If you've just got a parakeet, you'll want to know its sex. You can do this by learning what are the colors that distinguish the male from the female; you can also check his behavior or listen to his verses. If you are still having difficulties, remember that you can always contact the veterinarian or breeder you bought it from.
Method 1 of 2: Observe Colors to Identify Gender

Step 1. Find the budgie's "wax"
This is the fleshy coating located just above the beak. The nostrils are right on the wax (they look like two deep holes), so it's easy to spot it. Most of the time the beak is yellowish, while the wax can be of different colors according to the sex of the animal.

Step 2. Recognize the male parakeet
Most male specimens that are in the breeding stage have wax of a bright blue or royal blue color. Sometimes the color is so vivid that it can even appear purplish-blue. In specimens that have not yet reached sexual maturity the color of the wax may be lighter, like a pale blue.
If you have come to the conclusion that your parakeet is male, but you notice its wax turning brown, it may have some health problems

Step 3. Recognize a female parakeet
The wax of an adult female is usually white to very light blue or a light brown. As it becomes more fertile and begins to produce eggs, the wax takes on a darker color or a pink to brownish color.
If the budgie is of childbearing age and ready to breed, its wax may become thicker and more encrusted. The wax can build up to an inch thick

Step 4. Assess the parakeet's age
If she is less than 4 months old, it is difficult to identify her gender by relying only on color. Before this period, the colors of the areas that should indicate the sex of the animal change regularly - the wax of the male may vary from pink to purple, while that of the female can range from white to light blue. All this makes the matter more complex, but not impossible, in fact you can still accurately understand if you are facing a male or a female. If the bird has not yet made its first moult, it has black circles around the eyes and lines that start from the head towards the wax, then it is less than four months old.
When the parakeet is not yet of fertile age or has not exceeded 4 months of age, in the males the wax slowly takes on a bluish color, while in the females it remains whitish or very pale blue before becoming brownish

Step 5. It is objectively complicated to identify the sex of parakeets by means of colors
In addition to the color changes triggered by the fertile period, parakeet wax can change for a number of other reasons. When the female has hormonal imbalances or the environment is not suitable for reproduction, this part of the beak turns a light blue for a long time. Some specimens have genetic mutations that lead them to have different colors, especially in males; for example, particularly colorful parakeets, albino and white-faced parakeets may have pinkish wax despite being male. In these cases, color is not an element to be taken into account in understanding gender.
For example, an albino lovebird may have a pink wax, which makes it very difficult to determine its sex
Method 2 of 2: Other Methods for Gender Identification

Step 1. Listen to it
The male is known to be louder than the female. It can chirp or sing even for quite a long time. Although the female also makes sounds, these usually sound more like angry and less musical noises. However, sometimes it can also happen that the females sing cheerfully while the males are more gruff.
Remember that the parakeet's attitude and singing may not be the only elements to consider when identifying sex. Both sexes may show the same character

Step 2. Pay attention to his behavior
The male often sways his head up and down or taps his beak against the cage; he also looks playful and sociable. The female appears more aggressive if she is in the reproductive phase or calm and silent if she is not fertile.
You may see a male specimen tapping on a female and regurgitating food for her. In this case, you don't need to worry, as this is normal courtship behavior, although it can also happen between individuals of the same sex

Step 3. Ask some experts
If you bought a parakeet from a breeder or a trader, you can ask him for the sex of the specimen; however, be aware that not all breeders may know this, especially if your baby bird was raised in a colony. You can also buy an inexpensive kit to detect the animal's DNA and thus recognize its sex.
Don't forget that you can also ask your vet to determine the sex of the bird for you. This can be easier if your doctor is already familiar with handling birds
- If the parakeet is tame, you shouldn't grab it. Just let it sit on your finger or perch, then watch the wax carefully.
- Sometimes it may be particularly difficult to understand the sex of a specimen in the event of a sex mutation or hereditary mutation.
- Even if you are not planning to breed your parakeets, it may be helpful to know their sex. Some types of diseases are sex-specific; Also, having same-sex parakeets can prevent them from reproducing in case you want to avoid it.
- Remember that budgies are very delicate creatures and have very fragile bones. Handle them gently, but be sure to hold them firmly.