Do you avoid Feng Shui because you think you have to use crystals, spirit sweepers and small trinkets from Chinatown gift shops? Well, don't worry! You can apply Feng Shui to any home and receive all its wonderful benefits (plus money, love, health and well-being). Since your will is the most important ingredient, you can use your personal style to create your own Feng Shui "cures".

Step 1. Draw a draft of the floor plan in question

Step 2. Overlay the Bagua map, the fundamental tool of Feng Shui, on the draft floor plan, aligning the bottom of the map with the main door

Step 3. Place the object that represents your goal in the area where your goal resides
- Bottom left: Knowledge. Knowledge is the sector of the room concerning wisdom. Of course, the relevant items will go here; for example, books.
- Bottom center: Career. If you're having trouble at work, try to improve this area by adding trophies, certificates, or whatever you remember from previous career successes.
- Bottom right: Travel and friendly people. Friendly people are those you interact with on a daily basis: it is the driver on your right who let you pass, the bartender, banker, anyone. Considering the amount of people he interacts with every day, this sector is very important. Keep items in this area that bring positive energy to others, such as travel souvenirs. It's also a good area to remember your heroes and role models to follow.
- Center left: Family and health. Use this zone for better relationships, as it also extends to colleagues. You can put photos of your family or family vacation souvenirs here, or anything special related to your family.
- In the center: Sé. All other squares affect the overall concept of health and your personal well-being. Here you can put everything that is important to you and that has to do with your style.
- Center right: Child. In essence, the child also understands "creativity". If you are in some way an artist, play an instrument, write, etc., put something here to enhance all of that. If there is something you did or built as a child that still matters to you, put it here. Also, put anything here that you have worked hard to do.
- Top left: Wealth. If you are broke, contact the financial corner. Keep things in order. There are many lucky charms to put here - your piggy bank, receipts (if they are in order, avoiding financial distress) or accounting records.
- Top center: Reputation / Fame. Your fame and reputation is quite crucial in the role it takes on all other industries. A good reputation leads to promotions, a better relationship with family, trust from others, etc. Put medals, trophies and other similar things here. In this area, brightness and lighting are important.
- Top right: Relationships / Marriage. Put the tokens of love here.

Step 4. Rate your room based on the 5 elements:
water, earth, fire, wood and metal.
- Water: the water resides in the professional area (bottom center). Its shape is wavy. Therefore, goldfish and fountains can be used to support this area. Although it is bad Feng Shui to have a water source in the bedroom, as it brings energies of concern to the room.
- Earth: Earth resides in the center of the room. Plants or flowers are great for this area. Never use fake flowers. In fact, don't even use dried flowers, as however beautiful they are, they are still dead and carry negative energy.
- Fire: Fire is in the career and fame zone (top center). Candles, anything red and triangular or pyramidal is suitable for this area.
- Wood: wood is in the family sector (center left). If you have a nice wooden desk or shelf, put it here.
- Metal: metal is in the child / creativity area (center right). It has a circular shape, so any circular metal is great. Wrought iron can greatly help the circulation of "qi" and creativity. Metal frames are another suggestion.

Step 5. Mix and combine the elements accordingly
- According to the powers belonging to the elements, some compensate each other while certain elements oppose or destroy the power of others. Fire burns wood. Wood absorbs water. Water erodes the metal. Metal destroys the earth. The earth dulls the fire.
- Elements can also complement or enhance each other. Water helps the wood to grow. Wood helps flames burn. Fire helps the earth to change shape. The earth wields metal, and metal gives life to water.
- Each element has its own color and shape. The fire is red and pointed. The water is black and wavy. The wood is blue / green and tall / slender. The metal is round and white. The earth is square, canned and yellow.
- Use at least a couple of these shapes, colors and elements when designing your room.
- If the elements do not correspond to certain areas of your home (for example, the sink is in the "fire" area), you can use the other elements to balance. Put red candles on the sink, or use earth elements to weaken the aquatic one. Similarly, if you have a fireplace in the "fire" area, place a wooden mantel above the fireplace or add a goldfish to the table next to the fireplace. You can also use all 5 elements in the same area, as they will act in harmony with each other.
- Like many things in life, "don't complicate it". Living with as little clutter as possible is the key to an open, orderly mind, very useful for any type of experience.
- It is very helpful to have positive attitudes to achieve your goal. Skepticism and doubt can counteract Feng Shui cures.
- Sometimes there is no way to circumnavigate a toilet blocked in the relational corner of your room. If there is something unfortunate about an object that you cannot move, there are some remedies: try putting a mirror on the bathroom door to discourage the entry of "qi". Using a spirit sweeper can also be helpful, as can hanging a crystal.
- In Feng Shui, the house is seen as an extension of the body. If you keep your house neat and clean, your body should look the same.
- The front door is the door a guest would use the first time they visit you.
- Study the history of your home and furniture. The previous inhabitants have certainly left energy to circulate in the house and in your furniture. The advanced "qi" in your bed is particularly crucial: ideally, you should always buy a new bed to avoid negative energies.
- Watch out for wooden beams and vaulted ceilings, as they carry bad "qi". To remedy this, hang a crystal on the beam.
- Pay close attention to where you put the bed. The bed should never be facing directly towards the door, as it brings a lot of bad luck and is also the funeral position. The best position of the bed is as far as possible from the door, in a point from which the entrance is clearly visible.
- Never use wavy, broken or shoddy mirrors, as they carry negative energies.
- Don't be angry with those who don't believe in these things. They might make fun of you or something. If they do this enough to annoy you, just stop inviting them to keep the evil forces away, and show them how much they have offended you.
- Don't use Feng Shui as a miracle cure for every problem in your life. Having good "qi" helps improve your life and works as a driving force; ultimately, it is only you who take the actions necessary for the change.
- These Bagua map placement instructions pertain to the Feng Shui Black Hat Sect. For other schools such as the Original Form or Compass schools, you will need to reorient the map according to their rules.