If you feel like a Christian who wants to be closer to God, here are some ideas and actions to help you glorify God and be closer to Him. God loves you more than any other living being. He created you and by following these steps, you will come closer to Him.

Step 1. Pray
While this may seem obvious, pray to God two or more times a day. When you don't feel like praying: PRAY. Imagine yourself standing in front of Him and seeing His majesty when you pray. Worship His Majesty! Yet, He wants to be your best friend, who is more than pure and righteous, He is the Holy God, the Judge, "He is [perfect] Love."

Step 2. Try not to be proud and / or conceited and don't pray for any whim:
just try to deal with the important events in your life, even if nothing is too insignificant to ask for help and wisdom.

Step 3. Confess your sins to Him
Pray for all the problems in your current life, and for the other things that are truly important to you. You can try to hold a prayer journal, if you are unfamiliar, or if you want to record your requests and their results.

Step 4. Ask your Christian friends to point out prayers if you're not very good, or look around and read articles online
There are several sites on the internet to find effective systems for praying who can tell you how to pray for yourself, for other believers, etc.

Step 5. Think that God is always beside you (He is always with you), just like a friend
If you focus on this thought, you will likely find yourself a talk to God more and more and more. This will automatically lead you to be closer to Him. You will benefit from the worship of God and fill yourself with the Holy Spirit.

Step 6. Talk to the Priest or Parish Priest of your Church, with the catechist or pastor and ask him your questions
They have studied the Bible and have asked themselves the same questions as you. Ask them what you want to know about God: why He allows free will for our sins, why He allows His people to suffer, why they run into trouble even when doing "good", why He let His child suffer, dying on the cross for all men (even murderers); because Christ has returned with his Father in heaven; because he sent the Holy Spirit and so on. You can learn things about God that you didn't know about. This information can also help you talk about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with your non-Christian friends.

Step 7. Study the Bible
The Bible is the word of the Lord. Try to follow a schedule to read it every day. You can find hundreds of online programs to organize your reading, find the one that suits you best. That's great because you'll have a schedule to learn something new every day. The readings are of great help as they explain the reason for the things that happen in your life!

Step 8. Pay attention in church
You will learn more and feel more in tune with God. Take notes when you are in church !!! They will be of great help to you later and you can reread them to apply divine principles in your daily life.

Step 9. Take an active part in church life
Singing, doing the gestures required by the rite (bowing the head, standing, sitting, etc.) is not enough. Make yourself available with volunteering, help others as much as you can and you will be blessed.

Step 10. It is best to be honest in your thoughts, feelings and actions
God is purer than any human being, so the more you try to be pure, the closer you will be to God, who will touch your heart and please yours. deeper desires.

Step 11. Don't give in to violence and conflict
Stay balanced and ethically serene. Read the Bible for help and stay in control.

Step 12. If you are Catholic, go to confession at least every 2-3 months
It will help you live a Christian life and be closer to God.

Step 13. Whether you are a child, a teenager or an adult, try to "spend time" with people of the same creed, even if only with 2-3 people who believe that God is the answer; in this way your faith will be stronger
This doesn't mean you don't have to have unbelieving friends, but when you pray, have faith in what you ask because, if you don't believe, you will no longer be close to God for a fully Christian life.
- "Do not let your hearts be troubled" John 14: 1. Be humble, surrender to God and bow down to Him so that He can lift your spirit.
- When you bless others in the right way, you get so much blessing from God that you cannot contain it. You overflow and pour even more blessing on others.
- Do not forget about God. It is easy to fall into this mistake, focus on Him. Seek Him in all things.
- "Get angry but don't sin. Don't let the sun go down on your anger"; so let it pass on the same day it is born.
- Don't parrot prayers you don't hear inside. God wants you to talk to him and doesn't want to hear empty words. Think of him as a friend.
- Always thank and glorify the Lord (for all he has done or will do for you) regardless of whether you have received good or not.
- Recognize that God is your true father who looks at you with infinite love every time you get close to Him.
Seek him because: Now without faith it is impossible to please him;
since whoever approaches God must believe that He is, and who is the rewarder of those who seek him. Hebrews 11: 6.
- Don't just focus on yourself when you pray. Remember that God has his reasons, his times and therefore believe in him.
- Do your best to be close to God. It doesn't have to be something you do just to enter the Kingdom of Heaven or to get something in return, but it is something you practice daily and diligently. It is not easy but the rewards will be great.
- "Didn't I command you? Be strong and cheer up; do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, because the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go". Joshua 1: 9.
- You don't have to become a priest, a pastor or a deacon to be closer to God. You can reach this state through prayer, believing in Him "with your earthly abilities" and with the "faith of a child"!
- Try not to get angry. When people get angry they seem to lose faith in God. But if you do, try to calm down.
- Reading the Bible every day is essential to being closer to God. If you are not sure what to read, try studying John. Before reading, ask God to open your heart, soul, and mind to make you understand what He wants from you. Read one or two chapters a day (for example, one in the morning and one in the evening) and think about what you are reading. Pray as you read and talk to God about the meaning of the verses. This is an EXCELLENT method of growing close to God, every day.
- Accept that everything that happens is the result of a "third person" involved in the actions / inactions, as opposed to your prayers, and that God does not take anyone's side. This person has free will and cannot follow Jesus or God, nor can he stop his conduct that is unbecoming for you. So you can deduce that certain events are the result of the actions of people who "reject the will of God".
- Join prayer groups for youth and adults to rekindle faith in you.
- A child can rarely prevent parents from separating when they want it with all their might.
- Jesus said: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself".
- Relax and have faith in God. If you feel that you are struggling with your problems and they are overwhelming you, step back and accept that God has his plans and that God is never evil. Cultivate faith… 'Believe' in the LORD, and 'do good'.
- When you have a problem, ask God for his help. It might fix it in a way you don't want, but you'll still be happy with the result. Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For all who ask will receive, all who seek will find, to all who knock it will be opened."
- 'Show your way to the Lord, trust him: he will do his work; he will make your righteousness shine like a light, your right like noon. ' Book of Psalms 37: 2-5.
- 'Then, when you understand that you are nothing before the Lord, it will be He who will lift you up and help you.' James 4:10.
- Pride leads to sin and pride to destruction. So think in a more noble way than others, for example try to put yourself at the service of others, be courteous and caring and share your love for God with them.
- "'When were you hungry and we didn't feed you, when you were naked and we didn't dress you?' they will ask. And I will answer: 'Everything you did to them you did to me'."
- Don't be proud, false humility indicates that you are proud of your humility and successes without realizing that you have achieved them thanks to God and others.