In many emergency situations, time is crucial in saving someone's life. In these cases, it is of the utmost importance to know what to do and act quickly!

Step 1. Take deep breaths
The brain needs oxygen to function properly. Take long, deep breaths, not short ones. If you gasp, your adrenaline rush increases. Keep taking deep breaths until you are sure you can handle the situation. If you feel like you can't make it, even after a minute of deep breathing, seek help. If you feel you can't handle the situation, there's no point in "giving it a try", you could make things worse. If a minute of deep breaths wasn't enough to calm you down, call an emergency number. Do not wait more than a minute, waiting longer could precipitate the situation. In these cases, either you are able to make it or not. Make your choice carefully.

Step 2. Think about what to do and take action
Make sure you still have time. Think about every decision you make, and try to predict the consequences. Be quick, not too agitated, but don't act like you have all the time in the world either. Haste could cause you to make bad decisions and you will waste more time. Whenever you decide to do something, ask yourself if it's worth it. And once you get started, go all the way!

Step 3. Call an emergency number, such as 112, 113 or 118
After considering the action plan, call for help immediately. Your work can help stabilize the situation, but no matter how good you have been, you need to ask for help. If other people are with you, yell at someone to call for help while you decide what to do. Don't yell "at the crowd", but at a particular person. If you order something from a specific person, they will do what you asked them to do. If you yell orders at the crowd, everyone will assume that someone else is already fulfilling your requests.

Step 4. Follow the operator's instructions on the phone and do not hang up
Help anyone who is hurt by trying to figure out what you would need if you were in their situation. If there are several people injured, help those who are most seriously injured. If you need clothes or water, ask those present to get them for you. Don't leave anyone alone unless absolutely necessary.

Step 5. Relax
Wait for help to arrive. Typically, there is nothing you can do after calling the emergency services. Don't relax completely, but don't panic either. Keep breathing deeply, at this point you have done everything in your power. Do not think you have to do something extra, because the emergency specialists, as soon as they arrive, will know exactly what to do.
- Keep calm.
- Take deep breaths and allow oxygen to reach the brain. It will help you think clearly and regain control.
- Unless you are an experienced doctor or emergency worker, the situation will appear more serious than it really is, especially if there is half blood and broken bones involved. While it is always important to keep suspicion that something serious might happen, remember that the situation probably looks worse than it really is.
- Be ready. None of the above steps will help you if you don't have a clue what to do. You have no excuse: take a first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course at least once in your life. It could really mean the difference between life and death for you, a loved one, or even a complete stranger who needs your help.
- If you panic, call the emergency services and do nothing else - in such a condition you could easily make mistakes.
- No matter how serious the situation seems, Not helping other people at the cost of your safety and / or your life. Even emergency personnel refrain from providing help if the environment is unsafe. Six useless if you get injured. If the scene is not safe, stay out of it.
- Never waste time in an emergency situation.