How to Increase Testosterone Levels: Are Natural Remedies Effective?

How to Increase Testosterone Levels: Are Natural Remedies Effective?
How to Increase Testosterone Levels: Are Natural Remedies Effective?

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Testosterone is a hormone belonging to the category of androgens, implicated in the regulation of sexual desire, the growth of muscle mass, sperm count, fat distribution and bone health. If the level is low, you can suffer from erectile dysfunction, depression, lack of sexual desire, exhaustion, irritability and reduced lean body mass, so of course it is very likely that in such circumstances you will try to solve the problem. Generally, medical treatment involves taking medications and hormone therapy to increase the production of this hormone, but there are some natural remedies you might want to try first. Fortunately, you can take some steps to boost testosterone levels as long as there isn't a health problem at the origin. In any case, if natural treatments do not prove effective, consult your doctor and follow conventional treatments.


Method 1 of 3: Change the Power

The diet is able to greatly affect the physiological processes that affect the body, so a poor diet risks lowering testosterone levels. Making changes in your diet will probably not favor a noticeable rise in this hormone, but you can mitigate any deficiency. So, try making the following changes to see if they are helpful and see your doctor if you don't notice any improvement within a few weeks.

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 1
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Typically, balanced nutrition plays a key role in reproductive health and testosterone levels.

  • To keep it healthy, include at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Eat a couple with each meal and also add them as a snack throughout the day.
  • Eat meals made with flours or whole grains instead of those made with the refined variant in order to eat healthier carbohydrates.
  • Remember to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. In general, 6-8 glasses a day are enough.
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 2
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Take zinc and vitamin D daily

According to some studies, a deficiency in these nutrients can lead to a decrease in testosterone, so include them in your daily diet. Certainly they do not work miracles if there is already a deficiency in place, but they can increase the levels of this hormone if its intake through the diet is insufficient.

  • Adults need 15 mcg of vitamin D per day. Excellent sources include eggs, dairy products, fish, liver, red meat, and fortified foods. You can also take it by exposing yourself to the sun for a few minutes.
  • Adults need 8-11 mg of zinc per day. You can get it by eating shellfish, white meats, red meat, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified foods.
  • You can also ensure your intake of these two nutrients by taking special supplements. Ask your doctor if they have any contraindications for your health condition.
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 3
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Try magnesium supplements

According to a study, magnesium supplements allow you to increase testosterone levels in athletes, so they can also be effective in your case. Try taking them every day or increase your intake of this mineral through your diet to see if anything changes.

  • Ask your doctor what the right doses are. The study referred to used 10 mg of magnesium for every kilogram of body weight, which means that a person weighing 68 kg should take 680 mg. This is a much higher amount than your normal daily dose, so check with your doctor to find out if there are any contraindications before trying.
  • Foods rich in magnesium include legumes, nuts, seeds, shellfish, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, and fortified foods.
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 4
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Increase your omega-3 intake

Healthy fatty acids, especially omega-3s, can increase the size of the testicles. Since there is an association between testicular volume and testosterone levels, it is possible that they favor the increase of this hormone. Include more omega-3 rich sources in your diet, including fish, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and legumes, to see if they offer any improvement.

Get 1, 1-1, 6 g of omega-3s per day

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 5
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 5

Step 5. Eliminate trans fats

While healthy fats positively affect testosterone levels, trans fats appear to inhibit testicular function and lower testosterone levels. Although they are contained in quite tasty dishes, they are unhealthy, so try to eliminate them completely from your diet.

The greatest risk of trans fats is that they increase the risk of developing heart disease. Try to avoid processed foods that have undergone the frying process, as well as artificial sweeteners and margarine

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 6
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 6

Step 6. Avoid sugary foods and drinks

It is not easy to resist sugar, but the consumption of sugary foods and drinks, such as soft drinks, is associated with testosterone deficiency. So, stay away from added sugars as much as possible, especially those contained in sweet and fizzy drinks.

Get in the habit of reading nutrition tables when shopping. You will be surprised at how much sugar some products contain

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 7
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 7

Step 7. Drink alcohol in moderation

Excessive alcohol consumption also risks lowering testosterone levels.

Method 2 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle

You can take some measures in daily life to increase testosterone values. Like dietary changes, these tips probably won't guarantee a sharp rise in hormone levels, but they can prevent a deficiency and make you feel better. Try making the following changes if you want to boost testosterone levels naturally.

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 8
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 8

Step 1. Exercise regularly to promote testosterone production

Both aerobic activity and muscle strengthening have a positive effect on the values of this hormone. So, try to train every day to produce it in larger quantities.

  • Generally, it is recommended that you get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. You can divide them into 30-minute sessions, spread over 5-7 days.
  • More intense training has not been shown to further increase testosterone levels, so there is no need to strain.
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 9
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 9

Step 2. Lose weight if necessary

Overweight men tend to have lower testosterone levels, so you should probably lose weight. Consult your doctor to find out your ideal weight, then develop a diet plan and exercise program to achieve and stay within certain weights.

A healthy diet and regular physical activity promote weight loss, so the need to increase testosterone production also allows you to maintain normal weight

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 10
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 10

Step 3. Reduce stress in daily life

Although we are all stressed, constant stress can interfere with the body's physiological processes and lower testosterone levels. If you are always nervous or overworked, try some relaxation techniques. If you are unable to relieve tension, it may be very helpful to consult a mental health professional.

  • Some effective relaxation exercises include meditation and deep breathing. Try to find 15-20 minutes a day to practice them.
  • Hobbies are also a great way to reduce stress. So, try to pursue your hobbies every day or indulge in the things you enjoy.
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 11
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 11

Step 4. Get enough sleep

Since sleep also helps regulate hormone production, busy schedules that compromise sleep quality risk lowering testosterone levels. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night to safeguard your body's physiological mechanisms and testosterone production.

  • If you regularly suffer from insomnia, try to relax before bed. Turn off your phone, TV and computer. Indulge in relaxing activities, such as meditating, reading, and listening to quiet music, or take a bath to get ready for bed.
  • Sleep apnea can lower testosterone production because it does not allow for restful sleep. If you usually wake up tired or snore too much, get tested to diagnose this problem.

Method 3 of 3: Follow Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy is the recommended treatment for testosterone deficiency; therefore, if your lifestyle changes are not effective, your doctor will suggest one of the following treatments. There are several testosterone-based treatments, so the choice depends on your opinion in relation to your needs and health conditions. Each of these treatments should bring testosterone levels back to normal.

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 12
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 12

Step 1. Get testosterone injections every 2 weeks

It is an intramuscular administration to be carried out every 10-14 days. You can do this at your doctor's office or get the drug and infuse yourself. This is an effective treatment, but not ideal if you hate syringes and needles.

  • If you decide to inject testosterone yourself, always look at the syringe before using it. If the liquid looks cloudy or you notice particles inside, do not use it.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, store the syringes at room temperature.
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 13
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 13

Step 2. Use testosterone-based patches or gels

It is a less invasive hormone therapy. Through the gel or patch, testosterone passes through the skin and enters the body. Apply the medication following your doctor's instructions carefully so as to avoid excessive intake.

If you use the gel, make sure your partner or other people don't touch you. They may randomly take a dose of hormones if they come into contact with the skin you applied it to

Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 14
Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Step 14

Step 3. Undergo a subcutaneous testosterone implant in the form of a pellet

This treatment involves inserting small testosterone-containing granules under the skin in the area of the hips, back or buttocks. They slowly dissolve releasing hormones over several months. It is a treatment that requires little effort on the part of the patient who has to replace the pellets only every 3-6 months, so it is useful if you have difficulty following a therapy.

Health reminder

Certainly there are dietary and lifestyle changes that promote testosterone production. Although they do not involve noticeable results, they help prevent deficiencies, provided you do not suffer from other health problems. In any case, if you have symptoms related to low testosterone levels, you should consult your doctor and, if necessary, take medications. Medical treatment can correct hormonal imbalances.


  • Although sexual activity immediately increases testosterone levels, sex has no effect on your overall values. Therefore, it should not be considered as a treatment for low testosterone.
  • Also consider oral hormone replacement therapies.


  • Some studies show that nicotine and tobacco products actually increase testosterone levels. However, there are other health risks associated with their consumption, so don't try to smoke if you want to increase the production of this hormone.
  • There are no known natural remedies that can actually increase testosterone levels, so don't try them without consulting your doctor.