How to Deal with a Dog Sprayed by a Skunk

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How to Deal with a Dog Sprayed by a Skunk
How to Deal with a Dog Sprayed by a Skunk

Has your dog been sprayed by a skunk or came very close to him? Don't let your puppy smell even inside the house! Try the following solution to get your dog smelling clean.


Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 1
Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 1

Step 1. Don't bathe the dog. In this way the bad smell would increase, and if the dog had dry or damaged skin, the spray of the skunk would penetrate, causing burning. It could also lead to subsequent skin problems.

Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 2
Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 2

Step 2. Mix about 3/4 of a large bottle of hydrogen peroxide with about 3-6 tablespoons of baking soda

These are the measures suitable for a small dog. For a medium sized dog, use twice as much, and use 3 times as much for a large dog.

Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 3
Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 3

Step 3. Gently rub the solution all over the dog

Don't leave it on him for more than 5 minutes. In this case, the animal's fur would be damaged, both in terms of texture and color. It is better to use disposable gloves, because in the case of damaged or dry skin, burning may occur. If you do it outside, your home will smell less and therefore it would be better for everyone.

Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 4
Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 4

Step 4. If it continues to stink, prepare another dose of solution or call your vet for advice

Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 5
Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 5

Step 5. Try an effective product made especially for dogs sprayed by skunks

One of these products is called “DoggiCLEEN Skunk Spray”. The product you choose in any case must not contain harsh chemicals or you may run into expensive veterinary procedures. You may want to speak to a vet to find out what they recommend.

Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 6
Care for a Skunk Sprayed Dog Step 6

Step 6. Try keeping your dog in the yard, or if you don't have a fence or swimming pool, keep him in the basement (in his cage) or in a room you don't usually use


  • An alternative method: wash your pet in a solution of warm water and dish soap, then rinse it. Then wash it in a solution of water and vinegar, taking care to avoid the eyes.
  • According to some people, skunks like to dig into soft garden soil for delicious worms and other food, but a marigold hedge discourages this behavior.
  • If you set a trap, you can call animal protection to come and get the captured animal.
  • A safer solution is to use "Biocide Systems' Skunk 911 Home Kit and Skunk 911 Rescue Kit". They remove the smell of skunk, do not mask it and are convenient, non-invasive and ecological.
  • Just sniffing if you smell a skunk is not a good way to tell if there is one near your home, because it could be an animal that hasn't sprayed yet (it would be like walking around a mine field saying: “There are no craters, so staying here must be safe!”).
  • Place traps to catch live animals or buy coyote urine, put it on cotton swabs and place them around the perimeter of your property. This will keep away not only skunks, but also raccoons and possums.
  • If your home is very close to the spray (for example if the skunk has sprayed on your porch or near the foundation), a good way to remove odors outdoors (and restore your sanity) is to use one or several "ionizers. air "that release ozone, but BEWARE: the Environmental Protection Agency says that breathing ionized air is harmful to people and animals, so use it to clean up the house only after everyone has been removed.
  • If the solution we have already talked about doesn't work, try washing the dog with tomato juice and rinsing him well.
  • Skunks look for people's garbage (just like the animals in the cartoon "La Gang del Bosco"), so it is better to use bins with lids that close tightly to prevent the smell from calling them along with other animals.
