How to Play Paintball (with Pictures)

How to Play Paintball (with Pictures)
How to Play Paintball (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Paintball is an exciting and dynamic combat sport. Players compete in teams or alone, trying to take out opponents with air guns. It's really funny. If you want to learn how to play, get to know the equipment, rules and style of play before taking to the battlefield.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the Right Equipment

Play Paintball Step 1
Play Paintball Step 1

Step 1. On your first experience, rent the equipment

What do you need to play paintball? In some cases the answer is nothing. Instead of buying a lot of equipment, you can rent everything you need in an equipped center, so you can try the game and see if you like it, before investing in the necessary items.

  • Upon your arrival at the center you will receive a suit, a flak jacket, a mask and a hopper. The latter is the container that holds the paint balls and loads them into the shotgun.
  • You will be given the shotgun before heading out onto the battlefield. Usually the hopper fits over the shotgun, which has a trigger and safety. At this point you are ready to play.
Play Paintball Step 2
Play Paintball Step 2

Step 2. Purchase a paintball gun

These guns are air-powered and shoot paintballs the size of marbles at high speed. A good model for beginners costs between € 100 and € 150, but the more expensive ones go up to € 700.

  • The Tippmann A5 is the recommended model for beginners. If you don't like the style of this rifle, try a Kingman Spyder weapon, such as Spyder Pilot or Spyder Sonix. These are the best products for inexperienced players because they are quality but don't cost too much.
  • If you decide to buy a shotgun, give it some time. Learn to clean and maintain it so you can be sure your shots are accurate on the battlefield.
Play Paintball Step 3
Play Paintball Step 3

Step 3. Get some paint

Paint Bullets are capsules that contain a non-toxic, water-soluble and biodegradable dye, with a gelatin wrap. During matches, each team or player is awarded different colored bullets, making it easier to determine the winners.

In most cases, you will purchase the paint directly from the center where you are playing. If you want to play even in non-equipped places, you can buy large quantities of bullets in many sporting goods stores

Play Paintball Step 4
Play Paintball Step 4

Step 4. Practice with your shotgun before playing

If you have purchased a shotgun, it is important to familiarize yourself with the mechanics and range of the weapon. Find an appropriate background and fire a couple of times to assess the accuracy of the aim and the rate of fire. Practice reloading and moving your shotgun safely.

  • Make sure you take the safety off. This may sound like a trivial piece of advice, but even the best players forget to do it. So check before you hit the battlefield.
  • If your gun jams, be sure to yell "JAM!" as hard as possible, otherwise you will surely get hit while trying to fix it.
  • Do not turn the weapon upside down! It could jam and you would drop all the bullets.
  • Hold the shotgun with two hands. One next to the trigger (not above) and the other on the barrel, in front of the trigger but not too close to where the bullets start.
Play Paintball Step 5
Play Paintball Step 5

Step 5. Get a safety mask

In all paintball centers, a mask and goggles are required. Without this equipment you will not be allowed to play. If you don't have it, you can rent it, or buy it.

Many paintball masks have a tendency to fog up, blurring the vision. For this reason, many regular players decide to buy "anti-fog" masks, which allow them to breathe easier and fog up less

Play Paintball Step 6
Play Paintball Step 6

Step 6. Get the rest of the safety equipment

Paint bullets can leave small bruises on the skin. They don't hurt much, but you will certainly feel them. The only mandatory equipment is masks and overalls, but it's always best to protect yourself.

  • Try to wear thick gloves while playing. Getting hit on the knuckles or palm hurts a lot. Protective vests and pants are secondary.
  • Wear thick clothing, long-sleeved shirts, and pants when playing paintball. Many play areas are muddy fields or fields full of brambles, so it's best to protect your skin.
  • Men can invest in a shell, although some paintball pants are reinforced with thick padding in the groin area, so this protection is not needed.

Part 2 of 3: Play Paintball

Play Paintball Step 7
Play Paintball Step 7

Step 1. Find a suitable place to play

The size and shape of paintball fields varies a great deal. It is possible to play indoors and outdoors, depending on the area you live in. Playgrounds usually have bunkers, tables, barrels, tire stacks, and other types of covers.

It is also possible to play on private property or create a paintball field if you have land available, but usually, if you are a beginner, it is best to go to an equipped center

Play Paintball Step 8
Play Paintball Step 8

Step 2. Learn the basic rules of paintball

In the equipped centers you can decide what kind of game to play, but some basic rules apply in all cases. Almost all matches are played by two teams, with a time limit, which can be indicated by a visible clock or by an audible signal. The aim of the game is to hit as many members of the opposing team as possible. However, there are many variations, some of which will be described later.

  • Always keep the mask on. There is a safety zone where you have the opportunity to talk and take off your mask, while in the combat zone, you will never be able to take it off.
  • Once you are in the combat zone, you can take the safety off. At this point, after the match has started, you are free to advance and shoot the opposing team's players.
Play Paintball Step 9
Play Paintball Step 9

Step 3. Leave the battlefield after they shoot you

When a player is hit by an exploding bullet, he is eliminated and must leave the combat zone. After being hit, raise your hand to avoid getting any more hits. If a bullet bounces off you without staining you with paint, you are free to continue playing.

It is the players' responsibility to admit when they have been hit. The game is much more fun if everyone follows the rules. If you get hit, you are eliminated

Play Paintball Step 10
Play Paintball Step 10

Step 4. Aim correctly

Paint bullets are heavier and slower than traditional ones, so they lose a lot of altitude even over short distances. When shooting, you have to take this into account. Aim slightly higher than the target you are shooting at and ahead of moving targets.

  • Aim at neck height to ensure a clean shot and compensate for the drop in the bullet's trajectory.
  • If an opponent moves, be sure to aim in front of him, where he will be after a few seconds, so that he runs towards the bullet. Also, imagine that his neck is much wider, like his chest, because that's where he'll be hit by the bullet.
  • Don't aim at someone's head or face. In addition to being dangerous and unsportsmanlike behavior, these shots don't usually count.
  • Some players like to shoot whenever they get the chance, but bullets run out sooner than you think and they're not free. Try to shoot wisely rather than wasting paint all over the battlefield.
Play Paintball Step 11
Play Paintball Step 11

Step 5. Always stay on the move

When you are in the combat zone, whether you are outdoors or indoors, you should move quickly. However, avoid wandering aimlessly. Choose a place to reach and leave in that direction, staying low and quickly.

At the same time, you need to learn when to stand behind cover and wait. Don't run like a headless chicken. Wait for your opponents to reveal their position and make mistakes

Play Paintball Step 12
Play Paintball Step 12

Step 6. Communicate with your mates

Communication is key to team success. Coordinate assaults, movements and strategy before acting and always listen to your comrades.

  • Gather the team before taking the field, decide who will be the leader and what signals you will use. If the leader shouts "Golden Eagle Formation" you will all know what that means.
  • Shouting for a teammate to move forward or crouch reveals your position. The best way to communicate is by hand signals.
Play Paintball Step 13
Play Paintball Step 13

Step 7. Pay attention

Paintball matches take place very quickly and you will be forced to make decisions in a short time if you do not want to be eliminated. Move silently and listen to the sound of twigs breaking, gravel crunching or the echo of footsteps on concrete. Breathe with your nose. Most masks will fog up if you breathe through your mouth. So look around, breathe slowly and pay attention to your surroundings.

Move carefully, but have fun. Paintball isn't just about running from cover to cover with your head down in panic. Keep calm

Play Paintball Step 14
Play Paintball Step 14

Step 8. Try to be stealthy

By learning to move without revealing your location, you will become a better player. To win games, you can't run everywhere aimlessly or advance fearlessly like the Terminator.

  • Try to move quickly from cover to cover, with your knees bent and your head down. Try to offer your opponents the smallest possible target to avoid hits.
  • When you find shelter, stay down. Keep your head down and look up briefly to find a target. Go back down, get ready to shoot, then get out of cover and fire. Aim with precision and use intelligence.
Play Paintball Step 15
Play Paintball Step 15

Step 9. Store your ammo

It's easy to run out of cartridges on the battlefield and in that case the game becomes a lot less fun. Depending on the size of the hopper, you may not have this problem, but it's always a good idea not to waste your shots and only fire when you're sure to hit.

  • Don't shoot every time you hear a noise. Wait until you see an opponent and have a good angle of fire, close enough to hit him.
  • From time to time, you will have to run and shoot. If you know how to behave in these situations, you will become a much better player. Practice moving sideways and holding the shotgun steady.

Part 3 of 3: Playing Different Variants

Play Paintball Step 16
Play Paintball Step 16

Step 1. Play Capture the Flag (CLB)

In this type of match, two teams try to reach the other side of the map and return the opponent's flag to their base. If you get hit, you get eliminated, like in a normal game. If one team runs out of players, the other is free to take the flag.

Often this match has a time limit decided by both teams. Even if you manage to take out all the opponents, you will still have to reach the other side of the field, find the flag and bring it back to the base. It is a variant that requires teamwork and speed

Play Paintball Step 17
Play Paintball Step 17

Step 2. Play Deathmatch

This is the bloodiest variant: two teams compete against each other trying to eliminate all the opposing players. The game ends when there are only one team left or by time limit.

Play Paintball Step 18
Play Paintball Step 18

Step 3. Play Fortress Assault

In this mode, players on a team have only one life and must try to defend a fort from the attackers for a short time. Attackers, on the other hand, have infinite lives, so after being hit they can peel off the paint stains, return to base and resume the assault. The game ends if the attackers manage to enter the base or if the time runs out.

Play Paintball Step 19
Play Paintball Step 19

Step 4. Play Free for All

This mode is similar to Deathmatch, but there are no teams. Everyone fights for himself and the last person to survive wins the game. Alliances are usually formed at certain stages of the game, which will then be broken after a short time. It can be a lot of fun.

Play Paintball Step 20
Play Paintball Step 20

Step 5. Play using local rules

All paintball centers have strict rules, which you must always follow to ensure your safety and that of others. For example, a very common rule is to prevent players closer than three meters from shooting, due to the risk of such a close shot.

In some centers it is possible to get bonus points on the basis of tactical ability or for particularly spectacular plays. There are dozens of variations, but the basics are almost always the same


  • Always stay low, but don't crawl if the situation doesn't call for it. While lying down you would be super slow, while crouching you can move quickly to dodge bullets.
  • While lying down, you are much less visible and harder to hit, but you don't have the ability to move much.
  • Hydrate yourself well. Dehydration can lead to many problems, so be sure to take fluids when you need them.
  • When playing outdoors in a wood, try to blend in with your surroundings and disguise yourself.
  • Be honest. When you get hit by a paint bullet, admit it by raising a hand and slowly walking away from the battlefield. Nobody likes players who wipe their paint off and lie, because they spoil the fun for everyone.
  • Always pay attention to the environment around you. Don't stay too long in one spot, keep moving and stay behind the covers.
  • If you notice an area where there are a lot of players shooting at each other, don't hesitate and take a position of advantage. Crawl behind the enemy team and hit them.
  • Paintball is a sport and some people take it very seriously, perhaps too seriously.
  • If you run out of ammo, ask your companions for help. Don't hesitate to borrow some bullets to end the game.
  • Masks can fog up very quickly, but this is normal. Do not wear a balaclava while playing, as the mask will fog up even more.


  • Paintball can be dangerous if not played correctly, like all other sports. Set the rifle pressure to 150-280 fps. Firing bullets at higher speeds is dangerous.
  • Do not shoot a player without a mask or point the shotgun in their direction, even if they are not loaded.
