Those born under the sign of Scorpio are often misunderstood due to their mysterious and fiery nature. However, show a Scorpio that you are a person worthy of their trust and will be a loyal friend for life. Scorpios often take relationships very seriously and are unfailingly loyal to those they love, so much so that you won't find a more staunch protector. They are great friends and ruthless enemies, so it's probably in your best interest to learn how to best treat people born under this sign.
Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Most Common Scorpio Traits

Step 1. Be loyal
Treat them with love, respect, and selflessness and they will love you. Scorpios are great friends. Give them 100% and they will reciprocate with interest! They tend to have few very close friends because it is essential for them to forge bonds on a more intimate and deeper level. Fragile and ephemeral friendships arouse no interest in Scorpio. Once you become a part of his life, he will never forget you.

Step 2. Don't make a Scorpio angry
If you treat him badly, he may still eventually forgive you for the suffering you caused him, but he will never forget. The betrayal will be reciprocated with a thirst for revenge that is unparalleled. The symbol that characterizes this sign is not accidental. The probability of being able to win it with him is very low.

Step 3. Accept their competitive streak
Most of those born under this sign (not all) love to compete - and above all to win. They love sports and games where there is an opponent to beat. If they have a goal, they always try to achieve it. They never give up and are usually successful at what they do.
Part 2 of 3: Talk to a Scorpio

Step 1. Find out what his interests are
Investigate their favorite topics so you can engage them in pleasant conversations. Realize that Scorpio is driven by hunger for hidden truths and mystery. Often it means that he has an interest in the paranormal, the occult, conspiracy theories or unsolved mysteries.

Step 2. Give him your full attention
When a Scorpio observes you and meets your gaze, it means that they are giving you their attention. There is nothing else in the world at the moment and he is listening with all of himself. When you are with him, he expects the same level of attention from you, so don't waste too much time playing on his phone.

Step 3. Be honest
Scorpio values those who are not afraid to be themselves. He has an intense and mysterious gaze, he also shows an external calm that hides a deep sensitivity. Observe and analyze from afar, gathering information to enhance his already powerful intuitive ability. You may be able to fool him for a short time, but a Scorpio is capable of getting to the heart of any problem. Once he senses your lack of sincerity, you may as well be dead to him.

Step 4. Tell him about yourself
Scorpio likes to hear the stories of others rather than talking about themselves. Tell him something about yourself and he will most likely not forget it. When speaking, he is most fascinated by the emotional implications of a story, that is, what matters on a deeper level. Scorpio loves secrets. He hates small talk and superficial arguments.

Step 5. Avoid telling him anything in one breath, or you will lose interest
Scorpio is by nature an investigator. Thanks to his curious nature, he is dying to solve puzzles. Create an aura of mystery around you by keeping some details of your life or past secret.

Step 6. Refrain from asking too personal questions
Scorpio can be complicated and mysterious. By asking too many questions, you risk creating some suspicion about your intentions. This sign shows the hidden part of itself only to the people it trusts and in any case it may never reveal it in full.

Step 7. Understand that Scorpio tends to be quiet and introverted
It doesn't mean he's not interested in you. However, he is inclined to rely on his own intuition and powers of observation, rather than the potentially unreliable testimonies of others. If a Scorpio is willing to spend time with you, then they certainly enjoy being in your company, even if they don't say it outright.

Step 8. Share the things you have in common with those born under this sign
Scorpio, like many other people, loves to chat with those who share their interests. If you have the same taste in music or like the same TV show, be sure to talk about it during the conversation.

Step 9. Do something to show him that you care
Scorpio is sensitive to the smallest gestures and manages to appreciate them, even if apparently it does not seem. For example, suppose a Scorpio friend is standing next to another friend of yours. Maybe you hug the latter hastily, but when you do it with the Scorpio, hold him and hug him with all the affection you feel for him.
- Compliment him sincerely to show respect and affection. A Scorpio is able to tell if the words come from the heart.
- If you give him a gift, it doesn't need to be too expensive, but make sure it's special and meaningful.
Part 3 of 3: Dating a Scorpio

Step 1. Wear dark colored clothing, such as black, red, blue and purple, to get a Scorpio's attention
This sign is attracted to darker or more intense shades. Choose one of these colors that looks good with your eyes to impress him.

Step 2. Woo him until you earn his trust
What Scorpio really wants is an important and loving relationship. A yearning to bond on a deeper emotional, spiritual, and physical level. It means that it will probably take a long time before he falls in love. Those born under this sign are the most faithful people you could meet if they deem you worthy of their loyalty and love.

Step 3. Look for the light in his eyes
Looking him in the eye you will understand much of what he is feeling, even if he does not express it verbally. When a Scorpio loves, a special light will shine in his eyes.

Step 4. Always be honest and don't play with her feelings if you want to win her heart
Scorpio desires to be in control and therefore does not tolerate mental games in the sentimental field. You risk pushing him away if he feels the situation is getting out of hand. Likewise, if you betray her trust, it may be difficult to win her back.

Step 5. Get ready
Relationships with Scorpio can be complex and difficult to understand, just like their personality. A Scorpio asks a lot, but gives his all. He can be extremely jealous. The manipulative and despotic side of this sign can also be the cause of numerous fights and quarrels.

Step 6. Respect their privacy
Don't indiscretion about your relationship in the presence of friends. Scorpio is very reserved and could interpret this as a betrayal of their trust. It would also be a good idea to keep all personal information he tells you to yourself and not post anything about him on social networks unless he knows about it and likes it.

Step 7. Prepare to have a conversation about sex
Scorpio is really in tune with their sexuality, but they tend to prefer meaningful relationships over casual conquests. He is not afraid to talk about sex and you can talk to him about everything without fear of being scandalized.
- Show that you have faith in yourself. Scorpio respects people who have strong and confident personalities.
- Scorpio is the astrological sign of excess and intensity.
- Scorpio is very deep, detail-oriented, emotional, and hides a lot more than meets the eye. It has a cold and detached air, devoid of emotions, when in reality, underneath it, there is so much strength and power, burning passion, iron will and great tenacity. He has a lot of curiosity, so don't be surprised if he asks you questions. Try to investigate, understand and examine the situation.
- It is difficult to be forgiven by a Scorpio if you have hurt or betrayed him. This will take some time. Don't rush him and he will eventually forgive you.