Did you accidentally break a mirror? Did you pass under a ladder or did a black cat cross your street? Do not worry! If you are a superstitious person or if you just don't like taking risks, this guide is for you. Here are some practical tips to keep bad luck at bay.
Part 1 of 3: Get rid of bad luck

Step 1. Use the salt
Salt is considered a good omen in many cultures around the world. Often, but not always, when you do something that is considered bad luck you can remedy it by throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder. left (throwing salt over your right shoulder will bring even more misfortune).
- Alternatively, you can cleanse your body of bad luck by bathing in salt water. Just add two tablespoons of salt to a tub of hot water.
- Another method is to sprinkle sea salt in every corner of the rooms and under all windowsills. It will protect the house from bad luck.

Step 2. Broken mirrors
After breaking a mirror, you should never throw the pieces away, otherwise you will seal your fate and face 7 long years of bad luck.
- You can also pulverize all the pieces of mirror and then leave them to the wind or take a single piece (big enough to reflect, but not big or sharp enough to be dangerous for you or anyone else) and wait for the next full moon.
- Depending on the number of days left to reach the first full moon, you may still face a short period of bad luck, but using the mirror to reflect the full moon and observing its reflection can interrupt it. At that point you can bury the piece of mirror or decide to keep it.

Step 3. Burn some incense
It is an effective way to get rid of bad luck and negative energy.
- Choose pungent scents like sandalwood or jasmine, and if you burn more than one stick, be sure to use them in odd, not even numbers.
- If unfortunate events happen in your personal life, burn some incense in the house. Bring incense to any room, letting the fragrant smoke fill all corners of your home.
- If bad luck occurs at work, burn incense in your office.

Step 4. Bring some protective charms
They are a great way to avoid bad luck in daily life. They can be worn with a chain or bracelet or you can put them in your pocket. Some of the more common ones include:
- Keys - have been used to bring good luck since ancient times. It is said that bringing three together opens three doors (wealth, health and love).
- Shamrock and Clover: They are a popular method from Celtic mythology to bring good luck. Each of the four leaves represents a lucky trait: wealth, fame, love and health.
- Horseshoe: believed to bring good luck, and ward off the evil eye. Hang one around the house for protection, or wear a horseshoe-shaped pendant; however, make sure that the tips are pointing upwards, otherwise luck could "run away".
- Rabbit's Foot: Believed to bring good luck and protection in many cultures and must be the left rear one. Also, to activate good luck, you have to rub it.

Step 5. Burn sage leaves
This aromatic herb has been burned for years in various cultures as a remedy to ward off negative energy. This ceremony is known in the Anglo-Saxon world as "smudging" (purification).
- Buy a stick of sage or dried sage and light it up. It should burn slowly, smoldering. Bring the sage around the house, pushing the smoke into every corner of the house.
- Open doors and windows to let negative energy escape. If you want, you can later burn some glycery (Hierochloe odorata) to draw positive energy into the home.

Step 6. Use stones and crystals
It has always been believed that they have several beneficial properties - they protect, ward off negative energies and bring good luck. Keep these crystals or stones in your home, workplace or carry them on your person.
- The black tourmaline will protect you from negative energies, such as the evil eye. Rose quartz will facilitate the positive energy to replace the negative one.
- Labradorite will protect you from psychic vampires or leeches, who try to suck energy and positive emotions from you.
- The amethyst will protect you from damage during the journey and protects the soldiers.
- Other stones that can be used for protection from negative energies or evil spirits are: ruby, quartz, peridot, obsidian, jasper, moonstone, onyx, emerald, turquoise, blue topaz, sugilite, citrine, carnelian and red jasper.

Step 7. Do a good deed
One of the best ways to change your destiny is to earn some positive karma by doing good deeds. This is a way to remedy any serious mistakes you have made in this life or in a previous one.
- Improve your karma by making a donation to charity or helping people in need, such as the homeless, the elderly or orphaned children.
- It is important that a sincere desire to help others emerges from these good deeds. In fact, if you behave well just to earn good karma and make your life easier, the action is undone.
- Engaging in charitable works will also help put your situation in perspective; you may think that you have suffered a lot of bad luck, but seeing the suffering of others, it will help you to realize that the situation is not that bad.

Step 8. Purify your seven chakras with fresh flowers to get rid of negative energy and invite good luck
- You will need to have at least seven different types of flowers, in as many colors as possible (all but white). Remove stems and leaves, leaving the flowers.
- Place the flowers in a basin of water and expose it to the sun for an hour. This allows the water to absorb the positive energy of the flowers.
- Take the basin to the bathroom and use a washcloth to soak in the energized flower water. While taking a bath, focus on a patch of light emanating from the center of your forehead. Allow this light to spread throughout your body.
- After the bath, carefully collect the flowers, put them in a paper bag and throw them away. Imagine your bad luck being thrown away with flowers.

Step 9. Pray
Praying to God or whatever spiritual being you believe in can help you regain good luck. Remember to do this regularly and ask forgiveness for your past mistakes and negative thoughts.
- Take time during your prayer sessions to reflect on who you are as a person and if you can take steps to improve yourself.
- Thank God for all the good things in your life; this simple action could change the perspective on your perception of "bad luck" and instead make you realize that you are lucky.

Step 10. Clean the house
Living in a cluttered house can prevent positive energies from flowing around the house and can create negative emotions and bad luck. This simple action can renew energy and allow you to recall luck.
- Start tidying up your home: remove unwanted or disused items and throw them away. Then clean it thoroughly, remove the cobwebs and remove the dust.
- Try rearranging your furniture to improve the flow of energy and repaint the walls to bring new life to your living space.
- Try listening to music and burning incense while you work and leave all doors and windows open for the sun to enter. This will encourage positive energy to flow into your renewed living space.

Step 11. Use the power of light
Introducing light into your home is an effective way that you can get rid of bad luck and negative energies.
- Try to turn on all the lights in the house and also some candles, so that there are no shadows where negative energies can hide.
- A practice that uses the power of light (to protect you from bad luck and attract good luck in its place) is to light three candles; two must be white, one for protection and one for cleanliness, while the others must be orange, to bring about a change in luck.

Step 12. Travel to another country
Misfortune will be left behind and will disperse in your absence. The farther you go from your home country, the better.
- Crossing an ocean or flying to a place in a different time zone works even better.
- The trip could also help you realize that the bad luck is not with you, but with your home or work situation.
- Take some time to figure out what changes to make when you return to get rid of bad luck.
Part 2 of 3: Avoid Misfortune

Step 1. Avoid actions or circumstances that bring bad luck
Many of the superstitions regarding things that bring bad luck are well known, but it's a good idea to recap the main ones. This way you can also try to strategically alter your behavior to avoid bad luck. Even if bad luck is inevitable, you will be able to recognize the signs and take immediate action to reverse them. Some common indications of bad luck include:
- Break a mirror: It is said to bring seven years of bad luck.
- Seeing a crow: If it crosses your street, it brings bad luck. However, if they are two, the misfortune is reversed.
- Walk under a ladder, as, leaning against the wall, it forms a triangle, which is the symbol of the Holy Trinity. Walking through the triangle violates a sacred area.
- Putting Shoes on Any Table: In England, putting shoes on the table was a sign of respect for a dead miner. So, repeating this gesture is like challenging fate.
- Predicting for yourself something negative out loud (being a jinx). This is tempting fate.
- Wear opals, unless you are born in October.
- Walk on the sidewalk cracks. In English the saying is known "Step on a crack and fate will break your mother's back!" (Pass over a crack in a sidewalk and fate will break your mother's back).
- A black cat crosses your street. It comes from the association of black cats with witches and magic.
- Opening an umbrella indoors is considered bad luck, a superstition that comes from the ancient Egyptians. In those days, opening an umbrella indoors was considered an insult to the Sun God.

Step 2. Learn about other lesser known superstitions
It is a good idea to read such superstitions and consider the risks associated with certain actions, which could unintentionally bring you bad luck. Here are examples of some of the lesser known causes of bad luck:
- Collect a coin on the cross side.
- Get out of bed on the left side.
- Seeing an owl during the day.
- Don't make knitted socks for your boyfriend or he'll get away from you.
- Kill a ladybug or spider (especially those known as money carriers).
- Close a pocket knife unless you opened it.
- Sleeping with your feet facing the door disperses the soul forever.
- An owl whistling three times in your garden.
- Sleeping on or under a dining table.
- Starting a trip on a Friday.
- Kill a bee within the walls of the house.
- Turning the bread upside down on the table after it has been cut brings a lot of bad luck.
- Say the word "Pig" when you are at sea.
- If you drop a knife, picking it up yourself will bring you bad luck in love and money. You should ask someone else to collect it for you.
- Starting something new, meeting new people, or starting a relationship on Friday the 13th.
- Threading needles into the skein of thread will bring bad luck to anyone who wears something made from that thread.

Step 3. Most superstitions merely predict bad luck, however some are also harbingers of death and disease
You should become familiar with the following:
- A robin flying into a room by entering through a window portends an impending death.
- It is good to hold your breath as you pass a graveyard, otherwise you could breathe in the spirit of someone who has recently died.
- If you open the front door and are greeted outside by a thieving magpie staring at you, it is a sure omen of death.
- If you dream of death it is an omen of a birth, if you dream of a birth it is an omen of death.
- A nervous tic in the left eye is an omen of an upcoming death in the family.
- White butterfly bad luck is not lacking.
- Dreaming of white is an omen of death.
Part 3 of 3: Recognizing the Signs of Good Luck

Step 1. Know the signs that indicate a change in bad luck:
- Dreaming of being very high up, like on top of a building.
- Sneeze 3 times before breakfast.
- Putting money in the pocket of a garment you are wearing for the first time.
- Seeing a spider weaving its web in the morning hours.
- Find a pin pointing towards you.
- To dream of clear water.
- Eat the tip of a leftover slice of pie.
- Find a bubble of dough or cheese in your pizza.
- Seeing a cricket in your own home.
- To take advantage of the misfortune of seeing a crow, make a wish. If the bird doesn't flap its wings before you can't see it anymore, the wish will come true. If he does blink them, look away and count to 10; if it disappears in the meantime, the wish will come true anyway.
- Although superstitions can be useful, it is important that they do not affect our life.
- Don't cut your fingernails and toenails overnight if you don't want a ghost to appear in your room.