buy a battery-powered one for around 20 euros. They are very useful inside homes / buildings but can also be successfully used outdoors; just pay attention to where you place them, you certainly don't want a tree branch or a squirrel to turn them off.
- Thermometer or thermal scanner. The thermometer proves to be very useful. Understanding temperature fluctuations makes sense, as they can detect the presence of ghosts. Usually two types are used: a normal digital thermometer and a non-contact infrared thermometer. They're great for determining the presence of a spirit - a quick 10 degree drop in temperature could indicate a ghost is nearby. It is advisable to use infrared thermometers because they react faster and allow you to immediately notice changes in temperature and scan large areas.
- Manual radio or walkie-talkie. They are very useful if you are in a very large area or in a building with your work group and you are scattered almost everywhere. They work more or less like a cell phone but don't require phone credit. They are great in an emergency or to coordinate the group. Just make sure they don't interfere with the tools for recording EVPs. In this regard, I have no advice to give, but be careful because it is something that can happen.
Method 1 of 1: Step by Step Procedure

Step 1. This is a summary version of the procedures most used by ghost hunters

Step 2. Meet with your group in the vicinity of the location to be monitored and divide the tasks and equipment between them, creating small investigation teams
Choose a contact person who will have to talk to anyone who comes into contact with the group (for example the police, journalists, priests, park guards or who knows, aliens).

Step 3. As you enter the hunting site, ask for blessing and protection for all phases of the investigation, or even for longer if you wish
Use this time to get into a positive state of mind, or to pee. It is not a religious thing and everyone can do it as they see fit. Give your team about 10 seconds of time. It does not hurt and it is better to be safe than sorry! Many experienced investigators believe that there are evil spirits in many areas, such as in cemeteries, and that a 10-second prayer or a good mental attitude allows you to stay safe and not have to worry. They may be malicious, but they are grotesque and incompetent ghosts that can be defeated by positive thinking. Any experienced demonologist will tell you that if you do this "prayer" in the name of God, Brahama, Odin, Amaterasu Omikami, Chuck Norris or any good deity you worship, then non-human spirits will be kept at bay because they have to leave those who pray alone in peace. this way. Spirits believe in all gods, even absurd ones, and are very afraid of them.

Step 4. Walk in the investigation area to perceive the environment and let the spirits perceive you
If you are particularly concerned with how to make ghosts comfortable, take off your clothes. Ghosts cannot wear clothes and get especially nervous around people who can. Do this for about 20 minutes. Record the time you start and all relevant information. You can also start mounting your static equipment, such as the camera on tripods and motion detectors. Take note of any areas where you find false positive readings or false images.

Step 5. Take some photos and recordings
Be sure to write down anything strange that happens, especially temperature changes, EMF changes, strange sounds and sightings. Also, write down any strange or misplaced feelings and sensations you experience. You can make comparisons after the hunt and assess whether you and your companions have had the same feelings at certain points and times.
Make sure that all members of the group have the opportunity to move in the various sectors, in this way the level of attention will remain high. Do a couple of rotations of the group throughout the hunt

Step 6. Ask the ghosts that belonged to human beings not to follow you home and to stay in the place where you met them
Tell all spirits to STAY in that place in the name of God, Jesus, Baal, the Great Spirit, Vishnu or Osiris or whatever your deity is. Again take 4-7 seconds to avoid other problems. If you are wrong about the need for these prayers at the beginning and at the end of the hunt, you will have lost 14-17 seconds of your time. But if you're not wrong, you'll have saved yourself a lot of trouble.

Step 7. Take pictures
- With the 35mm camera: Open the film and charge the car after walking around the investigation site for about 20 minutes. Make sure you expose it to plenty of light to "prepare" the film.
- Tip for 35mm cameras: Use 35mm film, ISO 400. ISO 400 and 800 are the best, even in black and white.
- If you are an experienced photographer, you can try infrared films which give great results.
- Make sure you take note of all the light sources in the area, or when you develop the photos you will think that the street lights or some guy making fun of you is a supernatural orb. It would be very embarrassing.
- Clean the camera lens regularly.
- Do not smoke, the smoke might look like mist in the photographs and you would have altered the evidence. See also the above for flames.
- Check that there is no raised dust in the camera's field of view, it could give false positives. Unless you just wanted to photograph the dust.
- Tie up your long hair or put it under your hat to eliminate any false positives and give skeptics fewer holds to hold on to.
- Remove or tie all camera straps and straps to prevent them from being captured in the camera's image field.
- Do not waste time with the objective of the machine. Hold it in front of you and photograph the point you want to document. Many digital cameras do not even have the ability to make these adjustments, during the winter it prevents your breath from being captured by the lens.
- Check for reflective surfaces and make a note of them. Flash reflects off windows, shiny tombstones, mirrors, glasses, bottles, etc. and can be confused with a sighting. Record the presence of street lights or other light sources that can remain exposed in the film, take photos of these sources to be able to make comparisons.
- Tell the rest of the group when you are taking a picture, so that there are no double flashes and the images are the best possible. If you think the photo is a false positive due to a double flash, write down the photo number so you can exclude it from testing. Other photographers could suffer damage to their eyes if they look at the flash through the camera lens, so it is important to warn them.
- Remember that your breath condenses in winter so don't photograph it thinking it's a ghost. If you are concerned that this may have happened, write down the photo number and discard it from the evidence.
- Many people ask the spirits for permission to take a picture, it doesn't hurt. If the ghost doesn't respond, drop a few cents near a tree and thank him for his cooperation.
- Take pictures everywhere. If you sense the presence of something or someone, take a picture. If you think you have seen something, take a picture. Take a picture when your equipment gives you positive readings.
- Sometimes you can see a floating globe, fog or sparks in your shots or in those of your collaborators. Take as many photographs as possible in this case, you may be close to a ghost.
- Probably every 50 images, only one or two will be good, this is the average, so don't be discouraged. There have been investigations in which no valid images are obtained and others in which at least 30% of the photos were reliable.
- Don't waste money on having your photos developed in a special way. You can go to any photo shop, just make sure the clerk knows he needs to print all the images.

Step 8. Know where to look
There are some places where it is best to start hunting. These are just suggestions and you shouldn't limit yourself to them, ghosts can be everywhere. Do not take into consideration only the age of a building: for example, in a house that has been inhabited for 30 years, paranormal activities may have started only 26 years earlier, although the building was 70 years old and was built on an area inhabited since 1685. Also remember not to violate private property.
- Cemeteries: the age of the cemetery is not very important, but in general, the older it is, the more restless spirits it has welcomed. Why cemeteries in particular? There are theories that the holy fields are portals to the afterlife and that they are crossed by spirits attracted to their previous bodies.
- Schools: The schools and buildings that have been have accumulated psychic energies and are imbued with the highly emotional events that have happened there.
- Theaters: the actors stage a wide range of human emotions within the walls of the theater and many are related to interesting ghost stories.
- Battlefields: These are fantastic places by their very nature. The violent deaths that took place there caused a lot of psychic activity and many spirits got stuck in our world.
Churches: there is a long history of faithful returning to the church they belonged to. Perhaps they are looking for the salvation that was promised to them and which they have not found. Search among the cushions on the benches or inside the aisles.
233549 14 - Hotels / Motels / Guest Houses: Often highly emotional or dark things have happened in their rooms.
- Historical places: many historical buildings, due to their age, have witnessed a variety of events and are rich in presences. These are often public buildings and are therefore not difficult to explore. Some are also famous for being haunted by ghosts and you can access them by talking to the keepers or even just by breaking into them.
- Haunted Places Books: This is a good way to get started. If they've allowed an author to publish a book, they'll probably let you in to take a look.
- The best time for ghost hunting is from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am, these are the psychic hours, although any moment can be good. Photographs, historically, are better in the dark as cameras work worse in well-lit environments, however don't be discouraged and take pictures even during the day.
- Make sure someone always knows where you are, in case of an emergency.
- Be skeptical, look for the natural or man-made causes of any phenomenon. As an investigator you need to be sure of your evidence and that it is unassailable. If you can dismantle all other explanations, your proof will be stronger.
- Do not smoke, drink alcohol and do not take drugs during an investigation for obvious reasons.
- Never go alone. This is pure common sense. If you get hurt who can help you? If you are alone you will have to rely only on yourself.
- Bring your ID with you so if you are stopped by the police you can prove who you are.
- Check for private property signs. Make sure you don't violate it. If you do, you are liable to a fine or arrest and, in some countries, they may even use firearms against you. Ask the owner for permission. Before entering a cemetery, warn the guardian that you intend to "take pictures" so that he is notified of your presence. If you are asked to leave, do so immediately. You have no arguments to insist and put other detectives in a bad light by making a scene.
- Don't whisper, you can ruin the recordings. Don't talk at all, it's better.
- Don't wear perfumes, cologne, or anything that smells noticeable. So no one can confuse it with the smell of supernatural activities. You have no idea how many people have confused the smell of an aftershave with a demonic possession. Ghosts often use scents or smells to get your attention. Ghosts prefer Chanel n.5 while poltergeists prefer musky perfumes.
- Always carry a digital recorder with you to talk to spirits.
- Visit the site during the day to get to know the area. Check for danger spots and obstacles that may not be visible at night.
- Research the history of the place. Read old newspapers, local historians, use the internet and go to the library. Any information, even folklore, will be useful. There are countless books and websites dealing with this topic. If a book is too big, read it outdoors, so you will avoid the temptation to throw it against the wall.
- If it rains, snows or there is fog on the night you organized a search, cancel the operation. You cannot conduct a decent investigation under these conditions. You might just get sick.
- Some local offices may give you historical information about the place your research is about.
- Be open-minded. Any negative feeling could drive away the spirits. If you've had a bad day or lost a job, ghosts will sense it and walk away from you. Be respectful of places and death.