Also known as "The Ancient Religion" or "The Religion of Nature", Wicca is a faith that sinks its practices, beliefs and principles into pagan tradition. Just like in most religions, there are many currents and schools of thought in Wicca and people practice it according to their faith and lifestyle. The process of becoming a Wiccan can be a long one and requires study, concentration and dedication; however, it is also a journey full of satisfactions.
Part 1 of 3: Studying Wicca

Step 1. Learn all you can about the Wiccan faith
The fundamental creed places the Gods at the center of life and creation. Some currents accept the presence of gods and goddesses in equal measure, since they believe in the duality and balance of the universe. There are no sacred books, prophets or intermediaries. All those who espouse the Wiccan faith have direct access to the Gods as there is something divine in each person.
- The Wiccan Rede, or profession of faith, is centered on the principle that all members must follow: "Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone." This emphasizes the value of harmony that must pervade life, as long as your actions do not harm others and limit the lives of other people, then act as you see fit. The Law of Three is also equally fundamental, in fact Wiccans believe that whatever a person does, they will be returned three times as much. This happens in both a positive and a negative sense.
- Wiccans take responsibility for their actions. They believe that everyone is responsible for their own words and gestures. You alone can decide how to behave and how to react to external forces; the best approach to respecting this belief is to apologize and make amends for those you have mistreated.
- A crucial aspect is played by respect for nature, as well as by the sacredness of life. Wiccans recognize that humans live in nature and must rely on it to survive. Nature and life flow respecting cycles and man is part of it. The idea of reincarnation also fits into this perspective. In nature, everything changes and returns, like the sea that becomes a cloud, the cloud that becomes rain and so on. This also affects the concept of death which represents only one phase of the life cycle.
- In the United States, where Wicca is widespread, there is also some fragmentation. Currently, according to the Circle Sanctuary, there are several currents; Hereditary, Shamanic, Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Celtic, Traditionalist, Dianic, Faerie, and Eclectic are just a few, and each has its own specific beliefs and rituals.

Step 2. Learn how Wiccans perform rituals and ceremonies
They usually take place outdoors to maintain a strong connection with nature. Most rituals and celebrations follow the cycle of the moon, such as when it is full or new, the changing of the seasons, and so on. However, there can be complications when it comes to climate and safety, which means that there are just as many rituals that take place indoors. Meetings where the faithful are surrounded by candles are not uncommon. There may be an altar and candles placed to the north and south. The circle determines a space for the energies to flow together; that's why Wiccans congregate respecting this form. During the ritual, Wiccans perform healing, divination or arguing activities. Many ceremonies also involve eating food and drinking wine or juice before dissolving the circle and ending the ritual.

Step 3. Learn to distinguish what is part of Wicca and what is not
It is not an anti-Christian religion and it is not against any other creed. It is sometimes referred to as a pre-Christian faith, as it has its roots in pagan practices that honor the Earth, life, creation and the Gods. You don't even have to dress or act in a particular way to be a Wiccan. Anyone can be and there is no "official look" to follow.

Step 4. Understand ethics
This religion does not use magic to curse people and does not cast spells for the purpose of doing harm. As a Wiccan you are responsible for how you use magic and your relationship with it. You must live by the Wicca precept, or Rede, that "Do what you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone." If you live positively and in harmony with the earth, then you will be a true Wiccan.

Step 5. Read the books and any sources you can get to fully understand what Wicca is
The best thing is independent study of religion, research and individual study. Some of the most influential lyrics are: Ellen Cannon Reed's "The Heart of Wicca," "Wicca for a Solitary Practitioner," by Scott Cunningham, "To Ride A Silver Broomstick," by Silver RavenWolf and many more. There are introductory texts and others that deal with much deeper topics, study them to understand this religion.
Part 2 of 3: Becoming a Wiccan

Step 1. Choose your Gods and build a solid relationship with them
Wicca is a polytheistic religion, which means that every believer believes in multiple Gods and Goddesses. However, these do not live separated from nature, they do not possess superhuman powers. In truth I am the embodiment of nature. These deities have different origins: Romanesque, Scandinavian, Hindu and Celtic. There are over 200 Wiccan Deities, but you shouldn't randomly choose which one will be your Matron or Patron. Although you will certainly make a choice, know that these deities will be present in you, be open to studying the others as well. Do a thorough research to find out which gods are closest to you.

Step 2. Keep a journal
As your studies progress and you learn more and more about Wicca, you should begin to find some associations and affinities with you. Writing these observations will help you make connections and understand more about yourself. Over time your diary will evolve into your own Book of Shadows, the diary that every Wiccan owns.

Step 3. Learn what magic is and how to use it
It is about arousing and channeling energies for a purpose. In the Wiccan world, everything that is magiko is written with a "k" to distinguish it from the tricks of magicians. Many believe that it is the manifestation of personal energy, which arises from within. This is not witchcraft, but rather a spiritual manifestation that is translated into reality through spells. You will have to learn how to use magic safely while always keeping in mind what the effects and consequences of your actions are.
Meditate and do visualization exercises to improve concentration during magical practices. Find a quiet place where you can meditate without being interrupted

Step 4. Learn and try to abide by the Law of Three
In the Wicca religion it is a principle that applies to all your actions, whatever you do, it will return to you tripled. It doesn't matter if it is good or bad, it will come back to you. Following this principle and understanding that any feelings of resentment and revenge will come back to you will change the way you act. Take advantage of this law to learn to be aware and thankful for the blessings you receive.

Step 5. Keep in touch with other Wicca members
You can find them online, in discussion groups and forums, or in a community near home. In a big city, there will be more chances to meet fellow worshipers, but that doesn't mean that even small ones don't have their fair share of Wiccans. Depending on the level of tolerance shown by the city, Wiccans may not be as visible and publicly demonstrate their beliefs. Talk to other members about what they believe, how they practice, how they started, and so on. These conversations will be of great help to you to better understand all of religion and to become part of a community that supports you.

Step 6. Perform a Wicca ceremony
During the ritual you will formalize your membership in Wicca and share the devotion with your deities. There are different ceremonies, simple or complex, you can find many suggestions online. Here is an example:
- Gather the symbols that represent the balance of nature. These objects must be connected to fire, water, air and earth. You can safely use the objects you have available, such as a candle for the fire, a glass of water and so on. Form a circle around you and put the water in the west, the earth in the north, the air in the east and the fire in the south.
- Walk or swing your arms clockwise three times. Close the circle by reciting: "I have drawn this circle three times and have made it sacred to the earth." In this way you have separated yourself from the physical world and have a sacred space in which to proceed with the ritual.
- State your will and why you want to follow Wicca. Declare that you will follow the Rede ("Do what you want until it harms no one"). Open the circle again by crossing it or swinging your arms counterclockwise three times.

Step 7. Join a den after one year and one day of study
Most of these are formal gatherings that require newcomers to study Wicca for at least a year and a day; in this way they can be sure that they are serious people and with sufficient preparation. Find a group in your local community, if any, and introduce yourself. Some are closed and don't accept new members, while others are open and will welcome you with open arms.
It is not necessary to belong to a lair to practice Wicca. Just like any other religion, it is both a personal and a shared activity. There may not be a group in your area, or you may have tried to join a community and realize it's not for you. Practicing Wicca alone can be both a source of loneliness but also liberating. You can stay true to yourself by only following what you feel like doing. A circle is a simple periodic gathering of people, but also a support group. A hideout, on the other hand, is a formal organization often closed to those who are not part of it. It demands trust and respect, but it can also be the source of personality clashes

Step 8. Make an oath of secrecy
One of the first actions a Wiccan should take is to swear secrecy. In this way three results are obtained: the identity of the faithful is protected, rites are protected and the mysteries of religion are protected. Every believer should not assume that others belonging to the faith have publicly declared their religion, many remain in secret because this could cause discrimination. Additionally, rituals should also be kept secret to ensure trust and keep people who might become vulnerable during the rituals safe. Protecting the mysteries of Wicca indicates respect for the complexity and fragility of this religion. Respecting the mysteries and unexplained events helps sustain Wicca and protects its magical qualities for those who actively practice it.
Part 3 of 3: Applying Wicca in Everyday Life

Step 1. Follow the Rede
The approach you need to use in all areas of your life is: "Do what you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone." This concept emphasizes freedom of action while respecting the freedom of others. The Rede is closely related to the Law of Three: your every action will come back to you three times as much. This emphasizes positivity and harmony.

Step 2. Spend some of your time each day meditating and being devoted
Bring your Wiccan beliefs into your daily life by regularly reflecting on your spiritual path. Wicca strongly advocates creative freedom, the connection between spiritual and physical improvement, feminine divinity, family ties and connection with nature. These ideals can be celebrated and integrated into your life through meditation, increasing the time you spend with your family and engaging in the environment. A few minutes a day are enough with some breathing and concentration exercises, 10-15 minutes of meditation or even just giving thanks for a meal. You can also perform a short rite of devotion to the Gods, telling them about the problems you are facing or thanking them for blessing your life. You can also engage in more complex practices, such as building an altar, creating a work of art or writing about religion, taking a long walk or hiking in nature.

Step 3. Celebrate the Wiccan holidays
There are 8 holidays, called Sabbat, which are honored throughout the year. October 31st is Wiccan New Year. These are holidays that are celebrated in many ways, but tend to be aimed at nature, the family and the community. Esbats are celebrations that follow the lunar cycle; some Wiccans celebrate waxing, waning, and full moons, but there are some holidays that occur only during the full moon. Sabbats include:
- Samhain (end of October, around day 31).
- Yule (winter solstice, around December 20-23).
- Imbolc (1st February).
- Ostara (summer equinox, around 21 March).
- Beltane (April 30 - May 1).
- Litha (summer solstice, around 21 June).
- Lughnasadh (July 31 - August 1, first day of the harvest season).
- Mabon (autumn equinox, around 21 September).

Step 4. Develop your Book of Shadows
This is a fundamental aspect of being a Wiccan and it is a journal where you write down your practices. This book can follow many models and no two books are identical. It is a very personal text and everyone develops it based on their own experiences. Most reflect some elements, such as a page dedicated to the Rede, a list of the Deities, spells, rituals, mythology and so on.

Step 5. Grow within your Wiccan community
As you practice and grow, you will be more and more confident in the rituals and Wicca will become an integral part of your life. You will be a member of a much larger community; this does not mean that you have to recruit other people. This religion does not proselytize and does not force anyone to believe. However, if you become the leader of your community, you can become a mentor and guide for new believers.
- Wicca does not only appeal to women, despite the emphasis that this religion places on the female sex. There are many Wiccan men and, since the first creed of this religion is balance, it is unthinkable that it does not contemplate the one between masculine and feminine.
- Learning and embracing a new religion is not something that happens overnight, it is a decision that takes time and a thorough understanding of beliefs and rituals. Many Wiccans have gone a very long way, four or five years, before they have fully entered the community and, despite everything, some still believe that this time frame is still too short. There are no deadlines to become a Wiccan, everything has to happen at your own pace.