If you are planning to buy a Louis Vuitton handbag, learn to recognize counterfeit ones and track down the seller to examine its authenticity.
Method 1 of 4: Check the Quality
Step 1. Examine the stitches:
this step should be done in person but, if not possible, ask the seller for many photos taken up close. Rough seams scream "fake bag". Another indicator is the number of stitches per inch (stitches per inch) of the seam. The more points there are, the better the strength of the bag, which results in high quality work. Authentic Louis Vuitton bags, of course, have more of them than counterfeit ones.
Step 2. Discard the bags with sloping patterns:
the original ones are perfectly proportioned.
Step 3. Look for the inverted logo on the back
Not all authentic bags have it, but many do, especially if the design was made using a single, seamless piece of fabric. This statement is particularly true of the Speedy, the Keepall and the Papillon.
Method 2 of 4: Know the Seller
The reliability and reputation of a seller are two other factors that are not negligible.
Step 1. Do your research, especially if you are going to buy the bag online
Read his feedback: they should all be, or almost all, positive. Avoid those with negative, absent, or private opinions.
Step 2. Avoid even those who don't offer a return policy
Step 3. Read between the lines
If a product description makes you hesitate, trust your instincts.
Step 4. If you can't see the bag in person, only consider ads that have high quality photos and that at least feature the front, back, base, lining, date code, and embossed print. that says “Louis Vuitton Made in”
Step 5. Request additional images from the seller:
some post fake photos to sell.
Step 6. Looking for offers is acceptable, but too-discounted prices stink of burning
A legitimate Louis Vuitton, perhaps used, costs no less than 100 euros.
Step 7. Be wary of ads offering bags from the new collection not yet available in store
Step 8. Avoid bag offers from a wholesale list or clearance sale
Louis Vuitton does not discount, has no outlets and does not sell wholesale. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
Step 9. Don't buy Louis Vuitton from street vendors:
it's illegal, and what's the good of having a purse that's obviously fake?
Method 3 of 4: Attention to Small Details
We are talking about the closures, the inner lining and the date code. Each design has some differences, but, broadly speaking, here's how to orient yourself.
Step 1. Avoid bags that have a tag (most Louis Vuitton don't have one), especially if it looks cheap and is attached with a lanyard
Step 2. Check the inner lining
For counterfeit copies, plastic or suede is used. An authentic bag can be lined with a variety of fabrics, but typically the following are used: canvas, fabric printed with small monograms, leather, polyester or microfiber.
Step 3. Beware of bags with handles wrapped in plastic:
leather does not need protection of this type.
Step 4. Look at the buckles and other metal objects:
for real bags brass or gold are used, while fakes are almost always characterized by golden metals.
Step 5. The hinges should have the LV logo stamped on the puller
Step 6. Look at the “Made in” label
In the past, genuine Louis Vuitton shoes were only produced in France, but in recent decades the manufacturing has been partly shifted to the United States, Spain, Germany and Italy.
Step 7. Verify the date code
Most bags manufactured after the early 1980s have a manufacturing code printed on the bag. Since the 1990s, the code includes two letters followed by four numbers; before, however, it consisted of one or two letters, to which three or four numbers were added. Some were simple codes consisting of three numbers.
Look in the right place: Typically the date code is located under the D-ring
Step 8. Know the specific parts of a certain bag
The originals are similar to each other, but not identical. Research the type of lining and base and other characteristics that a certain model should have. Check on the company's website or ask at the boutique closest to you.
Method 4 of 4: A General Look
This is the first step to verify the authenticity of the bag. Some copies are really bad, while others can be deceiving very easily.
Step 1. Find out if the design is the real one
If in doubt, analyze a bag in a boutique or on the maison's official website.
Step 2. Watch out for reproductions that are so faithful to the original that they seem real
Also remember that Multicolor, Cherry Blossom and Cerises are not available in all sizes. Vintage pieces are almost always fakes.
Step 3. If you buy a bag with the monogram, the print of the letters should be gold and with brown contour lines
Avoid single-color or green monograms.
- Look for photos that show the differences between the originals and the fake ones on the internet.
- Don't be fooled by the extras. Counterfeiters are also able to forge protective bags, gift boxes, authenticity cards and article care manuals. The inclusion of these elements does not guarantee the originality of the piece.