The tail is the most famous hairstyle there is. Its simple elegance and practicality are known everywhere, so much so that both women and men wear it, at any age. With a little practice and time, you can become a champion at styling a beautiful ponytail.
Method 1 of 4: Making a Simple Ponytail
Step 1. Start with unwashed hair
You can do it on freshly washed hair too, but this hairstyle looks great on hair that hasn't been washed for two or three days, even if you want to create an elegant look. You won't have unruly tufts and the natural oils that form will make your hair shiny.
If you decide to make a ponytail right after washing your hair, don't worry - you can do it anyway, but you may need to use products to get the volume and shape you want
Step 2. Use a volumizing spray or dry shampoo before starting
Sprinkle some, especially on the roots; it will give volume and hold to your hair.
- If you don't have these products on hand, talcum powder may work too. Put some on the palm of your hand and massage the roots. It will absorb natural oils and give volume and texture.
- Make sure you remove all the dust using the brush so you don't get it on your hair.
- You can also make a homemade dry shampoo. If you have dark hair, add some coconut powder to darken the final product and… get ready because you will surely have a sudden desire to eat brownies!
Step 3. Get curls
Use a curling iron to create small curls or waves (use 5cm sections). Spray some hairspray or put a small amount of gel before curling them to make them last longer, then queue.
- Alternatively, you can use heated curlers. Leave them in your hair until they cool.
- If you have long hair, you can pull it up into a high ponytail before putting on your curlers. It wouldn't be the final hairstyle; it only serves to speed up the process.
- Once the curls have cooled, run your fingers through your hair. Do not use the brush or they will lose consistency.
- You can speed up the process by using the hair dryer in cold air mode (if yours has this feature).
- Avoid curling your hair too often, as too much heat can damage it.
Step 4. Take a section of hair from the top of the head and gently pull it back using a fine toothed comb
Smooth the top with a brush.
Step 5. Collect your hair with the help of your hands and a brush
Do this gently, so as not to spoil the obtained broccoli. To make a classic ponytail, place it halfway up your head (at ear level).
Step 6. Secure it using a rubber band of the same color as your hair
To keep clumps from falling out and keep everything tidy, spray some hairspray.
Method 2 of 4: Do a Side Tail
Step 1. Apply a spray or serum to make your hair shiny
Hair needs to be soft and shiny, so add some product before starting.
Step 2. Create a side section; you decide the side
Hair usually falls naturally to one side rather than the other; follow that direction, for a more natural result. If you want more volume at the roots, gather your hair on the opposite side.
Try starting from the highest point of the brow arch
Step 3. Gather the hair on the opposite side; for example, if you created the section on the left, collect them on the right
Step 4. Secure the tail with a rubber band, placed behind the ear
Choose one of the same color as your hair and try to cover it with a lock of hair (use a bobby pin to hold it in place).
Alternatively, you can use a nice bow or tuck a flower into the elastic
Method 3 of 4: Create a "Defeat" Queue
Step 1. Start with uncombed hair
They don't have to be tidy to make this hairstyle and, like any type of ponytail, it looks best on unwashed hair. Even if you have recently washed them, they must be wavy or tousled.
The best method is to make a braid in the evening and go to sleep; In this way you will avoid having to waste time in the morning to get ready
Step 2. Collect the hair at the nape of the neck with the help of your hands or the brush
Simply remove the knots, but don't brush too much - try to keep a disheveled look.
Step 3. Divide the hair into two sections
Then tie them together, like when you tie your shoes.
Step 4. Weave them two or three more times
Once finished, use a rubber band to secure everything.
Step 5. Add bobby pins to the weaves you created and then remove the elastic
If you are afraid that the hairpins will not be enough to keep the tail in order, you can leave the elastic; removing it, however, will make your hairstyle more natural and saucy.
Step 6. Try the side variant
Instead of making the ponytail behind the neck, create a side section and gather the hair under the ear. Divide them into sections and weave them twice; use a thin rubber band to secure them.

Step 7. Finished
Method 4 of 4: Variations
Step 1. Try a sleek ponytail
Spray your hair with a product that protects it from heat and then use the straightener to straighten it. Create the tail using the brush. Then apply a mousse to fix the free hair. This will allow you to get an elegant and professional tail.
Step 2. Get a 1950s tail
Follow steps 1 and 3 on how to make a simple tail. Once the curls are done, brush them gently; they must remain tight and bright. Make a high ponytail; you can leave the curls as they are or brush them lightly.
Step 3. Make a Sixties Queue
Follow steps 1 and 3 on how to make a simple tail. When you get to the fourth step (gather the hair), take the top of the hair, trying to get as much volume as you can. Pull the section back and gather the hair into a ponytail at the back of the head (gently smoothing the top). The lower part of the hair should have remained loose; pick it up and create another tail, just below the previous one. Divide the bottom tail in half and pull the two sections you just got in opposite directions, so that they are squeezed into the first tail. If necessary, loop the elastic one more time.
Once your hair is in place, take a thin strand and wrap it around the two ponytails, then secure it with a bobby pin
Step 4. Try a pulled and braided ponytail
Set the upper section of the hair aside and smooth the lower section. Then do the same thing with the top one; collect it in a ponytail and secure it with a rubber band. At this point, create a French braid on both sides of the head, then bringing them towards the tail created previously. Once the braids are complete, pin all of your hair into a ponytail.
The lower portion of the hair should be smooth
Step 5. Test the screwed tail
Start with a soft ponytail so it will look better. Starting at the bottom of this ponytail, create an opening in the hair, then grab the ponytail, pulling it through the middle.
You can also use the half ponytail to make this hairstyle. Gather only the upper part of the hair into a ponytail and follow the same step as before, leaving the lower part loose
Step 6. Make pigtails
Divide the hair into two sections, starting from the middle of the head, then make a ponytail on both sides. Decide where to place them: try making soft (starting from below the ear) or high (above the ear) pigtails.
- Classic pigtails are symmetrical (with the same amount of hair for both sides).
- This hairstyle looks best on short hair, which can be pulled back.
- Try making them straight but don't be afraid to experiment, making them at different heights.
Step 7. Play with the natural texture of your hair
Before styling your hair, you can change the way you start the ponytail to follow the natural texture of your hair. Iron the ponytail with a straightener if you have straight hair; this method will allow you to make your locks even brighter and more elegant. If you have wavy or curly hair, use a cream to define and separate your curls.
- If you want a romantic or cheeky look, leave the wisps around the face and bangs loose.
- If you don't have time, just comb the front part of the hair. The ponytail is a perfect hairstyle for those days when you don't have time to waste in front of the mirror; comb only the bangs or the strands in front of the face. You will get more volume and brightness and you will be able to tame unruly locks.
- If you do curls, do them all over the hair (if time permits). It will make the hairstyle more tidy; moreover, if you want to fade your hair later, they will be beautifully curly. However, if you don't have enough time, you can only curl the ponytail, after making it and fastening it with an elastic.
- Spray some hairspray once you're done. Try different brands and seals to find the one that's right for you. Be careful not to put too much; you could weigh your hair down or risk making it look greasy.
- Wet the brush with some water or hairspray if you want to look more elegant. If you want to pull the bangs back, you will need some bobby pins or wear a headband.
- When you gather your hair in a ponytail, move your head back. It will give volume and prevent the formation of humps and the escape of unruly locks. You can also go upside down, especially if you want to make a very high ponytail; It won't be easy to hit the exact spot, though, and it might be difficult to create volume.