Many loved Cat, the character played by Ariana Grande in the TV show Victorious. Her hairstyle, in particular, is neat, practical and beautiful. The high ponytail is a gorgeous hairstyle to pull your hair away from your face in comfort and still have style. Ariana also uses it to hide hair damage and blemishes. To achieve it, there are several possibilities: you can make a simple high one, one with a side tuft or a half crop. This is a very voluminous hairstyle, so be prepared to use extensions and backcombing.
Method 1 of 2: Wear a Simple Ponytail

Step 1. Volumize your hair
Apply some texturizing gel or hairspray, then backcomb the front of your hair.
Backcombing allows you to create texture. Toss small strands back with a comb. Start from the center of the lock and bring the comb towards your head with quick movements. This causes the hair to knot slightly and creates volume

Step 2. Apply the extensions
They are not necessary for a high ponytail, especially if you have thick hair. However, Ariana's hair is always characterized by a certain volume, smooth and flowing - a result that is achieved by using extensions.
Gather a small section of hair on the top of the head, in the center, and secure it with a rubber band: it will be your anchor for attaching the extensions. Put the extensions on by wrapping them around the anchor

Step 3. Gather your hair in a ponytail
Pick them up and pull them back, securing them with a rubber band.
- To have Ariana's style, the tail must start at the top of the head.
- When collecting your hair, pull it straight up to avoid swelling.

Step 4. Use a strand to hide the elastic
Take a small strand from the ponytail and wrap it around the elastic. Secure it with a bobby pin.
You may want to spray hairspray to keep unruly hair in check - sometimes it's not long enough to wrap the elastic in a strand without any problems
Method 2 of 2: Cute Variants

Step 1. Bring a side tuft
Before starting to queue, create a well-defined side line. If you have bangs, bring it to the side, otherwise create a side tuft by taking a two-inch strand on the front of the head. Follow the same steps as for a classic ponytail, then secure the side tuft on the end.
- If you don't have bangs, part them to the side and pull the strand behind your ear. Attach it to the back of your head.
- If you have bangs, fix it with hairspray on the side. Try to hold it above the hairline to complete the hairstyle.
- If you have long hair and don't wear bangs, there are two possibilities. You can let them fall on your face or pin them to the side.

Step 2. Make a half crop
It is a little less traditional, but gives a voluminous effect similar to that of the classic high ponytail. To start, part the top of your hair and pull it up into a bun. Create volume on the back of the head.
- To do a half up, you need a lot of hair, so you need extensions on the back. You can also tease them lightly and curl them into thick locks.
- If you volumize your hair, do it seriously. Apply long extensions to the back of the head.
- Curl your hair starting eight centimeters away from the roots. Wrap them around the curling iron and hold them still for 10-20 seconds.

Step 3. Create the high ponytail with the top half of the hair
Volumize it and hide the elastic. It's a voluminous hairstyle, so you'll want to secure it with hairspray.
- You can also add extensions, backcomb and curl the upper part of the hair. Follow the instructions for adding extensions to a simple tail.
- Brush your hair for a softer effect and make the ponytail blend better with the rest of the hair.
- Clean the comb before using it; in this way the hair will always be healthy, clean and smooth. You shouldn't comb them when there is dirt between your teeth. Also, to get rid of the gel, shampoo and massage it off.
- Make sure you apply a lot of gel under the tail. To several people this space swells up, so make sure you use enough of it to fix your hair.
- The wavy part of the hairpin must face towards the hair to volumize and fix it better.
- Remember to make a high ponytail.
- The gel can make your hair look greasy, so be careful if you decide to use it.