How To Make Glycerin Soap: 11 Steps

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How To Make Glycerin Soap: 11 Steps
How To Make Glycerin Soap: 11 Steps

Do you think that only the big cosmetic companies or the expert spignattatori are able to produce the soap? Read this article to change your mind! In addition to making soap bars to use at home, you will make small crafts to give to family and friends.


Method 1 of 2: Prepare the Glycerin Soap

Make Glycerin Soap Step 1
Make Glycerin Soap Step 1

Step 1. You will, of course, need glycerin, the base of the soap, in solid, dissolvable blocks

If you are feeling particularly ambitious, you can make it yourself, but to make it first, buy the clear, white or other color. Also get:

  • Essential oil of lemon, rose, lavender, mint or other fragrance.
  • Soap molds: there are different sizes. Make sure you buy those made specifically for glycerin.
  • Isopropyl alcohol. Pour it into a bottle with a dispenser. You will need this to remove the bubbles from the glycerin before it solidifies.

Step 2. Melt the glycerin in a water bath

Cut the amount you need to fill the molds. Try to make small pieces that are easily dissolved. Let it cook at medium temperature and wait for it to melt completely.

  • For the bain-marie, take a large pot, fill it with water and place a saucepan in it, where you will place the glycerin.
  • You can also melt it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  • The bars of soap will have the same mass and volume as the small pieces of glycerin that you will be dissolving, so cut it according to your needs.

Step 3. Pour in the essential oil of your choice and mix it with the almost dissolved glycerin while it is still on the stove

Remember that two drops will be more than enough: essential oils are extremely concentrated. Use a wooden or plastic spoon.

Step 4. Prepare the molds

Place them on a flat surface covered with newspaper. Spray the alcohol to lightly moisten the insides of the molds, coating the area where the glycerin will be placed. Alcohol prevents bubbles from forming as the soap cools and dries. If you don't use it, you'll end up with soap bars with a layer of bubbles.

Step 5. Remove the soap from the heat and pour it into the molds to the brim

Don't go over the edge, or the soap you get won't have a nice shape.

  • If you can't pour it comfortably, use a funnel to pour it into a bottle or jug with a spout and then transfer it to molds. You will need to do this quickly so the soap doesn't get too cold before it's put into them.
  • If necessary, heat the soap in a double boiler or microwave before pouring it so it will run smoothly.

Step 6. Sprinkle some more alcohol after pouring the still liquid glycerin into the molds

This will prevent bubbles from forming on the side of the soap as well.

Step 7. Let the bars cool for an hour or two and then remove them from the molds:

they will have to be completely hard. Turn the molds to make them come out easily.

  • Tap the back of the molds lightly to release the soap bars.
  • Keep them in an airtight container until you use them.

Method 2 of 2: Fun Variations

Step 1. Insert a string into the soap to hang it

After the glycerin has dissolved, pour it into a large metal or plastic bowl and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Take a string and dip half of it in the liquid; then, remove it from the container and let it cool and harden. Dip it again to add a second layer. Wait for it to cool and harden and repeat until you get a real soap attached to a string.

Hang it in the shower

Step 2. Make soap bars of different colors

You can buy a block of clear glycerin and spice it up with colors used in cosmetics. After you have melted the glycerin, separate it into different containers and add drops of color to each of them before pouring the liquid into the molds.

Make Glycerin Soap Step 10
Make Glycerin Soap Step 10

Step 3. Add decorations to the soap bars you are going to give to the children

Consider the following options:

  • Make floral soaps by placing dried flower petals in liquid glycerin before pouring it into molds.
  • Make some soap bars for birthday parties by filling the molds halfway and inserting small toys in the center of each one, such as a plastic animal or other gadget. Pour more liquid soap over the toy to completely cover it.
  • If you've organized a baby shower, pour soap into molds and then insert small plastic rattles or other baby items.
Make Glycerin Soap Step 11
Make Glycerin Soap Step 11

Step 4. Create your stencils:

any hard plastic object can come in handy. If they come from the kitchen, then wash them well before using them again.

  • You can use ice cube trays, from ordinary ones to fish, shell or skull shaped ones.
  • To make larger bars of soap, use plastic bowls or cups. You could recycle the plastic yogurt pots.


  • If you want to make a white bar of soap, buy opaque glycerin and don't add any dyes.
  • Arrange the soap bars in clear plastic containers and display them to decorate the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Use a toothpick, or similar tool, to draw on the bar of soap.
  • If you want to make a gift, wrap the bar of soap in wax paper or cling film to keep the surface clean and then put it in the gift wrap. Add a bow or ribbon.
