The Chinese water dragon, whose scientific name is Physignathus cocincinus, is an excellent companion animal; however, you need to be ready to take care of it properly. Like all reptiles, it requires careful care, it needs specific nutrition, you have to control the temperature of its habitat and handle it with delicacy. If you think you are able to care for it properly, read on for more details.
Part 1 of 3: Caring for the Chinese Water Dragon

Step 1. Learn to handle it
Part of the fun of keeping pets is picking them up and enjoying their company. Handling a Chinese water dragon can be fun for him too, if done correctly; as always, be careful and consider the following factors:
- Start handling it when it's young to make sure you accept it in adulthood as well;
- Move slowly at first as you try to pick it up; you have to make him get used to your presence and trust you;
- Don't force any interaction with the Chinese water dragon, otherwise the only thing you get is distrust of you;
- At first try to feed him on the hand, inside the cage; when he accepts food in this way, you can start letting him out;
- Never grab it by the tail.

Step 2. Provide adequate nutrition
This reptile needs to follow a diet that satisfies its nutritional needs and that it would also follow in nature; its ideal food is made up of insects of various kinds, as well as fruits and vegetables. Such nutrition helps him stay healthy, strong and happy.
- The main elements of his diet are crickets and mealworms; however, these are insects that tend to be calcium deficient when raised in captivity and therefore need to be coated with calcium powder just before feeding them to the chestnut to ensure that the latter receives an appropriate amount of this mineral. indispensable for the bones.
- Honeyworm larvae are another good option, but they are high in fat and you should feed them to your little reptile sparingly.
- Dark green vegetables, such as kale, kale, mustard, and dandelion leaves, are great additions to your diet.
- Don't forget about fruit too, try giving him bananas, cantaloupe or strawberries.
- Adult specimens can eat earthworms, pink mice, or small fish.
- If you have a young water dragon, you need to feed it every day.
- If he is an adult, feed him once every three days.

Step 3. Take care of his body
The Chinese water dragon doesn't need a lot of attention when it comes to cleaning; however, there are some things you can do to keep him clean and happy. The two main aspects you need to pay attention to are the nails and the bathroom.
- Keep an eye on her nails; if you see them getting too long, you have to cut them off. Leaving them short allows you to handle the reptile more comfortably.
- Find a person who can personally teach you how to do this, as it is difficult for a beginner to proceed without seriously injuring the little reptile.
- Allow the reptile to regularly soak in the water; this helps him to prevent constipation and to stay clean.

Step 4. Make regular appointments with your vet
As with all pets, medical checkups are an important part of ensuring your little friend's health. Find a reptile veterinarian and make an appointment to bring the lizard to their attention.
- Young specimens less than four years old must be visited at least once a year.
- For the more mature, over four years, two visits a year are needed.
Part 2 of 3: Prepare the Habitat

Step 1. Maintain adequate water and humidity levels
The Chinese water dragon needs both of these factors to stay healthy and live long.
- The humidity in the terrarium should be around 80%; you can buy a device to measure it at pet stores.
- On the market there is a nebulizing device to maintain a correct environmental humidity; eventually, you can use a spray bottle or waterfall system which both work equally well.
- Leave at the disposal of the small reptile a large container with water in which it can easily enter; make sure, however, that he can also get out of it without difficulty.

Step 2. Purchase an appropriate lighting system
It is important to guarantee the chestnut the right quantity and quality of light to keep it in good health and ensure its well-being; like other reptiles, this one is cold-blooded and needs external heat to regulate its body temperature. In addition, it is a diurnal animal and needs light to understand whether it is day or night.
- As the main daylight you should use incandescent bulbs, which in addition to lighting also provide heat.
- During the night you have to turn off the terrarium lights; However, make sure that the temperature remains around 23-26 ° C.
- This pet must remain exposed to ultraviolet rays; during the day the natural source should be the sun, but the UV rays are not able to pass through the glass. Place the water dragon in a secure wire mesh enclosure so it can absorb the UV rays it needs.
- Never place a glass container directly in sunlight, otherwise the temperature can rise to dangerous levels.
- There are specific black lamps that emit the UV wavelengths necessary for the reptile; these are not the classic Wood lamps, but you can find them at specialist reptile stores. Make sure the baby lizard stays 20-25cm from the lamp so it can benefit from the UV rays which become ineffective at a greater distance. Remember to change the bulb every 6 months, as UV emissions degrade after this period.

Step 3. Set the correct temperature
The lights in the cage are the main source of heat, but you can add more in several specific areas; it is essential to guarantee the correct temperature of its habitat to safeguard the health of the saurian.
- During the day the temperature of the terrarium should be around 28-31 ° C, while at night the ideal is to reduce it to 23-26 ° C.
- You should also provide it with a second heat source, such as a basking lamp, which should be 32-35 ° C below.

Step 4. Insert a quality substrate
Put some organic material to cover the bottom of his cage; the water dragon needs a specific type of material that is similar to that of its natural environment.
- The ideal is to get one that is relatively inexpensive and easy to clean or replace.
- The most common are newsprint or artificial grass.
- A mixture of sand and peat is also recommended, although it is difficult to clean. If you decide to use sand, purchase a fine-grained sand and check that the packaging clearly states that it is safe for reptiles; otherwise, in fact, the saurian could swallow it and suffer from serious intestinal obstructions.
- Avoid cedar shavings, wood shavings, gravel, potting soil, or cat litter if they contain vermiculite, pesticides, or other fertilizers.

Step 5. Get a cage that is large enough
The dimensions must be adequate to ensure the creature can move and live comfortably; if it is too small it can become a danger to the health of the pet.
- Generally speaking, the terrarium should have a height equal to the length and a width equal to half the height.
- These animals can grow very large; an adult specimen needs a cage long and about 1.8m high, while it should be about 90cm wide.

Step 6. Add some decorations
You must make sure that his home is a pleasant and safe place; in nature the water dragon loves to climb and explore the territory, so you should recreate a similar habitat to make him feel at ease even in this new home of his.
- Provide him with branches on which he can climb; however, avoid sticky or resin-oozing woods.
- Also offer him a safe place to hide; it can be a simple cardboard box. Place several hiding places in the terrarium.
- Arrange some plants as well; However, make sure they are not toxic to the baby saurian, such as hibiscus or Staghorn ferns.
- Another aspect to pay attention to is the soil in which the plants are located, therefore avoid those that are buried in a soil with vermiculite, pesticides or fertilizers.

Step 7. Keep the cage clean
As with all animals raised in captivity, adequate cleaning and care of hygienic conditions allow you to keep both you and the reptile in good health; Schedule a regular cleaning of the terrarium so as not to forget this fundamental task.
- Always wear gloves during the cleaning procedure;
- Remove feces, skin residues during moulting, food scraps and water spills every day;
- Clean the bowl of water and food daily;
- Instead, every week you should take care of the complete cleaning of the cage;
- The stones should be cleaned and boiled for about half an hour;
- The branches must be cleaned and "cooked" in the oven at 90 ° C for about 30 minutes.
Part 3 of 3: Getting to know the Chinese Water Dragon

Step 1. Keep in mind that this reptile can get big
It can grow quite a bit and you need to make sure you feel comfortable handling a chestnut of this size. You also need to give him a certain amount of space to live in, offering him a habitat where he feels comfortable and comfortable.
- An adult male specimen can reach 90 cm in length;
- A female can reach 60 cm in length.

Step 2. Know that the water dragon represents a lasting commitment
It can live up to 15 years in captivity and you need to be prepared to care for it all this time; don't take it if you think you won't be able to commit to this point.

Step 3. Read and inform yourself about the main diseases
If he grows up with the proper care and attention, he can live a long and happy life; however, you need to be alert for any possible illnesses that may arise in the course of life. Take him regularly to the vet to promptly identify some of the main diseases affecting this reptile.
- A calcium deficiency or low UV exposure can cause metabolic bone disease, presenting with symptoms of limb or jaw weakness;
- If it hits the walls of the cage, it can also suffer from abrasions to the muzzle;
- Overeating can lead to obesity;
- Sometimes, he can also suffer from injuries or other diseases; always observes his behavior to promptly assess possible health problems.
- Never grab it by the tail.
- Always monitor the temperature and humidity of his cage.