Taking a so-called selfie - a photograph of yourself - is a fun way to show the world your taste in fashion, your personality and your self-confidence. From presidents to Academy Award winners, everyone takes their picture, but don't just point the camera at their face and shoot without any preparation - taking pictures that your friends will want to see in their feeds is a real art!
Part 1 of 3: Pose

Step 1. Look for a good angle
Instead of taking the photo from the front, experiment with different angles to show your physiognomy. If you turn your head a few degrees to the right or left, your features will have a greater three-dimensional appearance. By holding the camera slightly higher than your head so that it faces downward on you, your eyes will appear larger and you will avoid that typical 'pig nose' look. Here are other ideas for finding a good angle:
- Try to know your "best side" and take photos from that part of the face that seems more balanced and symmetrical.
- By turning the camera slightly above you, if you take a snapshot of the face and chest, you will highlight your décolleté. Since this position is quite unnatural, you already know what details the camera will focus on when taking such a selfie.

Step 2. Show something new
If you decide to take a self-portrait to show off a new haircut or a new pair of earrings, be sure to pose in a way that highlights the salient feature.

Step 3. Make sure you smile or otherwise have a cheerful expression
A sad or frowning face doesn't help.
- A self portrait to show off your new hairstyle should be taken from the angle that puts them in the best light. Likewise, a self-portrait showing your new mustache should frame it frontally, as well as for glasses.
- You could even take a selfie while showing off a new item you just bought or even some food you are about to eat.

Step 4. Focus on one feature
If you decide to dress up for your self portrait, consider making one feature stand out over the others. This is a very effective technique especially if you have a feature that you really appreciate.
- If, for example, you love your eyes, highlight them with mascara and a complementary eyeshadow, without overloading your skin and lips.
- Likewise, if your smile is your best feature, use natural makeup on your cheeks and eyes and a beautiful lipstick on your lips.

Step 5. Smile
Smiling at the camera may make you feel silly, but taking a casual self-portrait with your phone is silly in itself. Trying to look "cool" in a self portrait often doesn't work well, so don't be shy and show your beautiful smile.
- You can try different smiles of course. A discreet closed-mouth smile can be as appropriate and flattering as a wide, open-mouthed laugh. The smile is the most popular and charming expression you can take, so always prefer it to other expressions.
- It can be difficult to make sure the expression sounds authentic. One way to make it seem more real is to try to 'capture' you when you feel an emotion. Try taking a selfie while watching a movie that is really making you laugh or right after learning some shocking news.

Step 6. Take a full body picture
If you want to show off your new dress or silhouette after a diet, you will need to stand in front of a large mirror to portray your body from head to toe. In this case, your face is no longer the central aspect of the photo.
- Take full body photos in places devoid of many objects. The photo should be completely focused on your figure and not on random objects in the background.
- If you are a woman, you can appear slimmer by turning your hip slightly to the same side as the camera. Your opposite shoulder should move forward slightly, and your free arm should hang at your side or you can rest your free hand on your hip. The chest should be tilted forward naturally, and the legs should be crossed at the ankles.

Step 7. Try a natural look
You can take a picture of yourself as you are always seen by the rest of the world, but a self-portrait with un-combed hair and little makeup can give the illusion, to those who follow you on social networks, that they are looking at the real you - this can be interesting and sexy.
If your appearance as soon as you wake up is more nightmare than dreamy, you can put yourself in order. Even light makeup can give the impression that you are showing your real face, especially if you normally use much heavier makeup

Step 8. Take a picture of your shoes
If you decide to take a picture of your feet after putting on a beautiful pair of new shoes, tilt the camera so that your legs look slimmer.
Point the camera directly down. The edge of the photo should cut the legs at the height of the thighs, rather close to the groin. This angle will make your legs appear as long as possible

Step 9. Avoid common mistakes
These include actions and poses performed incorrectly to set a tone or look seductive. To name a few, the infamous "duck face", contracting muscles, pretending to sleep or pretending to be caught off guard.
- The duck face is a combination of puckered lips and wide eyes, originally made famous by an American reality show. Make this expression at your own risk!
- Taking a self-portrait by pretending it was taken by another person almost never gives good results. There will be indications in your posture or actions that will betray you and expose you to criticism. So when taking a self portrait, just keep honest poses that show you're taking the picture yourself instead of trying to make a different impression.
Part 2 of 3: Setting the Scene for Better Selfies

Step 1. Choose a well-lit area
Good light is a fundamental aspect of every photograph and, therefore, also of self-portraits. If you try to take a picture of yourself in a dimly lit room or in cold fluorescent light, it won't do you good. Natural light is more suitable and yields better, so try to take your selfie near a window or outdoors. Keep these factors in mind when photographing yourself:
- The sun or light source should always be in front of you and never behind. When light filters in from behind you, it casts shadows on your face, ruining your self-portrait.
- Consider using a curtain to filter out some light. By doing this, the light will be more subdued, and the features of your face will appear less defined.
- You can use artificial lighting if needed, but natural light will give the best results. If you don't have optimal lighting, be aware that newer digital cameras offer options to automatically correct color.
- Don't use the flash if you can do without it. It would create a frontal glow with a 'red eye' effect, distorting your appearance.

Step 2. Use the rear camera of the phone
Many cell phones have two cameras: one on the back and one on the front. Instead of using the camera from the front to take selfies, use the rear one. The rear camera takes higher resolution images than the front one, which will end up taking a more blurry photo. You will have to turn your phone and you will not be able to see your face while taking your photo, but using the rear camera is certainly the best choice.

Step 3. Don't use a mirror unless there are other ways to get the shot you want
The image will appear in reverse, the camera will be visible, and a strange, bright light will likely appear. In addition, the selfie may appear distorted, as the mirror does not always reflect a perfectly accurate image. Extend your arm, use your wrist to point the camera at your face, and shoot. It may take a little practice to get it right, but in the end you will know exactly where to position the camera to make sure it captures the whole face (and carefully avoiding cutting off the top of the head).
- The exception would occur if you wanted to take a full body photo, as it could be difficult to capture more of your head and shoulders without using a mirror.
- Practice taking selfies using both your left and right hands. Find which one allows you to get the angles you want.

Step 4. Consider the background of your photo
The best selfies portray much more than a face. There is something interesting in the background as well. If you take your photograph indoors or outdoors, first check out what's going on in the background. Position yourself so that you are in front of the background you want people to see.
- Nature is always a great background. In spring and summer, you can pose in a small tree-lined area or near some flowers. In the fall, it captures the color of the leaves in the background, and in the winter, it takes advantage of the majesty of the snow and ice.
- If nature isn't your thing, you can stay indoors and take a picture in your room. Tidy up first though. You could also show something interesting in the background, as long as it's not a distraction. For example, if you love to read, a bookcase or stack of books is a great background. A movie poster with many different characters, however, could be distracting.

Step 5. Be careful who can ruin your photo
Primary perpetrators include younger siblings, crying babies, and dogs pampering on the lawn behind you. Before taking a picture of yourself, look around to make sure nothing or no one is weaving in the shadows, waiting to ruin your moment.
- Of course, if something manages to ruin your photo, you can always take another one after the intrusion is over. Just make sure you check the background thoroughly before uploading your selfie to the internet.
- Sometimes these disturbing elements actually make the selfie more interesting! Don't discard a photo just because your little sister appears. Her funny face as opposed to yours, more serious, could make for a really interesting photo.
- If you don't want to take the photo again, you can always remove the "jammer" with a photo editing program, or you can cut the image with a special application on your smartphone.

Step 6. Insert other people into the photo
The first requirement of a selfie is that you appear, but there are no rules that say you have to be alone! Call friends, siblings, your dog and other people to come and take a picture with you. The photo will not be well structured and thoughtful, but it will be visually interesting and fun for others to watch and share.
- This is a good way to take a selfie in public, if you are aware of how to take a photo of only yourself.
- The more people appear in the photo, the greater the sharing! If you have a large group of friends instead of just a couple, the photo will probably be seen by more people and will get more 'likes'.
Part 3 of 3: Uploading and Managing Selfies

Step 1. Have fun with filters
Many people who take self-portraits also have applications on their phones that can add interesting effects to their photos thanks to the use of color and light filters. Not all filters are suitable for all photos, so try several options before choosing the best one.
- The simplest filters are "black and white" and "sepia", but if your app offers other options, feel free to try them all.
- Other popular filters include those that make the photo look vintage, creepy, romantic or darker. Feel free to try them all out and see which ones suit your photo the most.

Step 2. If you have a photo editing program, you can also touch up any imperfections or defects in the photo before uploading it to a social network
You can cut out parts of the background, resize the photo so that it frames the face differently, change the lighting effects, and so on. Many of these tweaks can be done on your mobile phone without using an app, but you could also search the dozens of apps available for this purpose.
Use these programs without going overboard, though. If you can't make your edits perfectly natural, take the risk and delete them rather than upload a clearly artifact photo

Step 3. Upload the photo to all your feeds
Share your selfie on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram for all your friends to see. In most cases it is possible to add a caption to describe what is happening in the photo, but you may just want to be talked about.
- When you upload a selfie, it must be yours! Pretending you took a picture of something else and your face just happened to be there won't fool anyone - you have to be proud to show off your pretty face.
- Be aware that some people find selfies annoying and that you may garner some negative comments. If your online album ends up being full of close-ups, you might want to consider changing it up a bit.
- Make sure you leave the types of comments on other people's selfies that you would like to see about yours. The more "I like" you put, the more you will get.

Step 4. Be in trend
This kind of photo has really taken off in recent years and it's fun to follow these trends. What kinds of selfies are filling your feed? Don't be shy and upload some images of your own as well. Here are some of the most popular trends:
- Throwback Thursdays: Every Thursday, people post a photo of themselves from the past. Try to find a childhood selfie or just post one from last week!
- From Where I Stand (literally: "from where I am"): this hashtag was created by those who wanted to share meaningful photos taken from their own perspective. Take a picture of your feet as you are in a country you are visiting for the first time, on the beach, on a cracked city sidewalk or wherever you want to share.
- Feminist Selfie (literally: "feminist selfie"): this hashtag started a trend on Twitter and took off. It's about being proud and posting your photos even if you're not a stereotype of splendor. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
- Hair Smile (literally: "hair smile"): this trend is all about hair. If you think they are your strong point, take a photo that focuses on your hair, rather than your smile.

Step 5. There are some places where you should never take a self portrait
In most cases common sense will suffice, but as a general rule, ask yourself, "Is something important happening right now? Is this place well known?" If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", take the self-portrait at another time.
- Don't take selfies at funerals, weddings, and other important events. If you are at an event that is focused or celebrating another person, put your smartphone back in your pocket and don't attract attention.
- The same goes for places with an important historical significance, especially if the event had tragic characters.
- Be as natural as possible. Naturalness is the very essence of the selfie.
- The body appears more slender if you stick out the hip. Nonetheless, being proud of your figure as it is should be more important, because appearance does not define your abilities.
- The abdominal muscles work best when photographed from the side. For males, leaving the shirt out is better than pulling it up, as it would look sloppy and unconvinced.
- The décolleté is best if you prop yourself up with your elbows on a bed or on the floor.
- If you have muscles, stretch the arm you want to show: the muscles will look better in the picture.
- If you want to take the perfect selfie from above, get a special extension. It stretches and gives more beautiful images, not only from above, but also from any angle.