3 Ways to Reopen a Partially Closed Earhole

3 Ways to Reopen a Partially Closed Earhole
3 Ways to Reopen a Partially Closed Earhole

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Wearing earrings is a fun way to enhance or transform your appearance, but if you don't wear them often, the hole can start to heal and close. In some circumstances, it is necessary to turn to professionals to fix the problem, but you can also reopen the hole at home, as long as you sterilize everything you need, go slowly and take every precaution to avoid pain and possible infections. With careful preparation and a dose of patience, you can safely reopen the pierced ears and go back to wearing the earrings again.


Method 1 of 3: Sterilization

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 1
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 1

Step 1. Soften the lobe skin

Before attempting to reopen the hole, you must make sure that the skin is soft, by placing a wet towel or taking a hot shower; in this way, it becomes easier to reopen the hole.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 2
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 2

Step 2. Wash your hands and put on latex gloves

Wash them thoroughly with warm water and scrub them with antibacterial soap for 30 seconds to remove any residual dust, dirt and bacteria. Once rinsed and dried completely, put on a pair of latex or rubber gloves, so as not to risk introducing bacteria into the hole.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 3
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 3

Step 3. Disinfect the earrings with isopropyl alcohol

You can find it in all supermarkets or pharmacies; it is a very powerful disinfectant capable of killing most of the bacteria, fungi and viruses that live on surfaces. Wet a cotton swab or cotton swab with alcohol and clean a pair of thin bar earrings. You need this type of earrings to open the holes; make sure they are sanitized and place them on an equally clean surface to dry them.

If you have any allergies, take care to use sterling silver or other hypoallergenic earrings to avoid possible reactions

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 4
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 4

Step 4. Clean the lobes

Use a new cotton swab or cotton swab to sterilize them with alcohol; be careful to disinfect both sides, front and back, focusing mainly on opening the hole.

Method 2 of 3: Manually Open the Hole

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 5
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 5

Step 1. Feel the back side of the lobe

You should feel a small bump where the hole was; this knot is made up of dead skin cells that clog the hole as it attempts to heal.

If it seems to have healed completely, you need to go to a professional to make new holes. Keep in mind that complete healing times vary from person to person; it may take several years without wearing the earrings and still be able to reopen the holes at home, while sometimes the holes can close completely after a few months

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 6
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 6

Step 2. Lubricate the lobes

Rub a generous amount of petroleum jelly or some other antibiotic ointment on the skin to be treated to lubricate it and reduce friction. Carefully rub the product on the lobes using your fingers; the extra heat generated by the hands helps to soften the skin.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 7
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 7

Step 3. Stretch the hole a little

Using your fingers, grab the two sides of the lobe and pull it a little in opposite directions; in this way, you favor a slight opening of the hole and allow the lubricant to partially enter it; But be careful not to rub or pull too hard on the earlobe.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 8
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 8

Step 4. Cover the now sterilized earrings with a lubricant

You have to add a thin layer of petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment also on the rods of the earrings; if possible, avoid applying the product to the front of the jewelry, in order to maintain a firm grip.

Check that these are really thin stem earrings; if it is too thick it will not be able to pass through the slightly closed hole and, if you try to insert it, you may cause pain, scarring or even bleeding

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 9
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 9

Step 5. Insert the earring into the hole

Look in the mirror as you go and with one hand slowly slip the earring from the front, while with your free hand you grab the earlobe. Press your thumb lightly on the back side, where the lump of dead skin cells is.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 10
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 10

Step 6. Slightly wave the earring as you open the hole

Proceed gently, it may take several minutes before you find the correct angle that allows you to cross the lobe. Keep your thumb on the back side, so you can feel the tip of the earring rod.

If you feel discomfort or pain, numb the earlobe with ice for a few minutes before making another attempt. if you continue to feel pain or discomfort, you need to see a professional

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 11
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 11

Step 7. Rotate the earring to reopen the hole

Once you have found the right angle and have managed to put the jewel on, turn it during insertion, taking care not to exert too much pressure; as the hole is partially open and the rod of the earring is well lubricated, you shouldn't feel much resistance.

If you can't get it through the earlobe, stop and try inserting it at a different angle

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 12
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 12

Step 8. Push the jewel completely into the lobe

After twisting it a bit to reopen the hole, gently push it to its full length and secure it on the back with the butterfly clip.

Do not push or force the earring, as this could cause infection and scarring

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 13
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 13

Step 9. Prevent the risk of infection after inserting the earring

Once the hole is reopened, wash your earlobe with warm water and antibacterial soap to avoid any complications. It is important not to touch the ears during the healing period so as not to contaminate the wound with bacteria; do not use hair products and powder cosmetics for a few days, to make sure the earlobes stay clean.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 14
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 14

Step 10. Seek the help of a professional

Reopening holes without proper care and sterilized instruments can cause bleeding, infection and nerve damage; if you feel pain or fail to do so, do not insist. Consult a doctor, professional piercer, or jeweler to safely open holes in a sterile environment and with the help of qualified personnel.

Method 3 of 3: Taking Care of Holes

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 15
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 15

Step 1. Keep the earrings in the holes for several weeks

After reopening the earlobes, make sure you don't remove the small jewelry for at least six weeks, or the holes may heal again.

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 16
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 16

Step 2. Clean your ears with soap and water

Establish a hygiene routine to follow every morning or evening. Use an antibacterial soap to wash your hands and then sanitize your earlobes with warm soapy water once a day. in this way, you keep the skin clean and avoid infections.

You can also ward off the risk of scabs by scrubbing the area twice a day with isopropyl alcohol. in this case, use a cotton swab or cotton swab and apply the liquid around the holes

Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 17
Reopen a Partially Closed Ear Piercing Hole Step 17

Step 3. Rotate them every day

Make sure your hands are clean and twist the earrings into the holes; repeat this movement every day to prevent the holes from closing again.
