Waxing at the beautician is expensive and takes a lot of time, but don't worry: you can also do it at home! Basically, there are two ways to do it. They are not complicated at all, but bear in mind that they can be a little painful.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare the Skin for Waxing

Step 1. Exfoliate the skin
The exfoliation to be performed the day before waxing is a fundamental step, whether you decide to use a pre-packaged depilatory strip, or you want to warm up some wax at home.
- Remove dead skin with a loofah sponge or scrub: this way the wax will adhere better to the hair. Then wash yourself with soap and water, making sure to dry the area well.
- After washing, sprinkle some baby powder on the area you intend to shave. It will absorb excess water, so the wax and depilatory strip will adhere better.
- Waxing can be done on the upper lip, underarms, arms, legs, belly, back and groin. Residues from creams or cosmetics can prevent the wax from doing its job.

Step 2. Try to prevent any adverse reactions
There are some tricks that can make the process less painful. If waxing isn't your thing, consider other hair removal methods.
- If you have sensitive skin, you can take ibuprofen half an hour before starting. When you need to wax, set aside about an hour - you definitely don't need to be in a hurry.
- Try not to wax before or during your period. It is possible that the skin is much more sensitive, so the tearing could be painful.

Step 3. Wax in a warm environment
The ideal would be to shave in the bathroom after a shower.
- If you shave in a cold environment, the process will be more painful. Warm air helps keep the follicles dilated, so it will be much easier to pull out the hair. This also applies when you want to pluck your brows with tweezers.
- Before waxing, do not shave the affected area for several days: the hair should measure at least 6 mm to get a good result.
Method 2 of 3: Use a Pre-packaged Hair Removal Strip

Step 1. Warm the strip by rubbing it between your hands for a few seconds
Repeat this process as often as necessary. When the strip has worn out, throw it away.
- Then, slowly remove the protective sheet. The prepackaged strips are practical because there is no need to heat the wax.
- But there is also the downside: some find them more painful than hot waxing precisely because the wax of the strips remains cold.
- Choose the right strips. If you are using prepackaged ones, make sure you choose the right size for the area you intend to shave. Obviously there is no need to use a leg strip on the groin or face!

Step 2. Apply the strip to the affected area, then straighten it immediately following the direction of hair growth
The wax must adhere perfectly to the skin.
- For example, if you have to shave your legs, apply the strip by pressing it well from top to bottom, as the hair on the legs has a downward direction of growth.
- Press the strip firmly and wait for the wax to cool in contact with the skin - it should only take a few seconds.

Step 3. Hold the skin taut at the bottom of the strip and tear it off with a quick motion in the opposite direction of the hair growth
As you remove the strip, be sure to hold it as close to the skin as possible.
- Do not repeat the wax on the same spot twice. Tearing the strip in the opposite direction to the growth of the hair allows you to remove them from the root, so when they grow back they will be thinner. The shaved area should remain smooth for about two weeks.
- Keep your skin taut as the irritation subsides. Wax residues can be easily removed later using baby oil. In some cases, waxing causes rashes to appear.
Method 3 of 3: Heat the Wax in the Jar

Step 1. Heat the wax
You can buy a wax that can be heated in the wax heater or in the microwave. If the jar is full, heat it for about 15-20 seconds. If you filled it halfway, heat it for 10 seconds. It should take on a slightly thicker consistency than a syrup.
- Follow the instructions for microwaving wax to the letter to prevent it from getting hot and burned. Make sure it's not too hot, or you risk getting burned.
- If you use jar wax, you will also need to buy hair removal strips (which you can easily find at the grocery store or perfumery) and one or two popsicle sticks, preferably the thicker ones.
- The stripes can be of muslin or some other fabric. Before starting, test the wax on the inside of your wrist to make sure the temperature is pleasant and suitable for application. If it's too cold, it won't spread well. If it's too hot, you'll get burned.
- Make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Heat and stir the wax at regular intervals to prevent it from boiling. If you heat it more than necessary, it can spoil and become virtually unusable.

Step 2. Dip the applicator into the hot wax
This tool, similar to a tongue depressor, is usually found in waxing kits. You can also use a popsicle stick.
- Apply a thin layer of wax following the direction of hair growth. Put on the depilatory strip immediately and smooth it always following the direction of hair growth. You should have the strips available: if you have to go looking for them, the wax can harden on the skin in the meantime.
- The wax layer should be neither too thin nor too thick. However, the more hair you have, the more product you should use. Just remember one thing: the more wax you use, the more painful the process will be.

Step 3. Apply the fabric to the wax following the direction of hair growth
Leave a small piece of fabric raised at the edge, so that you can grab it firmly when you need to tear it. Smooth the strip with one hand, while holding the skin taut with the other, and tear it off with a quick motion. The tear must be performed against the grain.
- To calm the nerve endings, immediately press the skin with one hand. With another strip, remove the residual wax.
- Don't go slow - it's one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Take heart and give it a dry wrench.
- If you are unable to pluck the hair, there are several reasons: the hair is too short to be waxed, the wax is too hot, you are pulling in the wrong direction, or you have applied too little product.
- Everyone has different skin and hair follicles. Vary the amount of wax you use, the temperature, the time it takes to press the strip to the skin, and other factors to figure out which steps are right for you.
- Waxing the same area more than two consecutive times can damage the skin and be quite painful.
- Always use baby powder, which greatly increases the effectiveness of waxing and fights the redness that tends to occur with this type of hair removal.
- If you still have unwanted hair after waxing twice, remove it with tweezers.
- Always heat the wax: it is essential.
- Wax when your body temperature is perfectly normal.
- If you have sensitive skin, this method may not be for you.
- Before waxing, test a hidden area of skin.
- Never repeat the wax on the same spot more than once, otherwise you will suffer from irritation, swelling and redness.