3 Ways to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

3 Ways to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction
3 Ways to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Table of contents:


Do you have difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse? About 50% of men over 40 years of age are in the same situation. As millions of people can attest, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a frustrating problem that has a negative impact on both relationships and self-esteem. The good news is that there are many techniques to deal with it, from simple lifestyle changes, to medications to herbal remedies. If you want to know how to deal with and overcome erectile dysfunction and get back to enjoying a healthy sex life, read on.


Method 1 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

Gain Weight Step 11
Gain Weight Step 11

Step 1. Overcome your aversion to the doctor's office

Millions of men suffering from erectile dysfunction are too embarrassed to talk to their doctor. However, it is a very common disorder, although it is not considered an age-related "physiological" change. Often, it is a symptom of an underlying problem that needs to be treated. Before trying to resolve the situation on your own, it is essential to make an appointment with your doctor to rule out other diseases that could interfere with the ability to maintain an erection.

  • Check with your doctor about the health of your vascular system. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or hyperglycemia, it is possible that one of these conditions has damaged the arteries of the heart resulting in erection problems.
  • Heart disease and diabetes are two serious diseases that often, when they are still in their infancy, manifest themselves with erectile dysfunction. If you are diabetic or have heart disease, proper treatment of your condition could help you overcome ED.
Follow a Morning Ritual to Lose Weight and Stay Slimmer Step 10
Follow a Morning Ritual to Lose Weight and Stay Slimmer Step 10

Step 2. Exercise regularly, without lying to yourself

Make going out for a walk or to the gym a priority. You should walk, run, swim, bike, or lift weights at least 4 times a week. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, walking half an hour a day lowers the risk of developing erectile dysfunction by 41%. Regular physical activity improves blood circulation, allowing blood to flow throughout the body. To support an erection, circulation is the key factor.

Get Rid of a Fat Chest (for Guys) Step 8
Get Rid of a Fat Chest (for Guys) Step 8

Step 3. Get slim

A large waistline correlates with a higher chance of suffering from ED. Striving to lose weight greatly improves the quality of life under the sheets. Try to eat a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats.

  • Avoid industrial foods and those rich in sugars and refined flours.
  • Replace high-calorie sodas with unsweetened water or tea.
  • Choose healthy snacks like nuts, carrots, and apples instead of bars or junk food overflowing with sugar.
Be a Man Step 9
Be a Man Step 9

Step 4. Stop smoking

Smoking worsens erectile dysfunction, as it interferes with the work of the circulatory system and is related to ED. If you have trouble maintaining an erection, then it's time to say goodbye to cigarettes forever.

If you can't quit completely, at least reduce your number of cigarettes as much as possible. You can limit yourself to two per day, which is always better than a whole package

Distract Yourself from Hunger Step 10
Distract Yourself from Hunger Step 10

Step 5. Avoid alcohol

This is another substance that has a great impact on erections. After a few drinks, many men of all ages find sexual intercourse much more difficult.

Lose Upper Arm Fat Step 10
Lose Upper Arm Fat Step 10

Step 6. Train your pelvic floor

The muscles in this part of the body help the penis stay erect as they press against the vein and prevent blood from flowing out until sexual intercourse is over. Men who exercise this body part have better sexual performance than those who rely on lifestyle changes alone to deal with erectile dysfunction. To train these internal muscles, rely on Kegel exercises.

  • To find the pelvic floor, contract the muscles you should be stimulating to stop the flow of urine.
  • Contract and release muscles 8 times, rest and repeat 8 more times. Continue like this until you've done 3-4 sets of 8 reps.
  • Practice Kegel exercises at least once a day, every day.

Method 2 of 3: Overcoming Anxiety

Sleep When You Are Not Tired Step 16
Sleep When You Are Not Tired Step 16

Step 1. Eliminate all stressors in your life

Anxiety is one of the major culprits of ED. If you can find a way to relax, you will have a better chance of maintaining erections. Think about what is the biggest source of tension in your life right now and what you can do to take a break.

  • If your schedule is busy from morning to night, then consider how you can "thin it out" to give yourself time to relax.
  • Turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. You'll sleep better, which is essential for reducing stress.
  • Spend more time outdoors. Breathing fresh air and being surrounded by nature is a great way to calm anxiety.
Spice up Your Sex Step 1Bullet2
Spice up Your Sex Step 1Bullet2

Step 2. Practice mindfulness

Do you find that during sexual intercourse you are distracted by worries instead of living in the moment? Awareness is the act of being completely aware of the present, both physically and mentally. Clear your mind and focus only on how your body feels during sex.

If sex has become a routine and is no longer stimulating, try to change things a bit by adding new scents, sounds and fabrics with different textures. For example, use massage oil or play music that allows you and your partner to feel at ease

Talk to Your Wife or Girlfriend about Oral Sex Step 1
Talk to Your Wife or Girlfriend about Oral Sex Step 1

Step 3. Talk to your partner

Do you feel comfortable and appreciated for your sexual performance? If you are worried about meeting your partner's too high expectations or being up to certain standards, then it will not be easy to maintain an erection. In this case we speak of performance anxiety. If you are concerned that your partner's judgment is preventing you from having a satisfying relationship, then you need to communicate your needs and find a way to make sex more inviting.

Talk to Your Wife or Girlfriend about Oral Sex Step 2
Talk to Your Wife or Girlfriend about Oral Sex Step 2

Step 4. Increase your knowledge of sex

If you feel a deep sense of anxiety or guilt about sexual activity, these negative emotions can manifest themselves as erectile dysfunction. Learning more about sex is a good way to feel more comfortable with your body and to better understand your needs. Read some essays on sexual techniques and attend a positive sex seminar to open your mind to new possibilities and increase the feeling of comfort.

Method 3 of 3: Try Drugs and Therapies

Maintain an Erection Step 11
Maintain an Erection Step 11

Step 1. Take specific medicines

Some medications can help men maintain an erection for several hours, each time. The active ingredients work by increasing the effect of nitric oxide that the body naturally produces to relax and increase blood flow to the penis. If you are interested in taking these kinds of medications to treat your ED, talk to your doctor for a prescription.

  • It is important to treat the underlying pathologies that could have erectile dysfunction among the symptoms rather than simply managing the latter with medicines.
  • ED medications may also not work and may even be dangerous when taken concomitantly with other medications or by patients with a history of heart attack or heart disease.
Maintain an Erection Step 13
Maintain an Erection Step 13

Step 2. Consider injections or suppositories

If you prefer not to take oral medications, know that they are also available in the form of injections or suppositories. In this case, the active ingredient alprostadil is used directly in the penis to get an erection. Side effects include pain and accumulation of fibrous tissue inside the penis.

Make Yourself Sleepy Step 7
Make Yourself Sleepy Step 7

Step 3. Learn about hormone replacement therapy for testosterone

If your doctor has determined that your ED is caused by low levels of this hormone, then replacement therapy may be the solution. Discuss with your doctor to understand how to start it.

Maintain an Erection Step 12
Maintain an Erection Step 12

Step 4. Try a penis pump

It is a device consisting of a hollow tube and a hand pump. The penis is inserted into the tube and the pump is used to generate an erection. A ring should be placed at the base of the penis to prevent blood flow from leaving the penis. If you are interested in this tool, ask your doctor which model is best suited to your needs.

Maintain an Erection Step 15
Maintain an Erection Step 15

Step 5. Evaluate an implant

There are inflatable or semi-rigid implants that are inserted into the penis and allow you to have greater control of the erection. Given that the implant can cause infections, doctors are not particularly inclined to suggest it, unless all other solutions have had negative results.

Reduce Water Retention Step 14
Reduce Water Retention Step 14

Step 6. Try natural remedies

If you are not interested in drugs and devices, then consult a homeopath who can advise you on natural remedies for ED. Although no studies have been conducted proving that these remedies are effective for everyone, some men have found benefits in acupuncture, herbal medicines and epimedium, also called "herbal Viagra".

  • Do not take supplements or extracts without consulting your healthcare provider first.
  • Korean red gingseng, dehydroepiandrosterone, and l-arginine have proven to be very effective for some men.

Step 7. Try massaging egg oil

This product contains omega-3 fatty acids, immunoglobulins and xanthophyll antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin). These substances improve blood micro-circulation in the penile area. Massage the egg oil well on the glans after retracting the foreskin. Let it work overnight and wash off with soap and water the next morning. To avoid vaginal infections for your partner, do not have sex without a condom after applying the oil.

Step 8. Try Ayurvedic remedies for ED

These include herbs such as Withania somnifera, Mucuna prurins, Chlorophytum Arundinaceum, Asparagus Aacemosus, Tribulus Terrestris and so on; all of these have been used for centuries, as they offer benefits against male sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction. Scientific research carried out on these herbs has established both their mechanism of action and health benefits. Alternatively, homeopathic science involves the use of chaste tree and Onosmodium to restore sexual health. These natural remedies can help many men in managing ED. Scientific research has provided guidelines for the use of these herbs and justifies their use as natural aphrodisiacs.


  • You can start the conversation with the doctor very simply by saying: "I think I have some problems in bed" or "My sex life is not what it used to be". Erectile dysfunction is a very common problem and what you are about to tell your doctor is nothing new to him. Remember that 50% of males over 40 suffer from it. You are not alone!
  • You can try the medications as long as the doctor has no objection. Remember that your doctor is the only person who can tell you if a medicine is suitable for you. Also, he may have samples for you to try.

    Before considering the purchase of an erectile dysfunction product not prescribed by a doctor, you should make sure that it is valid

  • If ongoing treatments do not resolve the situation, consider seeking other treatments that are currently in development.


  • The real Viagra drug can only be purchased with a prescription. Don't believe the advertisements you find online or in newspapers claiming to sell it. These are counterfeit and illegal pills. They could be dangerous because you don't know what they contain.
  • Remember to consult your doctor before taking any medications.
