Wasps are beneficial insects for the ecosystem because they pollinate flowers and keep the proliferation of parasites under control. However, they can become bothersome and even dangerous for allergy sufferers. When a nest develops near your home or place where you work, you probably have no choice but to kill them or even get rid of the nest. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this, from using insecticidal sprays (both natural and chemical) to traps.
Method 1 of 4: Use Traditional Methods

Step 1. Use a blend of 15ml of peppermint oil and 480ml of water
Pour the water into a spray bottle and mix in the oil. Spray the solution on the wasps and the nest. Make sure you use enough to wet these intruders and their home completely.
Also try adding 30 ml of shampoo or dish detergent so that the oil, penetrating better into the applied areas, suffocates the wasps

Step 2. Use a mixture of 15ml dish soap and 240ml water
Pour the boiling water into a spray bottle and add the detergent. When you spot wasps, spray the solution in their direction until they stop. If you can, use a spray with a hose to aim the target more accurately. If the nest is large, pour the detergent into a garden sprayer.
Spray the mixture on the nest when it is night. Cover the flashlight with a cloth or use a red or amber bulb to prevent them from attacking you

Step 3. Apply WD-40 lubricant around railings, window sills and eaves
Wasps hate the smell of this product, so you can use it as a repellent. Dispense 2-3 shoots around areas where you see them hanging out, especially near crevices or small openings where they can nest. If you need to remove a nest, spray the product 5-6 times or until it is completely covered.
- Never apply the spray near lighted candles or near a barbecue.
- Do not set the nest on fire after spraying WD-40. It is very dangerous especially if the flame becomes uncontrollable.

Step 4. Apply insecticide to the nest, wasps or areas most frequented by these insects
Read the instructions to find out how to use it, i.e. the amount you need for a given surface. Mix about 30 ml of product every 4 liters of water. If it is summer, spray it as soon as possible on the areas to be treated. Focus on indoors with closed doors and windows.
- Apply it on every single wasp or on the whole nest, following the directions.
- Be quick and use the product at night when the wasps are less active.

Step 5. Call an exterminator
If you are unfamiliar with insecticides or are having a hard time getting rid of wasps, a professional in this field may be a safe alternative. If the nest is inside a wall, the exterminator can drill a hole in the window frame, floor or adjacent wall and dispense the insecticide to eliminate it.
If you're short on time, see an exterminator. It is able to apply stronger chemicals and, therefore, kill wasps faster
Method 2 of 4: Use Mechanical Removal

Step 1. Hit the wasps using a fly swatter
The simplest and most direct way to kill a wasp is to use a simple fly swatter. Wait until it stops on a surface where you can kill it. Hit it when it's still and keep crushing it until it dies. Use this tool only if you are trying to get rid of one or a few wasps that are circulating in a confined area.
Do not attempt to hit them if you have slow reflexes or are unfamiliar with the fly swatter as they may sting you in an attempt to defend themselves as they fly away

Step 2. Suck them up with a small but powerful vacuum cleaner
Turn it on and hold it about 8-10cm from their position. After you have sucked them all, kill them by sucking in 30 g of cornstarch. Keeping the appliance switched on, open the compartment of the bag, use the adhesive tape to close the opening and turn off the vacuum cleaner. Remove the bag and place it in the freezer overnight before throwing it away.
- Use a vacuum cleaner with disposable bags.
- Use this method when spring arrives, which is when the wasps begin to come out of hibernation. During this time they are slower and lazier, so you will have less difficulty catching and chasing them away.

Step 3. Hide the most inviting food sources
Wasps are attracted to flowers, food and drink. Remove the pots containing flowers from your home, moving them to the opposite side of the garden, and leave no trace of food and drinks. At the end of the summer they are more attracted to sugary drinks and sweets, while at the beginning and during the summer they prefer meat. Place food in resealable containers with silicone lids and avoid using plastic wrap.
- Remove flower pots from home and avoid using perfumes, shampoos, creams and sweet or floral soaps.
- Don't leave food outside, especially in hot weather.
Method 3 of 4: Using Lures and Traps

Step 1. Hang a bait in the garden by placing it no more than 400m from the wasps
Buy a bait trap and hang it in an area frequented by these insects. Make sure you place it outside, as far away from the porch and inhabited areas as possible. Check it every 2-3 days and, if necessary, replace it when it begins to fill up or when it has exceeded the duration indicated in the instructions.
You can purchase this product at hardware stores, garden stores, and online

Step 2. Set up a water trap using a 2L plastic bottle
Cut the neck of the bottle. Remove the cap, flip the neck over and insert it into the other piece. Seal the two parts horizontally, i.e. along the nip, using electrical or packing tape. Then pour in sugar water, a soda pop or pieces of meat and other protein foods. To keep the trap suspended, attach a piece of string with duct tape or drill a hole to secure it in the wood.
- Apply a layer of cooking oil around the edges so that it becomes slippery and prevents the wasps from walking.
- Before emptying the trap, place it in the freezer or pour boiling water inside to kill any live wasps.

Step 3. Set up a bait trap near the mailbox or on a tree trunk
In essence, it is a closed container that draws wasps inside, where they are killed by an insecticide. Insert the button head self-tapping screws into their respective holes. Find the most suitable spot (on a tree or pole near the wasp's nest) and fasten the screws to mount it to the support of your choice.
You can find this item in hardware stores, garden supply stores, and online

Step 4. Use sticky traps
Hang them with clothespins on the clothesline near the nests and their openings. You can also place them on a flat surface in areas most frequented by wasps.
- Use sticky traps in the early stages of nest development, as the wasp population is still small and can be controlled more easily.
- Buy them at hardware stores, garden stores, and online.

Step 5. Prepare a compound trap with water and a powdered pyrethroid
Fill a saucer with water and place the plant in the sun for the wasps to use for drinking. Add an insecticide containing a pyrethroid, such as permethrin (a natural product extracted from chrysanthemums). Stir until you get a paste and mix it in the water.
- For best results, use a water dispenser in early summer.
- Add more water every couple of days to attract more wasps and repeat the treatment every 3-5 days.
Method 4 of 4: Eliminate the Nests

Step 1. Hang a fake nest within 60cm of each newly built nest
In early summer it is much easier to chase away wasps from their first appearance by hanging a fake nest near the home or areas you want to keep them away from. However, this solution is not always effective and does not work in late summer.
You can find this product in hardware stores, garden supply stores, and online. Alternatively, use a paper lantern or recycled paper bag

Step 2. Knock out the nest after applying the insecticide or at the start of the season
If you've applied insecticide or the nest is still small because summer is upon us, try knocking it down with a broom, rake, or other long-handled tool.
- If the wasps are still alive, you must destroy any nests they build to discourage them. You will likely have to take them down several times before they give up and find another place to settle.
- If you've applied insecticide and killed most of them, knock the nest down, smash it into a thousand pieces, and coat it with pesticide.
Step 3. Flood the underground nests with boiling water when it is night
Keep an eye on the behavior of the wasps for 2-3 days and locate the openings of the nest from which they enter and exit the most. At night, when they sleep, pour a pot of boiling water over the crevices. Once the nest is flooded, cover the holes with soil (as long as the wasps don't start flying off).
Wear protective clothing and be careful as this method can trigger a mass attack

Step 4. Take the nest and close it if it is autumn
When wasp activity subsides in the evening, approach the nest as quietly as possible. Quickly wrap it in a plastic bag without making a noise. Next, tie the bag around the branch it hangs from and cut (or break) it. Keep the nest in the freezer for about a day or place it in a bucket of water so the wasps will drown.
- Try to catch them in late October or after the first strongest frost, which is when the temperature is -4 ° C for 4 consecutive hours.
- Make sure the plastic bag can be closed tightly.
- Always do your treatments at night, because wasps tend to be less active in the dark.
- Remember that wasps react quickly to light, so cover the flashlight with a cloth or use a red or amber bulb.
- Wait for temperatures to drop before destroying the nest because wasps are less active and aggressive in cold weather.
- If you're trying to spot a wasp's nest, pay close attention to where they come back. They typically nest under roof eaves, in shutters or sheds, but also along fences and in cracks in walls.
- Do not try to kill wasps yourself if you are allergic to their or bee venom, or if the nest is in a hard-to-reach location.
- If you don't know if you're allergic to wasp and bee stings, get allergy tested before trying to manage an infestation.
- Always wear protective clothing when trying to get rid of wasps. Cover up as much as possible. Put on a pair of heavy gloves and, if you can, a helmet with a net.