How To Make Infusers: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Make Infusers: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Make Infusers: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Infusers are microorganisms used as feed for young fish. They are cheap to prepare and prolific. It is undoubtedly the best food for new bettas and other oviparous animals.


Make Infusoria Step 1
Make Infusoria Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the breeding container

Fill your bottles halfway with specially treated tap water to remove chlorine. The water you use needs to be treated or it could kill the infusers. Alternatively, you can take some water from a breeding aquarium.

Make Infusion Step 2
Make Infusion Step 2

Step 2. Prepare the culture medium

Place a lettuce leaf inside each bottle.

Make Infusion Step 3
Make Infusion Step 3

Step 3. Prepare the food for the infusers

Put the "algae wafer" food into the bottles. You can also try liquid food if you wish.

Make Infusion Step 4
Make Infusion Step 4

Step 4. Wait, wait, wait

Place your crop in bright light for about ten days.

Make Infusion Step 5
Make Infusion Step 5

Step 5. Bacteria vs infusoria

When the water becomes cloudy it means that the bacteria are already present, but you still have to wait.

Make Infusion Step 6
Make Infusion Step 6

Step 6. It's time to find the infusers

When the grow starts to lighten or turn pink, you will get infusoria. The water becomes clear because the infusoria eat the bacteria.

Make Infusion Step 7
Make Infusion Step 7

Step 7. Clone the best crop

Pour the best crop into the others.

Make Infusion Step 8
Make Infusion Step 8

Step 8. Feed the fry

Use only a few drops at a time: this way the aquarium will stay clean. If you use too many infusers, the water will turn green.


  • Transfer water from live plants as they contain infusoria.
  • Wash the lettuce well to remove any bacteria and parasites. You can use organic lettuce if you wish.
  • Liquid fry food will help get you started.
