Cultivating hope means starting to breathe again. Read on for some points of view that will help you regain hope. First of all, stop for a moment and think about the fact that there is probably already the seed of hope inside you - even if you may not know it! But keep in mind that progress can always be made: you can cultivate hope within yourself even more than you do now, and have the success you want!

Step 1. Think of a plan for your life
Ask yourself: "Is there a correlation between hope and the possibilities given by faith?"
- If you answered yes, focus on opportunities for improvement and faith. What do you believe in, and why? Can you get stronger by working on it?
- If you answered no, try to understand the differences between the two. Doing so could help you understand how you use your faith and see new possibilities.

Step 2. Look at the people around you
You can learn a lot from them.
- Think of the people who seem to have hope for their future, their expectations, their dreams, and have faith in how things could go.
- Look at people who are making progress towards achieving their goals and who are balanced, happy, optimistic - do you think they think in terms of possibilities and opportunities?

Step 3. Imagine waking up every morning with new and fresh opportunities and with the hope that they will come true
- You can cultivate hope throughout the day … make progress towards your goals …
- This means "Thinking about what is possible". Imagine knowing that everything will be fine as you make progress to seize your opportunities.

Step 4. Work slowly but steadily, first small and then, when you can better understand what you need to do, with faster and safer steps …

Step 5. Look for educational and counseling services
Keep in mind that doing so may mean setting long-term goals that require time and effort - don't be discouraged in the improvement process.

Step 6. Choose to “ride life
“Live life as it comes… accept it. Appreciate what brings you good, or change what you can, a little at a time, day by day.
- Compile a list of possibilities and start planning short-term goals to influence and change what you can.
- Make a big change, like a new career or a move, if it feels like it's the right way to progress in your life.

Step 7. Keep the hope alive that “everything will be fine”
- Believe it will truly be, if you are guided by faith in doing your best to progress towards your goals, both short and long term ones.
- Hope stays alive as long as you have faith in a plan for your life, and see possibilities for change as you make progress. What is the success?

Step 8. Success is not an end
Succeeding means making continuous progress, growing, seeing and pursuing new opportunities, with persistence and perseverance.

Step 9. Reschedule, rebuild - completely or partially, but never give up

Step 10. Relax and recharge your energy, the refreshment will help you get back on track with new momentum

Step 11. Develop skills
You are not born with skills, these must be acquired and developed with practice.
Never say: "I've never had talent" or "I've never …"
People who think and speak in this way are actually admitting that they have not had consistency, that they have never really pursued the right idea, that they have not planned properly and firmly followed the development of plans to achieve their goals
- Start sometime, somewhere, somehow… and don't give up! Reach your goal, don't be afraid, get up if you stumble, stay focused.
- Read. Read anything that can give you new information. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you will grow.
- Think about how many things could happen if you just persist in trusting and working to achieve goals thanks to your passion and life energy.
- Sometimes good ideas are buried deep, other times they are more on the surface. We all know people who seem to have hope even when others around them despair. Be one of them. What do they do in particular? Always think about moving forward, and keep your eyes and mind focused on the goals to be achieved (short and long term), not on the problem.
- Hope holds us steady when we might give in. The truth is that hope is always within our reach as long as we are alive. Be aware of your ability to visualize what is possible.
- Listen to music that gives you happiness and songs that communicate hope. You can hear the music of life in every note… treasure it. Other people can make you hope and feel better with their music! Listen to the sounds of life expressing itself around you.
- Helping others when they are in trouble is a great way to "get over" your problems, or even forget them altogether.
We all come into the world with the hope of being able to breathe and be able to nourish ourselves: it is natural.
If youth is the season of hope, it is only because
the older generation has hopes in us, because no age is so inclined
to see in every emotion, departure and resolution the last of their kind.
Every crisis seems conclusive, only because it is new. (George Eliot)
- Remember others. Sometimes it does us good to put our problems aside for a while when we feel down. Do something uplifting and useful for someone.
Talk to others. Talking with friends or family is always good. Talk about life and ask them:
- "How do you try to overcome difficult and hectic moments?"
- "How do you manage to organize your to-dos in order to keep up with everything that life entails?"
- Believe in a loving and saving God. No matter what religion you are, what matters is knowing that God can save you, and that He loves you. When you have a problem, sit down for a moment, look at His creation (nature) and think of Him. You will feel His love and find hope. Try to get to know your savior.
- To stop hoping is to stop getting better, and it's unnatural. We must "hope for the best" and hold on … always knowing that even when everything seems to go wrong, we can always rely on hope, right down to the last.
- Remember to stay focused on what you need to do to achieve your goals. Don't be tempted by distractions and don't waste time and opportunities.
- Nobody has to tell you how to cultivate hope. Nobody told us how to breathe or how to find nourishment… we just did it. Start making progress, hoping …
- Consider that you live (or could live) for a reason, and that's all it takes to prove that hope exists.