How to Hem Jeans: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Hem Jeans: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Hem Jeans: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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Finding a pair of jeans of the desired length can often be a daunting task. If you have found a pair that fits you perfectly, except of course in the length of the leg, you can decide whether to have them shortened by a seamstress or to save by making the hem yourself. All you will need is a basic sewing set and some time. You will have jeans that will fit you perfectly and, in addition, you will be proud to have made the necessary changes with your own hands.


Hem Jeans Step 1
Hem Jeans Step 1

Step 1. Decide where to hem

Try on the jeans and decide at what leg height to make this change. Generally, the crease of the jeans is about an inch from the floor, because it prevents you from tripping and at the same time it is not too short. However, feel free to change the length according to your personal preferences.

Step 2. Fold the ends of the jeans

Create a cuff at the height where you want to hem. Flatten the folded fabric onto a flat surface and check it to make sure you have calculated the right amount of fabric. Once the cuff is done on one side, measure the hem and use it to create an equal fold on the other leg.

Step 3. Place pins on the hem

Insert pins around the circumference of the hem to hold the fabric in place. Make sure the seams are perfectly aligned on each leg, but also even with each other.

Step 4. Sew the hem

Sew around the circumference of the fold just below that of the existing hem. You can use a sewing machine or you can do it by hand. To be clear, you will need to sew the cuff on the trouser leg and then fold it inside the leg. This will give you the opportunity to unstitch the crease, in case you want to lengthen the pants later.

Step 5. Open the hem

Fold the excess fabric in the cuff, revealing the hem again. This way, on the inside of the leg you will have a small loop of fabric along the bottom edge of the legs. Try on the jeans to make sure they are the right length.

Step 6. Iron the jeans

Use an iron to flatten the hem created along the bottom edge. This way, you will squeeze the fabric ring on the inside of the leg and the jeans will be the perfect length, without the crease mark.
