Do you need to keep bees away, at home or somewhere else? In some cases, you need to prevent bees from nibbling in some places. This is different from removing an existing bee hive. It is often better to keep bees away than to kill them. Here's how to get them away, short-term from your property or temporarily in kind.
Method 1 of 2: Keep Your Bees Off Your Property with Benzaldehyde

Step 1. Know the substance you are using
Benzaldehyde is quite corrosive, so avoid contact with the skin. It has a very strong smell of almonds, and bees can't stand it. Keep in mind that it will "burn" bees that come into contact with it, so this is a cruel method.
Farmers often used this method to drive bees out of a hive, but it is a solution that is no longer in use because it could contaminate the honey

Step 2. Purchase some benzaldehyde
You can buy it from a company that specializes in food flavorings, etc.

Step 3. Spray a small amount of benzaldehyde on a rag
Put it in a position where its smell reaches the bees. It would be perfect to put it under a heat source, such as the sun. To increase the effectiveness of the substance you can direct the air flow of a fan towards the cloth. Keep the substance out of the reach of children, and avoid contact with skin and eyes.

Step 4. Please note that this is not a permanent solution
Consult the advice of a professional beekeeper to remove the hive.
If you are dealing with a bee infestation avoid amateur beekeepers. A professional will guarantee you efficiency and safety at work
Method 2 of 2: Keep Bees away in the wild

Step 1. Light a bonfire if you are camping
The bees will not come close to smoking.

Step 2. Avoid leaving objects outdoors that could attract them
Cover the food, and put away any leftover sweets immediately after eating them.

Step 3. Try to attract bees to other places by using smells they like
By using floral or sweet smells away from the area you camped in, you will encourage the bees to leave you alone (but you will attract other types of animals, so be careful).
- Remember that bees are usually good! They make honey and help the flowers grow. If possible, leave them alone, especially in nature.
- Contrary to popular belief, it is not dangerous to wear perfume in the presence of bees.
- Be careful when using strong-smelling foods or products in areas where bears are present.
- If you are allergic to bees, make sure you have your medicines with you when you go camping.