Marine aquariums give you the opportunity to have exotic and very colorful tropical fish, both at home and in the office. The owners find it a relaxing hobby and a way to relieve stress. Maintaining a saltwater aquarium is a bit more challenging than a freshwater one, so if you want to set up one, be aware that you will need to maintain a cleaning and maintenance program.
Step 1. Choose the tub
Fish and marine plants are used to living in the vast ocean space. So you need to get a tub of an important size. You can buy it in pet stores and specific fish stores. You can also find second-hand ones at an attractive price.
When choosing the size of the tank, also consider where you will put it and how many fish will live in it. You should give each fish at least 40 liters of water. For example 10 fish should be in an aquarium of at least 400 liters.
Step 2. Buy accessories
In addition to the tub, you need a lid, a holder, a filter, a heater, a light, a thermometer and the gravel to put on the bottom. A hydrometer would also be needed to monitor the salt concentration.
Step 3. Install the tank and accessories before putting the water and fish into it
You must place the aquarium near some power outlets. Make sure it is stable and level on its support.
Step 4. Check the accessories
Fill the tub with fresh water and check that everything is working. Wait two days to make sure there are no leaks or malfunctions. The water temperature should be 27 ° C with a minimum deviation of 1-2 degrees. If no abnormalities have occurred after two days, empty the tank.
Step 5. Add the salt water
Prepare it by adding the specific mix of salts to a bucket of tap water. Follow the instructions on the package for the right concentration of salt. Stir until the product is completely dissolved. Continue adding buckets of water to the tub until it is completely filled.
Step 6. Check the salinity
Take the reading on the hydrometer. A good level is between 1020 gr / dm3 and 1023 gr / dm3.
Step 7. Add the gravel
You can mix it with sand, peat and even shells if you wish and cover the bottom of the tank. Push plants and other decorative elements into the gravel so they don't float to the surface.
Step 8. Leave the aquarium on for 2-3 days
Make sure everything is working properly, at the right temperature and with constant salinity before adding the fish. You have to make sure there are no hitches.
Step 9. Place the fish
Insert them slowly, start with 2 or 3 pieces and then add more a little at a time.
- The most common fish and plants in marine aquariums are clownfish, shrimps, anemones, yellow and blue surgeonfish, seahorses, crabs and corals.
- Clean the tub every week. Change the water every 3 months.