Male and female cats and their kittens look alike and act in the same way, so it can be difficult to recognize their sex just by observing their behavior. But if you know what to look for, you will understand that there are many substantial differences that allow you to distinguish it. Newborn kittens still have incompletely formed genitals, so it will be necessary to wait until they reach a couple of weeks of life to determine their sex.
Method 1 of 2: Observe Physical Characteristics

Step 1. Approach the cat or puppy gently
If you want to know its sex you have to pick it up. Some cats don't like being handled, so give yours some time to get comfortable around you.
- Approach or crouch next to the animal so that it begins to become familiar with you. When it comes close, let me sniff your hand.
- If he seems nervous to you, you may need to try again later - or find a partner who can help you with the next step.

Step 2. Lift the cat's tail
Gently take the cat and rock it a little while holding it in your arms. With your free hand, lift his tail so that you can examine his genital area.
- If you see that he doesn't feel discomfort while handling it, this could also be pretty easy to do; But make sure you sit on a chair or sofa so you don't have to worry about the cat falling over.
- If you are getting help from a friend, ask him to hold the cat securely on both hands as you lift his tail.
- If the cat is reluctant and does not want its tail to lift, try scratching it a little at the point where it joins the back; cats typically lift their tails when touched in this area.

Step 3. Pay attention if you notice the genital characteristics of the male cat
The surest way to tell the difference between a male and female cat is to examine their physical characteristics under the tail. Start by looking for the male genital organs, which may be a little easier to locate.
- The male has the anus, the scrotum and the penis, while the female has only the anus and the opening of the urinary tract.
- If the male is not neutered (whole), the scrotum is covered in fur and contains two testicles, which can vary in size and look like two cherry pits to two whole cherries. The scrotum protrudes from the rear of the male and looks like a fairly noticeable pair of lumps. If the cat is a longhaired breed, it may be more difficult to notice the scrotum; in this case try to flatten the hair by wetting it with water so as to make it more visible.
- If he is neutered, he still has a scrotum, although it is usually smaller.
- The penis is located under the scrotum, retracted into the skin, and only a small hairy protuberance emerges between the animal's thighs. You can imagine a male cat's genitals resembling a colon (:).
- The anus and the opening of the urinary tract of the male are spaced apart by at least 2.5 cm, while in puppies only 1.3 cm.

Step 4. Look at the characteristics of a cat's genitals
If the genitals you see don't seem to match those of a male, start looking for feminine traits.
- The female has the anus and the opening of the urinary tract / vulva, with the vulva having the shape of a vertical slit. You can imagine these genitals resembling a semicolon (;).
- In the female the distance between the anus and the vulva is less than the openings in the male cat and is usually about 1.3 cm.
Method 2 of 2: Observe Other Differences

Step 1. Check the color of the fur
If you have a litter of kittens, pay attention to the color of the fur; in fact, some colors are specific to one gender rather than the other, and can help determine the sex of the cat.
- Cats that are calico (the coat is typically patchy white, orange and brown) or tortoiseshell (the coat is patchy orange, cream, chocolate or black and streaked) are usually female.
- When the fur is more orange or amber, the cat is more likely to be male, although this is not an accurate method of determining the sex of this animal.

Step 2. Observe gender specific behaviors among whole cats (not spayed or neutered)
Gender is easier to establish when they are whole, as they naturally manifest the habits and characteristics of their own sex.
- Males who have not been neutered tend to be more aggressive than females, and generally have larger heads and thicker skin. They move and move away easily, sometimes they leave the house even for a few days. They also mark the territory by spraying urine characterized by a strong odor.
- Females rarely spray urine into the surrounding environment.

Step 3. Pay attention to the signs if she is a cat in heat or pregnant
The female who has not been spayed goes into heat (a fertility condition that allows her to get pregnant) every 3-5 weeks during the summer season (or if she lives in an air-conditioned house). The cat in heat exhibits recognizable behaviors:
- It makes noises to attract males, which resemble loud cries of pain or moans.
- Moves the tail to one side to show the genitals or crouches in a "receptive" posture. The vulva can also secrete a light colored liquid.
- It rubs more than usual against inanimate objects, people or other animals.
- Pregnant cats have an enlarged and lowered belly.
- When the female gives birth, her nipples usually protrude from the abdomen. Be careful, though, if you rely on nipples to determine gender, since both genders have them.
- The best way to determine a cat's sex is to check the genitals. Just observing personality differences is not the most accurate way to determine gender, as most experts argue that it is a false myth to assume that male and female cats have personality differences.
- If you are handling the cat alone to check its sex, you should wear leather gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to protect yourself from scratches during the physical exam.
- If it's an unfamiliar cat or a frightened stray, don't try to physically observe it. Wait for him to feel comfortable and comfortable with you or take him to a vet.