3 Ways to Clean Gold Teeth

3 Ways to Clean Gold Teeth
3 Ways to Clean Gold Teeth

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Gold is a very popular metal in dentistry. It is used for fillings, crowns and is very popular for removable false teeth and grillz. The care and hygiene of these prostheses are as important as those of real teeth. If you have a permanent tooth, a filling or a gold crown, you have to proceed as simply as you do with your natural teeth; if it is removable or you have a grill, clean it every day with a mild detergent and warm water and finally polish it with a soft cloth to maintain the shine.


Method 1 of 3: Clean Permanent Gold Teeth

Clean Gold Teeth Step 1
Clean Gold Teeth Step 1

Step 1. Use the toothbrush just like on the rest of your natural teeth

It is easy to clean gold teeth just like everyone else; use toothpaste and wash your arches with a toothbrush.

Proceed twice a day

Clean Gold Teeth Step 2
Clean Gold Teeth Step 2

Step 2. Use floss regularly

Remember to pass it around the gold tooth like everyone else. Although this type of capsule reduces the wear of adjacent teeth and slows down the decay of the one on which it was implanted, it must still be clean; remember to run the thread on the false tooth as well as on the rest of the mouth.

You should do this at least once a day

Clean Gold Teeth Step 3
Clean Gold Teeth Step 3

Step 3. Remember that bleaching agents have no effect on this material

If you want to use whitening strips or toothpaste, remember that the gold tooth does not change its appearance; the compounds of these products do not alter the color of the precious metal, as it does for natural teeth.

Clean Gold Teeth Step 4
Clean Gold Teeth Step 4

Step 4. Schedule of visits to the dentist for cleaning sessions

Gold teeth need regular care just like other teeth, fillings and other crowns; this means that you must continue to undergo regular checks at the dental office.

During the visit, the doctor also cleans the tooth or the gold crown; in the meantime, inspect your mouth for other problems such as gingivitis or periodontal disease

Method 2 of 3: Caring for Removable Gold Teeth

Clean Gold Teeth Step 5
Clean Gold Teeth Step 5

Step 1. Clean it with detergent

If you have this type of prosthesis, you should sanitize it daily using a non-abrasive product; after cleaning, rinse it with warm water and pat it dry.

Ask your dentist for further advice on proper care; you can buy specific cleaners for gold teeth at online retailers

Clean Gold Teeth Step 6
Clean Gold Teeth Step 6

Step 2. Use a cloth to polish it

After cleaning the precious tooth, pat it dry; afterwards, use a soft cloth to polish it before inserting it back into your mouth to preserve its luster and shine.

Use a soft cotton or microfiber cloth

Clean Gold Teeth Step 7
Clean Gold Teeth Step 7

Step 3. Don't smoke

If you have a gold tooth, you should stop this bad habit; the smoke blackens the metal and makes it opaque. If you don't want to quit smoking, you should choose a higher quality gold for the tooth.

For example, if you don't want to give up on cigarettes, opt for 18- or 24-karat gold that doesn't blacken as quickly as lower-grade gold

Clean Gold Teeth Step 8
Clean Gold Teeth Step 8

Step 4. Do not use cleaners designed for gold jewelry

While it may seem reasonable to clean solid gold or gold-plated teeth with a normal gold-plated metal, it's not a good idea at all. These substances are toxic by ingestion, which means you should never use them on something you then put in your mouth, such as false teeth.

Also, never use gold polish on teeth made from this metal

Method 3 of 3: Caring for a Gold Grill

Clean Gold Teeth Step 9
Clean Gold Teeth Step 9

Step 1. Clean it every day

If you wear this type of "mouth jewelry", you should take it off and clean it daily. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste to wash it and remove any residue; rinse it with hot water and, between uses, leave it in an antiseptic mouthwash to sanitize it.

Daily cleaning eliminates the bacteria that accumulate on the structure along with the remains of food

Clean Gold Teeth Step 10
Clean Gold Teeth Step 10

Step 2. Wash the grill with soapy water

Another way to take care of this accessory is to wash it with a mild, liquid dish soap. Remove it from your mouth and put it in a bowl of hot water in which you have diluted a little detergent; let it soak for an hour or two before air-drying it.

You can also blot it with a cloth

Clean Gold Teeth Step 11
Clean Gold Teeth Step 11

Step 3. Limit the time you wear the grill

This piece of jewelry is a removable, gold-plated cover that snaps onto the tooth and you don't have to constantly hold it in your mouth; food and bacteria remain trapped there and, if they remain in contact with the teeth for a long time, they can promote tooth decay and gum disease.

Clean Gold Teeth Step 12
Clean Gold Teeth Step 12

Step 4. Take it off when you eat

To keep it in good condition along with healthy and clean teeth, you should extract it before meals. Eating with this accessory, the food gets stuck between the metal and the teeth, favoring bacterial proliferation and tooth decay.
