How to be beautiful if mother nature has not been kind to you

Table of contents:

How to be beautiful if mother nature has not been kind to you
How to be beautiful if mother nature has not been kind to you

You should never give too much importance to the physical appearance but, despite this, sometimes it can be pleasant to feel beautiful. In any case, remember that, even when you do not feel attractive, perhaps due to some annoying hormone, in someone's eyes you will always be beautiful and that many will always be able to see your beauty, both internal and external. Also remember that there are no ugly people in the world but, in any case, read this article, it will teach you to value yourself and give your best, increasing your confidence in yourself.


Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 1
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 1

Step 1. Feel confident

Sitting worrying about your appearance will get you nowhere. On the contrary, taking action will increase the confidence you have in yourself. Begin to change your posture, stop dragging yourself and keep your back straight. Strive to find a positive aspect in everything, and no matter what happens, don't forget that you are a beautiful person.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 2
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 2

Step 2. Take care of your personal hygiene

Take a bath or shower every day and wash your hair with the right frequency. Do not wait more than 3 days between washes, otherwise your hair will be greasy and dull. Use a flavored shower gel and a good skin moisturizer.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 3
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 3

Step 3. Try a different haircut and buy specific products

Choose a hairstyle that enhances the features of your face by getting advice from a professional. Contact a beauty salon, they will be able to give you the best suggestions and the results will be immediately visible. Also ask for the best hair products for you. Know that a side-swept fringe adapts easily to any face shape, and is a good place to start if you're undecided about what to do. Here are some ideas for choosing a hair product that's right for you:

  • Foam to add volume
  • Smoothing cream
  • Serum to protect the hair from heat
  • Lacquer to make the hairstyle last longer
  • Gel for a more aggressive look
  • Hair accessories: hairpins, bands, bows and colored rubber bands
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 4
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 4

Step 4. Wash your face and moisturize it

If necessary, remove make-up with a suitable detergent. Use a product that is suitable for your skin type, especially if you have acne or blackheads. Moisturize the skin daily.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 5
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 5

Step 5. Keep your nails tidy

It is important never to have dirty nails. Use your favorite nail polish. If you don't like colored nail polishes, buy one that is shiny and transparent. Your nails will be more beautiful and will become stronger. If you have brittle nails, moisten them with extra virgin olive oil every night before going to sleep. Your cuticles will also benefit. Then choose to brighten them up with a nice pastel color. Even a French manicure will give you a neat and impressive result. You could also use fake nails, but remember that not everyone loves them.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 6
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 6

Step 6. Add some makeup to your look

If you are under 18 it will be important not to overdo it. If you suffer from acne, you can choose to use a foundation in the same shade as your face and, after application, apply a veil of mattifying powder. Alternatively, you can opt for a concealer of the right shade and try to cover dark circles as well. Add some rosy blush on the cheeks, a lip gloss and a veil of mascara. Reserve a more accentuated make-up for special occasions and, if you are very young, always ask for your parents' approval.

Step 7. Wax your face if needed

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 8
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 8

Step 8. Be a beautiful person on the inside as well

Any ugliness you have inside will show up on the outside. Be nice and kind to others, share what you have and keep busy during class or at work.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 9
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 9

Step 9. Smile

A smile will instantly make you more attractive. When you meet someone's gaze, smile confidently and be polite to people. You will certainly look more beautiful than a frowning and grumbling person.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 10
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 10

Step 10. Brush your teeth

You can use a small amount of whitening product and always keep your breath fresh with some mint flavored candies.

Step 11. Take care of your wardrobe

Instead of always wearing trousers, try a skirt and match it with taste with socks or leggings. Add some accessories to your look according to your tastes: for example a scarf or earrings.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 12
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 12

Step 12. Don't be obsessed with the outward appearance

It's how you are inside that really matters.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 13
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 13

Step 13. Wash your face twice a day and apply a good moisturizer

Don't forget to brush your hair too.

Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 14
Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks Step 14

Step 14. Eat healthy and exercise

Keep fit! Spend at least 60 minutes outdoors every day and choose healthy foods! Choose a sport you enjoy, such as swimming, martial art, horseback riding, walking or yoga. Try to stay away from sweets and ice cream and prefer a fruit and yogurt snack.

Step 15. Learn to coordinate colors

Choose shades that can enhance you. Be bold, wear good quality clothes and plan your look well in advance.


  • Don't copy others and remember this quote: "Be yourself! Everyone else is already busy." - Oscar Wilde
  • Don't compare yourself to others, especially models, or those you think are more beautiful than you. Each does not have its own particular beauty, strive to discover and enhance yours, both internally and externally.
  • Experiment to discover your uniqueness and remember that what may not be suitable for another person may be for you. The key is to find out what makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Remember that your opinions are yours alone and that if you think you are ugly it doesn't mean that others do too.
  • Self-confidence is the cornerstone of a winning look.
  • Be grateful for your body and learn to love it. Think that there are people less fortunate than you with missing or disfigured body parts.
  • Remember that a flashy look won't make you feel better about yourself and won't allow others to get to know the real you.
  • Don't let other people's opinions define who you are.
  • Be positive and believe in your abilities because true beauty comes from within.
  • Always be yourself, smile, show your personality and listen to your heart.
