You have endless opportunities ahead of you to create your own fortune, even if you think it's not possible at the moment. Be prepared to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. It happens often, it's not about supernatural events. Here are some tips for taking control of your destiny.

Step 1. Be decisive and resourceful
If you don't take the reins of your life, no one will do it for you. Why should they? You can and should be innovative, creating and doing things your way. Random luck depends on "luck", but you can't rely on it to create your own success!
- Take some risks: if you want to be lucky, you need to adopt a positive, enterprising attitude and cultivate new ideas. After all, if there is no risk there is no gain! Without an input, it is not possible to process an output! If you don't throw yourself in, if you don't put your ideas into play to create or improve events, making them real, then you will never find your luck.
- Avoid unnecessary risks. You can't control events, but you can take action to improve the situation. You have to believe that things happen thanks to the way you approach life.

Step 2. Believe in your goal
Write it in black and white, consider it the "project" to make your fortune. Use the classic napkin, or a piece of paper, perhaps stained with coffee. Write down your idea on anything available at the moment. When preparing the project, consider the following elements:
- The title of the project will be "Make Luck for _" by entering one of your interests. It is not a problem if you do not have a clear vision, over time the project will take shape. These ideas may seem common or difficult to implement and time-consuming, but they are indispensable for creating your future fortune in that context.
- List all the ideas regarding your chosen goal, writing down all the important things that come to mind. As it stands, don't waste too much time defining the project, as you'll have the option to fine-tune it later.
- Copy the blueprint if you pinned it to a piece of paper.

Step 3. Define a deadline for achieving the goal
Deadlines help you make more progress. Aim to accomplish small goals, perhaps in the short term, even completing them in a few hours, days or weeks. Create an action plan and follow it carefully. Fine-tune it on the go and be ready to seize new opportunities.
Think about the prerequisites.
Establish an order for the completion of the objectives based on their importance, for example 101A must be implemented before 102B. It may be necessary to place them in a logical sequence.
- Write the descriptions of the categories for each milestone to be achieved. Categories work better than hundreds of goals that don't seem connected to each other. You could break them down into sub-steps, so you have a clearer view of progress.

Step 4. Great ideas will come to you, but you don't have to worry if you don't have inspiration right now
Work on your doubts and ponder the goals to be achieved.
You have to be ready to grasp new ideas. When you find inspiration, write it down right away, otherwise it will pass your mind and you will wonder "What was that great idea?". If you don't focus on a dynamic enough idea to develop and implement, then you'll be killing luck in the bud. But if you have an idea and the courage to believe in your possibilities, the positive attitude will take you far

Step 5. Expand your expectations
No matter where you are or where you want to be, you can go beyond mere existence. Extend your goals in any way possible.
- Lucky people don't just focus on the action, they get it done.
- Don't wait without a good reason. Always putting it off, waiting for something better to happen, is simply an excuse.

Step 6. Work better, not harder
Use your contacts to reach the set goals. Forget common strategies, but focus on innovation, looking for new ways to accomplish your goals.
- Look for a partner. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were also in partnership with a technical expert in the beginning. It is helpful to join forces with someone who is knowledgeable in an area you do not know thoroughly, because it compensates for your shortcomings by giving you the opportunity to focus on your strengths.
- Do not assume that luck is built only with one's own strength. Others can give you great support. You just have to be careful to return the favor, because it's usually not a one-way relationship.
- You have to be ready to seize the opportunity at the right time. This is the real secret behind the greatest fortune. People invest a lot of time preparing themselves instead of doing nothing hoping for a golden opportunity to come and, in the beginning, it will take a long time.

Step 7. Look for new experiences
When you can understand what could improve your life and that of those around you, you can define a specific direction to follow. By taking advantage of this "sense of direction", you can find what you are looking for, pursuing the planned objectives and concentrating on the project, the path or the direction taken.
- Get experience, for example through study and observation, or speed things up by looking for a mentor to guide you on the path you have taken, someone who already has experience in the chosen field.
- Observe the way others work with no matter. Creative people need space and time to collect ideas and implement them. Listen carefully, use a sense of humor, and also find time to relax with others. Inevitably, you will find yourself arguing with someone who has strong goals or beliefs like yours, so be willing to confront, find an agreement and avoid getting unreasonable. Be flexible, trying to highlight the great innovations and improvements you have conceived.
- Cultivate your talent with all your strength. For example, a musical "genius" plays several instruments, practicing every day for years, never stopping, for thousands of hours. The same reasoning can be applied to academic talents: work hard, give your all, with the knowledge that it will take a long time to improve your skills.
- Learn to speak in public. Even if you can't face an audience, it is useful to be persuasive and have a good understanding of the topic to be treated.

Step 8. Have a positive attitude
Believe in yourself. Don't say, "I've never had talent." People who think in this way generally want a change, but never put a lot of effort into it, don't try different things, or don't spend enough time on their dream.
- Happiness and joy are life choices. Choose to be happy, for example by letting yourself be guided by inspiration, or by using your time wisely and fruitfully. When you work, try to have fun by appreciating what you do. Smile more, with transport, so avoid fake smiles.
- Learn to love the things you hate: Appreciate your work, practice, study, keep track of business, or write down the things you learn.

Step 9. Be persevering
Remember: some famous singers have been successful despite having a mediocre voice; some celebrities manage to break through even though they do not possess great beauty, real talent or particular connections. They made it through perseverance and by believing in what they did, without ever doubting. Ultimately, we can say that the secret of luck is to finish what you started, or to find a different way to achieve the goal.
- From time to time, reread your goals and consider them as missions to complete. Evaluate your progress to see what kind of luck you are making.
- You can't force yourself to think creatively. If you can't get any new ideas right now, put the paper or notebook aside.
- Have faith and believe in profit.