4 Ways to Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair

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4 Ways to Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair
4 Ways to Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair

There are many ways to remove or reduce unwanted facial hair. Many women struggle with this problem, mainly due to hormonal changes. However, there are many remedies you can do, from natural home remedies to more complex procedures professionally performed by the beautician.


Method 1 of 4: Pluck or Remove Hair

Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 1
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 1

Step 1. Use tweezers to reduce the amount of facial hair

This is one of the most popular methods used by women and is most effective when you don't have to take off many of them. Do you have a black hair or two on your chin? Tweezers are the best solution to get rid of them.

  • Sterilize the tips of the instrument with alcohol before and after use to avoid infections. Gently stretch the skin around the hair you need to tear out. Grab the latter near the root and tear it off with a firm motion.
  • This is a no-cost operation, but it takes time. It can also be painful and could cause ingrown hairs to form if they break under the skin. You can avoid this risk by pulling on them gently rather than tugging on them with tweezers.
  • Hair grows back about 3-8 weeks after you took it off.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 2
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 2

Step 2. Use a disposable or reusable razor for a foam shave

Apply the foam or gel to your chin or upper lip. Slide the razor over the skin following the direction of hair growth.

  • You can also use an electric razor that is suitable for both dry and foam shaving. Be cautious, otherwise you could make small cuts. It can be difficult to use the razor in some areas of the face, such as the chin.
  • With this method, however, the hair grows back quickly. They can recur within hours or days.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 3
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 3

Step 3. Try flossing

This technique, also called threading, is becoming more and more popular for removing facial hair. It is often used to define the contours of the eyebrows, but it is also effective for removing hair in other areas of the face.

  • The beautician twists a cotton thread around the hairs to be removed and then tears them in a row.
  • One of the advantages of this method is that, unlike waxing, it does not inflame sensitive skin. Hair typically grows back within a couple of weeks.
  • It is a procedure that lately is often performed in beauty salons. Search the blank pages or ask your trusted beautician.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 4
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 4

Step 4. Use laser therapy

This type of treatment is very useful for getting rid of unwanted hair. The laser emits beams of light and heat on the root of the hair and stops its growth after several applications.

  • To get definitive results you have to wait 9 months or even more, but it's definitely worth it. The initial investment is quite high, but in the long run you will find that you have saved some money. One of the disadvantages of laser treatment is the rather intense pain, but the positive side is that it can remove hair permanently.
  • It probably takes multiple sessions to completely destroy the hair. Laser therapy is most effective on people who have light skin and dark hair.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 5
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 5

Step 5. Try electrolysis

This procedure should be done by a beautician. This is a rather boring technique that works best on small areas covered with unwanted hair, such as the upper lip.

  • Electrolysis is done with a small needle. A light electric discharge is sent to the hair root, one by one, destroying the hair permanently.
  • Unlike laser therapy, which is more effective when the hair is dark and the skin is fair, this technique allows you to get rid of white or light hair. You will have to undergo multiple treatments until these are completely eliminated.

Method 2 of 4: Using Chemical Solutions

Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 6
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 6

Step 1. Try waxing

You can either use a home hair removal kit or contact a beautician for a facial depilatory treatment with wax. This solution allows you to remove hair at the root, so it is an effective way to smooth the skin, even if it can irritate that of some people.

  • The hot wax is spread on the area to be treated, using a specific applicator that is provided in the kit, then it is left to cool. Use your fingers to pluck the cold wax in the opposite direction of the hair growth. If done regularly, this treatment reduces regrowth because it slows down the development of hair follicles.
  • If your skin is particularly sensitive to this product, you can use a sugar solution, a natural treatment similar to waxing. Add 400g of granulated sugar and 60ml of lemon juice to 60ml of water. Boil the mixture until it becomes a thick paste. It must simmer for about 25 minutes, until it takes on an amber color; at the end wait for it to cool down. Sprinkle a sprinkle of cornstarch or baby powder over the skin and apply the mixture against the grain. Then place a cloth on top and tear.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 7
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 7

Step 2. Use hair removal creams

These are chemicals that can remove unwanted hair from the surface of the skin. The chemicals contained in the creams dissolve the hair into a gel-like substance.

  • Apply the product to the skin. Leave it on for the time indicated by the instructions on the package. After the expected shutter speed, remove the product using a clean cloth.
  • With this method, the hair grows back within a few days. You can buy depilatory creams in any supermarket or pharmacy; a drawback of these products is their strong chemical smell.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 8
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 8

Step 3. Try to lighten them

This remedy does not remove the hair, but it makes it less visible. The important thing is that the product matches your skin tone.

  • If you have considerable growth, this is not a good solution for you. If you lighten your hair regularly you can irritate the skin. Then test it on a small area of skin before using the product all over your face.
  • When applying this solution, do not expose yourself to the sun for at least an hour, otherwise your skin may have a negative reaction.

Method 3 of 4: Using Natural Remedies

Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 9
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 9

Step 1. Do a gelatin-based peel

You can make a face mask at home to solve this unwanted hair problem of yours. All you need is a neutral gelatin (no flavorings), 2 or 3 tablespoons of milk, 3 or 4 drops of lime juice or 1 or 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

  • Mix the ingredients together and put the mixture in the microwave for about 15 seconds. Then apply it on your face and leave it in place for a few minutes; finally take it off.
  • Make sure you don't apply it near your eyebrows or eyes. By taking off the mask, you will find that it also eliminates unwanted hair (and blackheads).
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 10
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 10

Step 2. Make a lemon / orange or apricot / honey scrub

Fruit-based scrubs help remove facial hair without the need for harsh chemicals.

  • If you want to make a lemon / orange one, mix 1 teaspoon of ground orange or lemon zest, ground almonds, and oatmeal together. Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of rose water. Mix the ingredients well to mix them and obtain a paste; then spread it on your face and keep it about 5-8 minutes. Rub it into your skin in small circular motions; finally rinse your face with water. To get results, you should scrub 2-3 times a week.
  • To make the apricot scrub, chop half a cup of dehydrated apricots in a blender until powdered, then add 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes; rub it with small circular movements and finally rinse your face with warm water. Again, 2-3 treatments per week are needed to see the effects.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 11
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 11

Step 3. Make a turmeric paste

This spice has been used since ancient times in India to improve the appearance of the skin, and you too can make a paste at home.

  • You only need 1 or 2 teaspoons of turmeric, milk or water. Mix the two ingredients until it forms a paste and apply it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Let it dry and then rinse with warm water.
  • This solution is most effective when the hair is thin. If they are thicker, you should also add oatmeal to the mixture.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 12
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 12

Step 4. Make an egg mask

This is another natural remedy for getting rid of annoying and unsightly facial hair. Take one egg white, 1 tablespoon of sugar and ½ tablespoon of corn flour.

  • Work the ingredients with a whisk until they form a dough; then apply the latter to your face and wait for it to dry. It should become a thin mask.
  • Remove the mask firmly, you should notice that unwanted hair will come off with her.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Hair Growth

Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 13
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 13

Step 1. Drink peppermint tea

This substance affects the amount of male hormones in the body, so if you drink plenty of them, you should notice a decrease in facial hair growth.

  • Studies published in scientific journals found that women who drank peppermint tea reduced the amount of testosterone (male hormone) in the blood system. This drop in testosterone also reduced unwanted hair growth.
  • Drink 480ml of peppermint tea (about 2 cups) at least 5 days a week.
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Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 14

Step 2. Take some hair growth inhibitors

You have to go to a dermatologist to get a prescription for these products. The inhibitors are composed of natural substances that change the structure of the hair follicles, so that the hair grows thinner or sometimes does not grow back at all.

  • Apply the cream to the areas of your face where you want to reduce hair growth. The product must remain on the skin. Follow the instructions on the package to determine how often and how to use it.
  • Inhibitors can be used in conjunction with other methods of reducing hair, such as flossing, waxing, or tweezers.
  • It may take 4 to 6 months for you to notice results. The cost can also be around 90-100 euros for a package that lasts about 2 months.
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 15
Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 15

Step 3. While there isn't much evidence to show its long-term effects, you can try drinking actaea racemosa (black cohosh) herbal tea

It appears that this plant is able to slow down the growth of facial hair. In addition to herbal tea, you can also buy supplements in tablets. As with all natural and herbal remedies, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor first.

  • To make the tea, take 20 grams of dry black cohosh root, 1 liter of water and a teaspoon of honey. Bring the water with the root to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Finally, filter the mixture.
  • Add honey and drink the herbal tea three times a day. You have to keep it in the fridge. Be careful not to drink too much, as it can cause side effects. also you should not drink it if you have liver disease or cancer, so it is best to consult your doctor before deciding to follow this remedy.
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Reduce Unwanted Facial Hair Step 16

Step 4. Take action on the hormonal level

Sometimes excess facial hair grows due to hormonal problems, for example during menopause. In this case only a doctor is able to diagnose the situation.

  • Sometimes the gynecologist may prescribe birth control pills to help manage the problem. There may also be underlying conditions that cause this unpleasant blemish, such as polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Eat foods that contain phytoestrogens. These substances help treat estrogen imbalances, although a preventive visit to the gynecologist is also required in this case. A higher level of estrogen can slow down hair growth. Licorice, alfalfa, fennel and flax seeds are natural products that contain phytoestrogens.
  • Basically, these elements mimic the behavior and activity of estrogen in the body.


  • When you shave, test on a small area of skin before applying the product all over your face to check for any irritation. Hair removal creams also have a strong chemical smell, can burn the skin and cause flaking, blistering and allergic reactions.
  • Waxing can be painful and cause irritation and / or bleeding. Strictly follow the instructions on the package of the kit you have chosen.
  • Shaving can lead to ingrown hair, as well as the risk of cuts on the skin. Never shave dry, but use a cream or gel to reduce irritation.
  • This advice will never be repeated enough - go to the doctor if you have a hormonal imbalance.
