Roughly cutting a large tree branch could tear off a long strip of bark and injure the tree. You can avoid this risk by cutting the branch correctly as described in this article.

Step 1. Plan the cut
Decide which branch (or branches) you want to cut and where. You may want to cut it for cosmetic reasons (because it overhangs something or grows in the wrong direction), or because the branches are touching each other, or because they are damaged.
- If you have any doubts about which branches to cut or how to do it safely, hire a specialized company.
- Prune the smaller branches, about 5 cm in diameter, with a manual lopper. Instead, use the technique below for the larger branches.

Step 2. Cut the branch starting from the underside about half the thickness but stop before the saw gets stuck
The cut should be as shown in the figure above.

Step 3. Make a second cut at the top of the branch and at a point a little further away from the trunk than the first

Step 4. Let the branch detach and fall under its own weight

Step 5. Saw the remaining log to equalize the surface of the cut
Be cautious, to avoid tearing the bark.
However, do not completely cut the "stump" of the branch you removed, otherwise you inhibit the tree's healing. The branch collar (which should not be cut) is easily recognized by the bulge between the base of the branch and the trunk

Step 6. If you cut the branch flush with the collar, the tree recovery proceeds much faster
It was once common practice to paint the cut, but this has been shown to damage the tree. Leave the stump free to dry naturally.
- To have greater control of the tree and its orientation in growth, you can cut many large branches into several parts.
- Autumn and winter are the best times to prune trees, because it is the time for them to rest. However, they can also be cut in spring, immediately after flowering, and in summer they can be pruned before new growth begins.
- Maple, birch, dogwood, and elm make the sap "bleed"; even if it is not beautiful to look at, it is still harmless to the tree.
- Get someone to help you if the branches are large.
- Be careful not to cut yourself when using the saw.
- Remember that the branches have a little elasticity and be prepared when they fall, because they can bounce a little.
- Wear protective gloves and goggles.
- Be safe when climbing the ladder if necessary.
- Make sure no one is under the branches, and that when they fall they don't hit anything important.