Forget the pointy hats, flying brooms and the usual spells - there's a lot of misinformation about witches. Witchcraft is a complex and personal practice, a way to perform folk magic, and it involves a deep knowledge of nature, the spiritual world and oneself. If you are feeling well disposed and at the same time dissatisfied with traditional beliefs, learning more about this topic may be the solution you are looking for. Witchcraft is a lifelong practice.
Part 1 of 3: Learn about Witchcraft

Step 1. Learn all there is to know about the various magical traditions
There is no general school of witchcraft or spell casting, and this means that novices and ordinary people often have a hard time distinguishing what is true from false. Becoming a witch is a very personal journey that involves a lot of research, commitment and study. Depending on your interests, some schools of thought and traditions may be more appropriate than others. Here are some examples:
- Wicca and "green" witchcraft are very popular in the United States. Their studies are centered on the concept of Gaia, meditation and nature-based spells. The early Wiccans were followers of Gerald Gardner, a nineteenth-century British student of magic, whose ideas and works became famous in the 1950s. If you have a lot of interest in crystals, the use of herbs, rituals and essential oils, then this type of witchcraft might be for you.
- Neo-paganism and Druidism: together with all the other ancestral witchcraft, these are focused on history and tradition, the practice follows the succession of the seasons by means of rites. If you want to go back to the origins of "traditional" witchcraft, this style might be for you.
- Esoteric and regional witchcraft: we remember the Santeria, the Stregheria, the Lighthouses, the Pharmakos. These are practices linked to local tradition and culture. If you have a strong connection to where you grew up, do some research on it.

Step 2. Read a lot about the different stories and traditions
The thing a novice witch must learn quickly is that each adept practices differently. There is no "bible" of witchcraft, there are no guidelines or a set of laws and principles for witches. Any entity / person who claims to be is a fake. Your practice is yours and nobody else's, so it is vital that you evaluate each "expert" with some critical sense. You can read classics, but you have to elaborate them according to your own thinking and interpret them according to practice. Here are some "classic" readings:
- Aleister Crowley.
- The Occult: A History by Colin Wilson.
- Malleus Mallificarum, an ancient book on witchcraft.
- Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland.
- Witchcraft and Demonology by Montague Summers.
- Read some Wiccan texts written by Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente and Scott Cunningham.
- Nigel Jackson, Nigel Pennick, Carlo Ginzburg, Robin Artisson, Gemma Gary and Andrew Chumbley all have extensive literary production on traditional witchcraft.

Step 3. Determine Your Personal Practice Goals
It will never be repeated enough: witchcraft is a personal journey. There is no single way to practice it. It is imperative that you learn what you can and must do, and write down what your goals are. It may help to keep a journal, write down what you hope to explore and what you hope to discover. Here are some questions you can ask yourself that will serve as a guide to get you started; the task of finding the answers is up to you:
- What do you want from witchcraft?
- What kinds of spells do you hope to be able to cast?
- What do you hope to learn from being a witch?
- How do you hope that witchcraft changes or improves your life?

Step 4. Beware of nonsense
Be wary of paid tutorials and online methods. Developing a magical practice is not something that can be taught in 25 simple steps for only 39.95 euros on some website. Witchcraft has nothing to do with teaching written and packaged rules that you must follow in order. It is a personal journey of self-discovery, it is a spiritual work. Know that the work will be long and demanding, learn all you can about magic.
The meaning of "being a witch" and "practicing witchcraft" will change dramatically depending on who you are talking to. Try to receive every information and statement with a critical sense; If other witches do not want to help you learn or disagree about a particular practice or reading that you find particularly powerful, then turn to other witches. Find a group of practitioners who agree on some ideas and ignore the ones that don't share them
Part 2 of 3: Casting and Using Spells

Step 1. Get the tools you need
To start casting spells and practicing magic, it's a good idea to get some basic tools. Pointed hat and flying broom are not required. Each witch needs different items to perform particular spells, but the basic ones are more or less universal.
- Choose your wand. This tool is chosen because it has a special connection with the witch. It is basically a matter of finding and taking a stick, but in truth there is much more. Spend a lot of time walking in the woods to find a short stick that is right for you, with which you feel connected. You will know it's the right one when you find it.
- Mortar and pestle are also indispensable for casting spells. They are used to mix the herbs and other ingredients of fantastic potions. You can find them in homewares stores.
- Herbs. Witch hazel, mugwort, sage, lavender and many others are commonly used by witches. Scott Cunningham's "Encyclopedia of Magic Herbs" is an essential guide for a novice. You can learn a lot about the power and uses of various common herbs and learn how to use them.
- Salt and white spirit. They are used to purify and keep spells safe, and both are widespread barriers to the spirit world. You can keep yourself safe when you energize your tools by using white spirit and staying within a circle of salt.

Step 2. Load up your magical power tools
Wands, crystals and all tools involved in strong psychic practices must be thoroughly cleaned before and after casting a spell. A good witch is in tune with her tools, keeping them charged and free from negative energies. Use the techniques and traditions of your practice to purify the tools.
Each tradition has different techniques for this task, but in general, many witches use the energy of the moon to charge and purify the wands, leaving the stones under the moonlight all night to absorb it. Rub the wand with white spirit: this is also a very common technique for cleaning and purifying instruments of any bad energy

Step 3. Clean up the area where you "work"
Spells and circles don't have to be cast and formed in a dark wood at midnight. Many magical rituals can be performed just as effectively in the comfort of your room. Choose a safe place where you can remain quiet and peaceful. Make sure that no one interrupts you for as long as it takes to complete the ritual.
- Meditate for several minutes, depending on the practice you follow. Say a prayer of protection in which you cast out evil spirits, negative energies and at the same time invoke positive ones and light. Meditate on the task you are about to do.
- Light the candles and prepare all the items you will need in the ritual. If other people are present, get together, hold hands, and say the cleansing prayers together. Be one entity.

Step 4. Throw a circle of protection
Each magical tradition uses different objects and methods to form a circle, but it doesn't matter if you use candles, stones, chalk lines or sticks, what matters is the meaning you load the circle with. This is a physical or psychic barrier that keeps you safe in your space, allowing you to get in touch with the deities, with the powers and energies needed to perform the ritual.
According to many traditions, the circle must contain candles positioned in the cardinal points (north, south, east and west). It is also a good idea to represent every natural element within the circle itself: a handful of earth, a glass of water, the fire of the candle, and so on

Step 5. Cast the spell
Welcome the gods and elements you are invoking and state the purpose of your rite aloud. You should recite specific prayers or invocations, the spell should be cast at this time. You can find massive lists of common spells online.
Collect and release the energy you are invoking. The purpose of the spell is to make the circle a channel through which you connect with the invisible world of energy and spirits. You need to connect and leave them safely at all times

Step 6. Close the ritual safely
Thank the gods for participating in the rite. Thank the elements for helping and supporting you in casting the spell. Close or open the circle, according to your traditional ritual.
Wiccan practice includes what is referred to as the Law of Three: "Realize these eight words: do what you want until it harms no one." The Law of Three predicts that all your actions will come back to you three times stronger. So be wise and think about your actions and the effect they have on others
Part 3 of 3: Developing Your Own Technique

Step 1. Find a guide
Since the approach to magic can be overwhelming for a novice, it is important to find experienced "coworkers" to introduce you to the world of witchcraft and help you. Get in touch with other witches who can become your tutors of this dark art, who advise you what to read and who show you a couple of invocations.
Never lie to your guides about your experience. If you can't tell a magic wand from a cauldron, don't try to pass yourself off as an expert witch. The others will lose respect for you and will understand it. It's best to be honest about your knowledge and make yourself available to learn

Step 2. Get your Book of Shadows
When you enter the world of witchcraft, it is a good thing to start your own book of shadows. It doesn't have to be an old leather-bound book stained with goat's blood, a regular notebook is fine. Decorate it as you would a personal journal, with images you find powerful, motivating, or filled with witch wisdom. Use the notebook to write down your spells and observations as you study, read, and do your research.

Step 3. Create an altar
It doesn't have to be elaborate or decorated with a bleached 12th-century mystic skull (although that would be awesome). An altar is simply a place where you practice witchcraft. It should primarily contain personal items that inspire you and are essential to the practice. This means that you can put crystals, stones, herbs, pictures and everything else that is important to you. Decorate the altar with your items.
- If you are a green witch, or Wiccan, it may be a good idea to include laurel, flowers, dried herbs and other natural elements. Find stones that convey something to you, strange shells or other objects full of strength and beauty.
- If you are a druid or other type of traditional witch, you can put a lot of photos of your family, your ancestors. If you don't have any, then choose very old items, images of WWI soldiers, an old pocket watch and other things that remind you of the past and put you in touch with it.

Step 4. Practice rhythmically, following the seasons
Witches need to be in harmony with the changing seasons and transition phases. Adjust your rhythms with the phases of the moon and cast your spells based on them, the equinox and other significant astral changes. Get an astrological calendar to learn how planets move. Be aware of the changing seasons and how your body, mind and emotions respond.

Step 5. Keep collecting magic items
As your book of shadows grows with spells, you need to develop the altar and your closet as well. Collect powerful herbs and oils. Practice using them and learn their specific purposes. Collect precious stones and crystals, meditate with them to find how to connect them to your witch practice.
Herbs and stones can be purchased, but it is always best to learn how to find them in nature, to collect and dry herbs. Connecting your magical practice with nature is always a good thing. Get a local herb guide and go out often to find and harvest them. Walk along the banks of the rivers to find the stones
- If you are interested in becoming a witch or a Wicca, talk to a knowledgeable person before making any decisions. Go to the website; it is similar to Facebook, but aimed at pagans. It is also useful for locating groups of witches.
- Follow your intuition. If you feel it is right, do it, if not, don't. Your intuition is your most powerful tool.
- Remember that Wicca and witchcraft are not the same. Some might argue otherwise, but in general they think that Wicca is a religion, while witchcraft is a skill. Witchcraft can be used in different religions and appears in different contexts.
- Pay attention to the promises of the new age. Prominent authors with dozens of written texts may seem authoritative, but often their information is not sufficiently verified. Why does it happen? Because some books sell better than others. Learn to filter every book you read.