Do you know if your spirit animal is a wolf, an owl, a crow, a giraffe or a butterfly? Spirit animals can help us feel in tune with nature and guide us in making the right decisions throughout our life. However, you cannot simply choose it; according to ancient beliefs, your spirit animal chooses you. Read on to learn how to find your spirit animal and how to connect to it, a research undertaken by countless people over thousands of years.
Part 1 of 3: Gaining Awareness

Step 1. Spend time surrounded by nature
The earth is populated by numerous species of animals that can teach us something. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, you may interact with animals sometimes, but many people spend virtually all of their time with other humans. Making the natural world an important part of your life opens you up to the possibility of connecting with a spirit animal.
- Don't go out in search of the spirit animal - that's not how it works! For now, stay open to understanding more about all non-human creatures.
- Look for ingenious ways to spend more time in nature. If you don't live in nature, go to a national, local, or city park.
- When you are spending time outside, take off your headphones and eliminate any distractions. Become aware of what's going on around you and notice details you don't normally dwell on: a bird poking out of a bush or a caterpillar moving along a wall.
- When the weather doesn't allow you to take a long walk, make your interiors more open to the natural world. Turn off the air conditioning. Open the shutters and windows. Listen to the wind and the crickets instead of the music.

Step 2. Recognize the wisdom and intelligence of animals
Spending more time in nature, especially among animals, will help you look at them differently. Notice their habits, the ways they communicate with each other, and the elements of their behavior that surprise you. Animals have their own intelligence, different but like humans.
- Intelligence is more than just being able to solve mathematical problems. Think about the specific kind of intelligence animals have. Migratory birds, for example, can fly thousands of kilometers to a predefined destination without having a map.
- Don't humanize animals. They are not human, so you shouldn't expect them to express themselves the same way. It is important to respect animals for who they are, rather than believing that they will communicate in the same way you do.

Step 3. Meditate and pray
Finding your totem animal is a spiritual and supernatural exercise. Take a moment of meditation or prayer and focus on being open to communication with your spirit animal. Do this in a natural place, like a lawn or beach, or a man-made place, like a park.
- If you want a concrete answer to a yes or no question, you probably won't have to look for it in a spirit animal. It's not about getting what you want - it's about creating a deeper connection with nature, which will ultimately get you on the right path.
- Try to find your spirit animal only if you are ready to open up to a different kind of wisdom and intelligence and to connect more deeply with the world of nature. Remember that it must be a mutual bond; you cannot "summon" the spirit animal according to your will. You get much more by staying open to all possibilities.
- If your meditations and prayers don't seem to bear fruit, don't force yourself. Try again during a different season or when your mind is in a different state. In the meantime, work on being more open and spiritually aware, while also spending more time outside with mother nature.
Part 2 of 3: Recognizing Your Pet

Step 1. Pay attention to the recurring appearances of a particular animal in your life
Was there ever a day or week when the same symbol seemed to keep appearing in front of you? Perhaps you saw a mural with a wolf painted on the facade of a building and it struck you with its beauty, so you stopped to look at it. Later, in a cafe, looking down, you saw a wolf tattoo on a woman's ankle. That night you went home, turned on the TV and saw that animal in some show. The recurrence of animal symbols can mean that your spirit animal is trying to make contact.

Step 2. Make a note of the animals you dream of
Spirit animals often appear to people at night in their dreams, when the mind is at rest and the subconscious is at work. If you tend to remove or forget dreams, try to pay them more attention. Take note of the animals you meet.
- Sometimes the appearance of a spirit animal is not unambiguous. You may dream of an animal in a wall painting or during a conversation where your interlocutor mentions a certain animal. All references to animals are important.
- Write down your dreams and pay attention to repetitive patterns. What messages do animals seem to communicate to you? Keep an open mind and try to interpret them.

Step 3. Watch out for animals with unusual behavior
Some have reported meeting their spirit animal in physical form. Don't dismiss this possibility if an animal approaches you, maintains eye contact, runs in front of you, walks around your garden, or otherwise seems to be trying to communicate something to you.

Step 4. Keep a journal of your meditations
Some animals may come and go, while some remain. Keeping a journal of your interactions with these animals will help you learn more about yourself and your totem animal.

Step 5. Consult a shaman
These spirit mediums may have their own methods or advice for finding your spirit animal. Keep in mind that finding a shaman near you isn't as simple as doing a Google search or looking on your phone directory. You may need to ask around or investigate on your own.
Part 3 of 3: Connecting with your spirit animal

Step 1. Find out about your pet
Once you have identified your pet, learn all you can about him. What does it eat and where does it live? Learn about his history, behaviors and how he is portrayed in literature and the media. What does this animal represent?
- The particular wisdom of an animal is called "medicine" or power. This medicine can be used to benefit in times of need. For example, a hawk's power might lie in its ability to see clearly when others can't.
- If possible, spend time near your pet's habitat. Don't be a nuisance, but try to learn as much as possible how the animal lives in the wild.

Step 2. Apply your pet's wisdom to your life
Take what you have learned and use it to help you make important decisions, cope with difficult situations and achieve your goals. You can apply your pet's wisdom even daily in caring for others and the earth.

Step 3. Be open to messages
Be very careful whenever your pet appears to you in any form. Do your best to interpret the messages that the animal appears to be sending you. Remember: the messages won't be direct, because animals don't communicate like humans, so you'll have to work hard to understand. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- What emotions do you feel when the animal approaches?
- Does the animal seem to be a sign of restlessness or comfort?
- Does the animal seem to be guiding you in a certain direction?

Step 4. Honor your pet
In shamanism it is believed that you can achieve a deeper connection with your spirit animal by honoring him. In doing so, you need to let him know that you appreciate his assistance in helping you with your life. You can do this by fighting for the environment and animal rights and, in particular, for the welfare of your spirit animal. Remember that every time a species goes extinct, we lose that animal's wisdom.
- Spirit animals choose you. You may find that the spirit animal is not what you originally expected it to arrive.
- Fill your home with items related to your pet. Let him know he is welcome in your environment.
- Don't always expect a nice animal, like a dog or a cat; some people's spirit animals are poisonous snakes.
- Eventually you may find that you have always been with your spirit animal and have more than one.
- If you don't know your pet, during the night you have to say: "You are welcome in my dream". It will arrive in your dream and you will discover your totem animal.