Getting rid of bed bugs isn't easy. There are many products on the market that claim to get rid of bedbugs quickly and effectively. But STOP and THINK before buying them. What do they contain and how toxic are they? It is possible to get rid of bed bugs completely without using chemicals. This article will help you get rid of these insects naturally.

Step 1. Remove the stacks
Throw away anything you no longer want or need in sealed plastic bags. Collect all blankets and clothing and place them again in sealed plastic bags.

Step 2. Wash all blankets and clothing at a high temperature
Place clothes that cannot be machine washed in the dryer for at least 10 minutes on the maximum temperature. Don't forget to wash your laundry room thoroughly with disinfectant when you're done. Now put all washed items in clean plastic bags and seal them to prevent recontamination.

Step 3. In the haunted room, vacuum all over the place
The mattress, the box springs, the curtains, the rugs, the chairs, the upholstered furniture, the cracks and crevices in the floor, the plinths and walls, the plush toys - the list is endless. Don't overlook the weirdest places like smoke detectors, switches and alarm clocks! Immediately after emptying the contents of your vacuum cleaner into a plastic bag, seal it and throw it away. Clean your vacuum cleaner thoroughly - especially the filters.

Step 4. Retrace your steps using a steam cleaner
It is important to use one that can reach 100 ° C and that produces dry steam. Dry steam is important because you don't want to get everything wet and risk the appearance of mold and mildew.

Step 5. Move slowly and methodically to make sure you eliminate bedbugs at all stages of their development, especially the eggs
Many sprays cannot penetrate the outer side of the egg, and the larvae within them survive and hatch.

Step 6. As an insurance policy you could spread diatomaceous earth or use a non-toxic insecticide
This way you should be able to get rid of any bedbugs you haven't eliminated.
- This method allows you to successfully get rid of bed bugs, but it may take more than one attempt.
- High temperature, high pressure steam can be extremely dangerous.