How to Tie an Ascot: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Tie an Ascot: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Tie an Ascot: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

The Ascot made its appearance as a fashion accessory in Eastern Europe in the 17th century, as a men's scarf to wrap around the neck for a touch of style and warmth. Increasingly spread also in 18th century Western culture, the ascot has become a class icon in male aristocratic circles. It then experienced a revival thanks to the psychedelic music currents in the late 60s and then in the 70s with the Mod style in the UK and elsewhere on the European continent. Today Ascots are worn as informal fashion accessories to complete a semi-casual masculine look. Here are the steps to learn how to tie an ascot and know what to wear with this trendy accessory.


Method 1 of 2: Tie an Ascot

Tie an Ascot Step 1
Tie an Ascot Step 1

Step 1. Place it around the neck and inside the collar

Make sure the ascot is on the inside of the collar in contact with the skin. The two loose ends must rest on the chest.

  • Some ascots have a loop sewn on one side. If you are using one with the ring, simply slide the long end of the ascot into the ring and skip to step # 4.

    Tie an Ascot Step 1Bullet1
    Tie an Ascot Step 1Bullet1
  • If you are wearing a button-up shirt, you will need to unbutton at least the first button.

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    Tie an Ascot Step 1Bullet2
Tie an Ascot Step 2
Tie an Ascot Step 2

Step 2. Pull one end about six inches lower than the other

Tie an Ascot Step 3
Tie an Ascot Step 3

Step 3. Cross the long end over and in front of the short end

If you want a tighter, more secure knot, wrap the long end around the short one again.

Tie an Ascot Step 4
Tie an Ascot Step 4

Step 4. Tuck the long end over and under the short end at the base of the neck

Make sure you don't make the folds too tight.

Tie an Ascot Step 5
Tie an Ascot Step 5

Step 5. Pull the long end all the way and straighten it

Tie an Ascot Step 6
Tie an Ascot Step 6

Step 6. Reposition the ascot so that the long end is directly over the short end

It must be exactly in the center of the chest like a normal tie.

  • The two ends should be the same length.

    Tie an Ascot Step 6Bullet1
    Tie an Ascot Step 6Bullet1
  • If you use an ascot with a sewn ring, there will be only one of the tails on the chest.

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    Tie an Ascot Step 6Bullet2
Tie an Ascot Step 7
Tie an Ascot Step 7

Step 7. Adjust the fold

Use your fingers to straighten and rearrange the crease at the base of the neck.

  • Add a safety pin or ornamental pin in the center of the knot if you want to make it more secure.

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    Tie an Ascot Step 7Bullet1
Tie an Ascot Step 8
Tie an Ascot Step 8

Step 8. Slip both tails of the ascot into the waistcoat

If you're not wearing a waistcoat, you should slip it into any v-neck of a suit, such as a blazer. The main part of an ascot is the bib that forms around the neck, so make sure this part shows.

Method 2 of 2: Create an Outfit

Tie an Ascot Step 9
Tie an Ascot Step 9

Step 1. Choose your ascot as you would for a tie

It should stand out in your outfit, so have different colors or patterns. Patterned ones are currently very popular among men who want to add a sophisticated touch to their outfit.

Tie an Ascot Step 10
Tie an Ascot Step 10

Step 2. Make your outfit more cheeky

Every man in your city's financial district wears a classic black suit, how can you spice it up? With an ascot! Customize your dress with the right style using an ascot as a style statement. Any color or pattern is fine to liven up a normal black and white outfit.

Step 3. Create a casual, preppy look

If the dress is not for you, wear an ascot with casual clothing to make it a little more relaxed.

  • T-shirt: short or long sleeves with buttons. Choose a plain, light-colored shirt to make your ascot stand out. You can also wear a polo shirt, just make sure the material doesn't contrast too much with the silk ascot. Unbutton at least the first button in order to create space to accommodate the ascot in the shirt. You don't need to wear a jacket, but just in case, put on a V-neck blazer.

    Tie an Ascot Step 11Bullet1
    Tie an Ascot Step 11Bullet1
  • Trousers: wear jeans with ascot. A pair of dark jeans are perfect for a clean look both day and night. For an even more casual look, you can add some ripped jeans, but always in a dark wash. Light-colored jeans clash with the eccentric look of an ascot.

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    Tie an Ascot Step 11Bullet2
  • Shoes: Here you can be creative, depending on the time of day or the type of event you are preparing for. For a formal event in the evening, wear black or brown leather shoes. For a daily event, opt for a more casual look with a pair of brown fabric or leather loafers. You can also choose a pair of colorful loafers as a tribute to your ascot, but make sure the ascot and shoes aren't exactly the same color and don't have contrasting patterns.

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    Tie an Ascot Step 11Bullet3


  • Choose colors and patterns that suit your appearance. Since the ascot is located close to the face, avoid colors that are washed out or that contrast too much with your skin and hair color.
  • Traditionally, ascots are worn by men, but women can use it as a silk scarf. Often women drop it a little to the side instead of in the center of the chest.
  • Ascots should not be worn with overly casual attire such as sweatpants or gym clothing.
  • Ascots are making a comeback in men's fashion, but especially on the East Coast in cities like New York. Learn about local fashion before donning an ascot at a local bar.
