Building a rocket out of a bottle is a fun and easy project to make. In fact, you can get it and throw it by reusing materials that you can easily find at home.
Method 1 of 2: Create a Rocket and a Rocket Launcher with One Bottle

Step 1. Roll up a piece of paper to create a cone
This will form the conical tip of the rocket, so feel free to use whatever colored or patterned paper you like to embellish your creation.
Step 2. Wrap the cone with masking tape
In this way it will also be more resistant to water.
- If you want to add some color, you can use colored tape for this operation.
- You can also color the plastic bottle if you want to add another personal touch. You can insert any logo or design that your imagination suggests. The plastic bottle is the body of the rocket.
Step 3. Attach the conical tip to the bottom of the bottle
You can use glue or tape.
Try to glue it straight onto the bottle and make sure it fits tightly
Step 4. Take some thin cardboard and cut 3-4 triangles out of it
Since they will become the drifts of the rocket, try to make them so that they are perfect right-angled triangles. This will allow your toy to stay upright.
- Use cardstock, cardboard, or a document envelope for the drifts. Even the signs, such as those with the words "For rent" or "For sale", are excellent materials.
- Secure the fins at the bottom of the rocket.
- Fold the side of the fins so that they form "tabs", this will make it easier for you to attach them to the body of the rocket. You can use duct tape or glue.
- If you align the bottom edge of the fins with the edge of the rocket, the latter should stand straight on its own.
Step 5. Add ballast to weight your missile
It can be any material that weighs down your creation and allows it to move by inertia once it has been cast.
- Use clay or plasticine for this purpose, since it is soft, malleable and, unlike stones and marbles, does not risk breaking off or fragmenting after the vehicle is launched.
- Model about 60 g of plasticine or clay on the lower edge of the bottle, so as to create a rounded end on the outside of the bottle itself.
- Cover it with masking tape to secure it.
Step 6. Fill the bottle with water
Pour in a liter.
Step 7. Make a very small hole in a cork
Make sure it is the same size as the bicycle pump valve.
Step 8. Insert the cap into the bottle opening
You can also help yourself with pliers to better fit it.
Step 9. Insert the pump needle valve into the hole in the cap
Make sure it fits perfectly.
Step 10. Rotate the rocket so that it is with the tip pointing upwards
Grab it by the neck of the bottle and point it away from you.
Step 11. Launch the rocket
Remember to do it outdoors. You will see that it will fly fast and very high, so remove any obstacles before the test. Here's how to do it:
- Hold the rocket by the neck of the bottle and pump the air inside it. The missile will take off when the cork will no longer be able to withstand the pressure accumulated inside the bottle.
- Let go of the bottle. The water will splash everywhere when the rocket starts, so be ready to get wet.
- Do not go near the rocket when you start pumping air, even if you have the impression that nothing is happening, as you could get injured.
Method 2 of 2: Make a Rocket and Rocket Launcher with Two Bottles
Step 1. Cut the cap off one of the two bottles
For this job use a cutter or a pair of scissors. The cut must be clean and precise, so that the two bottles can be fixed straight together.
The cut allows the rocket to have better aerodynamics and resistance. In addition, a rounded tip is softer and creates less damage to any object the rocket hits on landing

Step 2. The other bottle must remain intact
This will act as a firing chamber that will contain the water and pressurized air. It will be connected to the rocket launcher and the other bottle.
Step 3. Add as many decorations and designs as you want
Feel free to customize the rocket to your taste and with the logo you like best.
Step 4. Insert the sinker into the cut bottle
You can use plasticine, as in the previous method, or cat litter. The latter is cheap, heavy and stays in place even when wet.
- To insert the litter box, tilt the cut bottle and pour in about 1.5 cm. Then add the water to completely wet the sand. Finally pour another 6mm of litter and wet again.
- Avoid accumulating too much of it, as a dry layer may form that will peel off and crumble as the rocket launches. In addition, an excess of ballast (whether it is cat litter or other material) creates a too violent impact during landing.
- Dry the inside walls of the bottle and use duct tape to hold the litter box in place.
Step 5. Join the bottles with masking tape
Align them so that the cut one is at the bottom of the intact one. Press them together so that the edge of the cut bottle is on top of the whole bottle and secure them with sturdy tape.
Step 6. Take a thin cardboard and cut out 3-4 triangles
These will be the drifts of your missile, so try to make perfect right-angled triangles. This way they will be able to hold the rocket straight up and you can be sure it will fly evenly.
- Glue the drifts to the bottom of the cut bottle.
- Fold the edges to create "tabs" that will facilitate the process of attaching to the rocket body. You can use glue or tape.

Step 7. Drill a very small hole in the cork
Make sure it is the same diameter as the needle valve on your bicycle pump.

Step 8. Snap the cap into the whole bottle
You can also help yourself with pliers.

Step 9. Insert the needle valve of the pump into the hole in the cork, it must fit snugly

Step 10. Rotate the rocket with the tip facing up
Hold it by the neck of the bottle and put it on the pump valve.

Step 11. Launch the rocket
Make sure you are outdoors, in an area free from obstacles. The rocket will take off rather quickly and high, so take out any objects that might obstruct its trajectory and warn people nearby of what you are about to do. Here's how to proceed:
- Pump the air into the bottle. The rocket will take off when the cork can no longer withstand the pressure that builds up inside. This happens when the pressure reaches around 80 psi.
- Release the bottle. The water will splash everywhere when the rocket starts, so be prepared to get a little wet.
- When you start pumping the air, be very careful and do not approach the rocket, even if you have the impression that nothing is happening, as you could harm yourself.