Threading is a temporary hair removal technique mostly used for the eyebrows, the top and bottom of the lips, cheeks and chin. The name comes from the cotton threads that are woven to pull the hairs at the root. It is also known by the name "tying" (to tie) or "khite" in Arabic. Here's how to do threading to remove unwanted hair.

Step 1. Draw your brows
Instead of haphazardly removing hair, first decide on the shape you want to give your eyebrows. Use an eye pencil to outline and fill in your brows exactly the way you want them. This will help you stay in line when threading and avoid removing too much hair.
If you use this technique on another part of the face or body you will not need to outline or fill in anything unless you want to remove all hair and need a guideline

Step 2. Trim the excess hair
If you want to style your brows, cut long hairs to avoid removing them completely. Use an eyebrow brush to brush the hairs upwards and then trim the tops with small scissors. Use a make-up brush to remove any hair that has fallen off your face.

Step 3. Prepare the thread
Cut a cotton thread the length of your forearm; the shorter the wire, the more control you will have. Tie the ends together to create a ring.

Step 4. Stretch the ring in your hands
Hold the thread taut between your thumb and forefinger. Turn your right hand clockwise to twist the yarn six or seven times, or until you have about 2.5 cm of twisted yarn in your hands.

Step 5. Test the thread
Grab the thread by placing your thumbs and index fingers inside the circle on each side, then pull your right thumb and index finger. The turns of the thread must move towards the left hand. Now close the space between your right thumb and index finger and open one between your left thumb and index finger. This is the treading motion that traps the hairs in the strand and pulls them.

Step 6. Start treading
Start with the longest hair you want to remove, align the turns of the strand with the direction of the hair. Open the fingers of the right hand with regular movements, moving the thread up and down and opening the fingers of the right hand first and then those of the left hand. Continue with these movements working from top to bottom, align the strand carefully before moving until all unwanted hair has been removed.

Step 7. Moisturize irritated skin
When you are done treading, the skin may be a little red or inflamed. If so, pat the area with a mild toner, such as witch hazel to calm and close pores.

- Use a pencil to take the following three measurements and give your eyebrows a natural shape: To find the inner edge of the eyebrow, imagine a straight line from one corner of the nose to the inside of the eye, to find the top edge of the eyebrow, imagine a line between the edge of the nose and the outer corner of the eye, to find the edge of the arch of the eyebrow, imagine a line between the outer corner of the nose and the pupil. Pass the yarn out of these lines.
- Usually no hair will grow back after this technique for about 2-4 weeks, it depends on your growth.